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Aalberg, Toril, Esser, Frank, Reinemann, Carsten, Stromback, Jesper and De Vreese, Claes (2016) Us and them: how populist parties get their message across. British Politics and Policy at LSE (02 Sep 2016). Blog Entry.

Aasland, Aadne and Cook, Linda (2016) Russia is facing a pension dilemma as the country goes to the polls. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (08 Sep 2016). Website.

Abad, Francisco (2016) 48 hours in Dubai: MPAers compete in the Hult Prize Regional Finals. LSE Institute of Public Affairs Blog (20 Jun 2016). Website.

Abad, Francisco (2016) Transforming a business model to change lives in Nairobi. LSE Institute of Public Affairs Blog (21 Dec 2016). Website.

Abbas, Tahir ORCID: 0000-0002-0968-3261 (2016) How to prevent the collapse of the liberal-left after Brexit and Trump. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (15 Nov 2016). Website.

Abbasi, Asad (2016) Book review: a book of conquest: the Chachnama and Muslim origins in South Asia by Manan Ahmed Asif. South Asia @ LSE (16 Dec 2016). Website.

Abbasi, Asad (2016) Book review: democratic dynasties: state, party and family in contemporary Indian politics edited by Kanchan Chandra. LSE Review of Books (02 Nov 2016). Website.

Abbasi, Asad (2016) Book review: the Pakistan paradox: instability and resilience by Christophe Jaffrelot. South Asia @ LSE (13 Apr 2016). Website.

Abbasi, Asad (2016) Democratic dynasties: state, party and family in contemporary Indian politics edited by Kanchan Chandra. South Asia @ LSE (14 Oct 2016). Website.

Abbasi, Asad (2016) Lessons from Africa: how can Pakistan make the most of Chinese investment? South Asia @ LSE (05 Feb 2016). Website.

Abbott, Tom E.F., Torrance, Hew D.T., Cron, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-9591-2210, Vaid, Nidhi and Emmanuel, Julian (2016) A single-centre cohort study of National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and near patient testing in acute medical admissions. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 35. pp. 78-82. ISSN 0953-6205

Abdelnour, Samer (2016) Cookstove advocates must place gender and violence at the centre of research designs. Africa at LSE (26 Oct 2016). Website.

Abdi, Ahmad ORCID: 0000-0002-3008-4167, Feldmann, Andreas Emil, Guenin, Bertrand, Könemann, Jochen and Sanita, Laura (2016) Lehman's theorem and the directed Steiner tree problem. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 30 (1). pp. 141-153. ISSN 0895-4801

Abdi, Ahmad ORCID: 0000-0002-3008-4167 and Fukasawa, Ricardo (2016) On the mixing set with a knapsack constraint. Mathematical Programming, 157 (1). pp. 191-217. ISSN 0025-5610

Abdolmohammadi, Pejman (2016) Iran’s Hardliners: The unexpected winners of the US elections. Middle East Centre Blog (10 Nov 2016). Website.

Abdulla, Ghada (2016) Between Trump and Clinton, GCC states prefer business as usual. Middle East Centre Blog (27 Oct 2016). Website.

Aboagye, Amma (2016) Second-Generation Africans in the west could spur an era of brain gain. Africa at LSE (19 Jan 2016). Website.

Abramovsky, Laura, Attanasio, Orazio, Barron, Kai, Carneiro, Pedro and Stoye, George (2016) Challenges to promoting social inclusion of the extreme poor: evidence from a large-scale experiment in Colombia. Economía, 16 (2). 89 - 142. ISSN 1529-7470

Abrams, Nathan (2016) British Jews are using Facebook to create new “pop-up” communities. Religion and the public Sphere (17 Aug 2016). Website.

Abul Naga, Ramses H., Shen, Yajie and Yoo, Hong Il (2016) Joint hypothesis tests for multidimensional inequality indices. Economics Letters, 141. pp. 138-142. ISSN 0165-1765

Acciaio, Beatrice, Beiglböck, M., Penkner, F. and Schachermayer, W. (2016) A model-free version of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing and the super-replication theorem. Mathematical Finance, 26 (2). 233 - 251. ISSN 0960-1627

Acciaio, Beatrice, Fontana, Claudio and Kardaras, Constantinos ORCID: 0000-0001-6903-4506 (2016) Arbitrage of the first kind and filtration enlargements in semimartingale financial models. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 126 (6). pp. 1761-1784. ISSN 0304-4149

Acciaio, Beatrice and Penner, I. (2016) Characterization of max-continuous local martingales vanishing at infinity. Electronic Communications in Probability, 21 (71). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1083-589X

Acciari, Louisa (2016) Impressions from Brazil: The international day of everything but women’s rights. Engenderings (10 Mar 2016). Blog Entry.

Accominotti, Olivier ORCID: 0009-0005-2682-5064 (2016) Foreign exchange markets and currency speculation: historical perspectives. In: Chambers, David and Dimson, Elroy, (eds.) Financial Market History: Reflections on the Past for Investors Today. CFA Institute Research Foundation, London, UK, pp. 66-85. ISBN 9781944960131

Accominotti, Olivier ORCID: 0009-0005-2682-5064 (2016) International banking and transmission of the 1931 financial crisis. CEPR discussion papers (11651). Centre for Economic Policy Research (Great Britain), London, UK.

Accominotti, Olivier ORCID: 0009-0005-2682-5064 and Chambers, David (2016) If you’re so smart: John Maynard Keynes and currency speculation in the interwar years. Journal of Economic History, 76 (2). 342 - 386. ISSN 0022-0507

Accominotti, Olivier ORCID: 0009-0005-2682-5064 and Eichengreen, Barry (2016) The mother of all sudden stops: capital flows and reversals in Europe, 1919-32. Economic History Review, 69 (2). pp. 469-492. ISSN 0013-0117

Achtnich, Marthe (2016) Migrants and the ‘business’ of the boat journey from Libya to Europe. Africa at LSE (15 Jan 2016). Website.

Ackerman, Graham (2016) #BetterThanThat campaign aims to stop hate crime from increasing in Britain. LSE Brexit (02 Dec 2016). Website.

Acs, Zoltan J., Braunerhjelm, Pontus and Karlsson, Charlie (2016) Philippe Aghion: recipient of the 2016 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. Small Business Economics, 48 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0921-898X

Acs, Zoltan J., Åstebro, Thomas, Audretsch, David B. and Robinson, David T. (2016) Public policy to promote entrepreneurship: a call to arms. Small Business Economics, 47 (1). pp. 35-51. ISSN 0921-898X

Adaire, Esther (2016) Book review: on the world and ourselves by Zygmunt Bauman and Stanislaw Obirek. LSE Review of Books (16 Feb 2016). Website.

Adams, Dawn, Handley, Louise, Simkiss, Doug, Walls, Emily, Jones, Alison, Knapp, Martin ORCID: 0000-0003-1427-0215, Romeo, Renee and Oliver, Chris (2016) Service use and access in young children with an intellectual disability or global developmental delay: associations with challenging behaviour. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1366-8250

Adams, Renée and Kirchmaier, Tom (2016) Women in finance. Financial Markets Group Discussion Papers (757). Financial Markets Group, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Adams, Renée B. and Kirchmaier, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-8938-2206 (2016) Women on boards in finance and STEM industries. American Economic Review, 106 (5). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0002-8282

Addington, Lynn (2016) Focusing on interactions with the criminal justice system can promote high school students’ interest in civics education. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (31 May 2016). Website.

Addis, M., Sozou, Peter D., Gobet, F. and Lane, Philip R. (2016) Computational scientific discovery and cognitive science theories. In: Müller, Vincent C., (ed.) Computing and Philosophy. Synthese Library series. Springer International (Firm), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 83-87. ISBN 9783319232904

Addo, Atta A. (2016) Explaining 'irrationalites'of it enabled change in a developing country bureaucracy. ECUS 2016 Proceedings (169). AIS, Istanbul, Turkey.

Addo, Atta A. (2016) Explaining 'irrationalities' of IT-enabled change in a developing country bureaucracy: the case of Ghana's Tradenet. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 77. pp. 1-22. ISSN 1681-4835

Adedeji, Ifeoluwa (2016) The vocabulary of a development world view. Africa at LSE (08 Dec 2016). Website.

Adeel, Muhammad, Yeh, Anthony Gar-On and Zhang, Feng (2016) Transportation disadvantage and activity participation in the cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. Transport Policy, 47. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0967-070X

Adena, Maja (2016) How we behave when asked for donations while buying concert tickets online. LSE Business Review (14 Oct 2016). Website.

Adenle, Leye (2016) Of Lagos, startups, cigarettes and prostitutes: a Nigerian writer unveils his literary inspiration. Africa at LSE (22 Feb 2016). Website.

Adler, Matthew D. (2016) Aggregating moral preferences. Economics and Philosophy, 32 (2). 283 - 321. ISSN 0266-2671

Adler, Matthew D. (2016) Benefit–cost analysis and distributional weights: an overview. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 10 (2). pp. 264-285. ISSN 1750-6816

Adler, Nicole and Hashai, Niron (2016) When multinationals choose locations, consumers and competitors matter. LSE Business Review (12 Feb 2016). Website.

Adraoui, Mohamed-Ali ORCID: 0000-0003-0200-0971 (2016) Salafisme(s) et violence. La construction historique d’une axiomatique de la violence: des frères musulmans à Al-Qaida : d’une conception utilitaire de la violence à une vision organique ? Cahiers de la Sécurité et de la Justice. pp. 156-162. ISSN 2427-1950

Adua, Lazarus and Lobao, Linda (2016) Local governments that offer greater incentives for businessesdo not retrench welfare services. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Feb 2016). Website.

Afonso, Alexandre (2016) Academic labour markets in Europe vary widely in openness and job security. Impact of Social Sciences Blog (21 Nov 2016). Blog Entry.

Africa Educational Trust, (2016) UN International Mother Language Day – Africa Educational Trust on the importance of teaching children in their mother language. International Development (19 Feb 2016). Website.

Africa@LSE, (2016) Photo Blog: The First World War in East Africa. Africa at LSE (20 Jun 2016). Website.

Africa@LSE, (2016) West African history and culture unveiled in British Library exhibition. Africa at LSE (30 Jan 2016). Website.

Aggarwal, Simran and Garg, Lovish (2016) The new surrogacy law in India fails to balance regulation and rights. LSE Human Rights Blog (23 Nov 2016). Website.

Aghion, Philippe ORCID: 0000-0002-9019-1677 (2016) Entrepreneurship and growth: lessons from an intellectual journey. Small Business Economics, 48 (1). pp. 9-24. ISSN 0921-898X

Aghion, Philippe ORCID: 0000-0002-9019-1677, Akcigit, Ufuk, Deaton, Angus and Roulet, Alexandra (2016) Creative destruction and subjective well-being. American Economic Review, 106 (12). pp. 3869-3897. ISSN 0002-8282

Aghion, Philippe ORCID: 0000-0002-9019-1677, Dechezlepretre, Antoine, Hemous, David, Martin, Ralf and Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907 (2016) Carbon taxes, path dependency and directed technical change: evidence from the auto industry. Journal of Political Economy, 124 (1). pp. 1-51. ISSN 0022-3808

Agnihotri, Srishti and Das, Minakshi (2016) Guaranteeing children with disabilities the right to be heard. South Asia @ LSE (10 Feb 2016). Website.

Agrawal, Ashwini ORCID: 0000-0003-0865-9144 and Tambe, Prasanna (2016) Private equity and workers’ career paths: the role of technological change. Review of Financial Studies, 29 (9). 2455 - 2489. ISSN 0893-9454

Agrawal, David R. (2016) Local sales taxes can reduce the differences between taxes at state borders. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Jul 2016). Website.

Agrawal, Silky, Reed, Brooks and Saxena, Riya (2016) Student Experience: Development Management consultancy project presents report to leaders in the field. International Development (20 Oct 2016). Website.

Ahasan, Abu and Gardner, Katy ORCID: 0000-0002-5608-7585 (2016) Dispossession by ‘development’: corporations, elites and NGOs in Bangladesh. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (13). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1960-6060

Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. ORCID: 0000-0001-5664-3230 (2016) Every generation votes in their own interest. But in an ageing world, that’s a problem. LSE Brexit (22 Nov 2016). Website.

Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. ORCID: 0000-0001-5664-3230, Maennig, Wolfgang and Osterheider, Tobias (2016) Industrial structure and preferences for a common currency: the case of the EURO referendum in Sweden. Applied Economics Letters, 24 (3). pp. 202-206. ISSN 1350-4851

Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. ORCID: 0000-0001-5664-3230, Maennig, Wolfgang and Steenbeck, Malte (2016) Après Nous le Déluge? Direct democracy and intergenerational conflicts in ageing societies. CESifo Working Paper Series (5779). CESifo Group Munich, Munich, Germany.

Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. ORCID: 0000-0001-5664-3230, Nitsch, Volker and Wendland, Nicolai (2016) Ease vs. noise: on the conflicting effects of transportation infrastructure. CESifo Working Paper Series (6058). CESifo Group Munich, Munich, Germany.

Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. ORCID: 0000-0001-5664-3230 and Wendland, Nicolai (2016) The spatial decay in commuting probabilities: employment potential vs. community gravity. Economics Letters, 143. pp. 125-129. ISSN 0165-1765

Ahluwalia, Montek Singh, Summers, Lawrence, Velasco, Andres ORCID: 0000-0003-0441-5062, Birdsall, Nancy and Morris, Scott (2016) Multilateral development banking for this century’s development challenges: five recommendations to shareholders of the old and new multilateral development banks. . Center for Global Development, Washington, DC. ISBN 9781944691028

Ahmad, Ayyaz (2016) Partitioned histories: promoting critical engagement and tolerance by comparing narratives. South Asia @ LSE (29 Jun 2016). Website.

Ahmad, Mahvish ORCID: 0000-0003-1807-8028 (2016) From solidarity to rights? The political journeys of Pakistan's Baloch. In: Third World Solidarity after the Cold War, 2016-02-04 - 2016-02-06, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines, PHL. (Submitted)

Ahmed, Arif (2016) Book review: Lara Buchak // risk and rationality. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. ISSN 0007-0882

Ahmed, Sajjad (2016) Book review: the cosmopolitan military: armed forces and human security in the 21st century by Jonathan Gilmore. LSE Review of Books (19 Apr 2016). Website.

Aikman, David, Bush, Oliver and Taylor, Alan M. (2016) Monetary versus macroprudential policies:causal impacts of interest rates andcredit controls in the era of the UKradcliffe report. Economic History Working Papers (246/2016). London School of Economics and Political Science, Economic History Department, London, UK.

Ainley, Kirsten (2016) Jaw-jaw, war and law. The Disorder of Things (13 Sep 2016). Website.

Ainley, Kirsten (2016) The great escape? The role of the International Criminal Court in the Colombian peace process. Justice in Conflict (13 Oct 2016). Website.

Aisbitt, Lexi (2016) Waiting for the moon: anticipating Eid in an Indian village. South Asia @ LSE (08 Jul 2016). Website.

Ajala, Fisayo (2016) Book review: 'eat the heart of the Infidel': the harrowing of Nigeria and the rise of Boko Haram by Andrew Walker. LSE Review of Books (22 Nov 2016). Website.

Ajala, Fisayo (2016) Book review: The Syrian Jihad: Al-Qaeda, the Islamic state andthe evolution of an insurgency by Charles Lister. LSE Review of Books (02 Jun 2016). Website.

Akkerman, Tjitske (2016) Netherlands election preview: will Geert Wilders follow Trump and win power? LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (12 Dec 2016). Website.

Akkerman, Tjitske, de Lange, Sarah and Rooduijn, Matthijs (2016) Avoiding the mainstream: why radical right-wing populist parties remain ‘radical’ in government. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (23 Aug 2016). Website.

Al-Ghazzi, Omar ORCID: 0000-0001-9905-409X (2016) Book review: networked publics and digital contention: the politics of everyday life in Tunisia. Information, Communication and Society, 19 (12). pp. 1696-1697. ISSN 1369-118X

Al-Ghazzi, Omar ORCID: 0000-0001-9905-409X (2016) Syria. In: Stone, John, Dennis, Rutledge M., Rizova, Polly, Smith, Anthony D. and Hou, Xiaoshuo, (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Wiley-Blackwell, London, UK. ISBN 9781405189781

Al-Ghazzi, Omar ORCID: 0000-0001-9905-409X (2016) Trump’s ‘promised land’ of white masculine economic success. US Election Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign, 4.

Al-Mubarak, Imtenan (2016) How to pave the way for greater energy cooperation in the GCC. Middle East Centre Blog (07 Dec 2016). Website.

Al-Ojayan, Hessah (2016) Treating the oil addiction in Kuwait: proposals for economic reform. LSE Kuwait Programme Paper Series (41). The London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Kuwait Programme, London, UK.

Al-Rasheed, Madawi (2016) Saudi Arabia's Modern Islamists: and their forgotten campaign for democracy. Foreign Affairs. ISSN 0015-7120

Al-Rasheed, Madawi (2016) Saudi Arabia’s war on two fronts. Middle East Institute Insights.

Al-Rasheed, Madawi (2016) Saudi regime resilience after the 2011 Arab popular uprisings. Contemporary Arab Affairs, 9 (1). pp. 13-26. ISSN 1755-0912

Al-Sarihi, Aisha (2016) Can climate change speed up economic diversification in the GCC? Middle East Centre Blog (24 Oct 2016). Website.

Alaaldin, Ranj (2016) Islamic State may have attacked Brussels, but it is losing in Syria and Iraq. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (26 Mar 2016). Website.

Alacevich, Caterina and Tarozzi, Alessandro (2016) Honey, I grew the kids: evidence from ethnic Indians in England. International Growth Centre Blog (22 Aug 2016). Website.

Alaimo, Cristina and Kallinikos, Jannis ORCID: 0000-0002-4446-2878 (2016) Encoding the everyday: the infrastructural apparatus of social data. In: Sugimoto, C, Ekbia, Hamid and Mattiolo, Michael, (eds.) Big data is not a monolith: policies, practices, and problems. Information Policy. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 77-90. ISBN 9780262035057

Alam, Khurshed (2016) “Bulge hunger” in a developing country: understanding escalating corruption in Bangladesh. South Asia @ LSE (19 Aug 2016). Website.

Alava, Henni and Ssentongo, Jimmy Spire (2016) ‘For God and my country’ – fighting the (spirits of) violence and chaos in Uganda’s elections. Justice and Security Research Programme Blog (25 Feb 2016). Website.

Albarazi, Zahra (2016) Syrian refugee or stateless refugee: The challenges of statelessness in exile. Middle East Centre Blog (27 Sep 2016). Website.

Albertazzi, Daniele (2016) Stop the drama: Italy’s referendum outcome will not lead to the break-up of the EU. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (14 Dec 2016). Website.

Albright, Jonathan (2016) How Trump’s campaign used the new data-industrial complex to win the election. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Nov 2016). Website.

Alburez-Gutierrez, Diego (2016) Genocide is the tip of the iceberg: reviewing the Guatemalan case. LSE Human Rights Blog (18 Feb 2016). Website.

Aldaz, Raul (2016) Book review: the Presidentialization of political parties: organizations, institutions and leaders edited by Gianluca Passarelli. LSE Review of Books (15 Mar 2016). Website.

Alden, Chris ORCID: 0000-0001-7033-1655 and Wu, Yu-Shan (2016) South African foreign policy and China: converging visions, competing interests, contested identities. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 54 (2). pp. 203-231. ISSN 1466-2043

Aldred, Joe (2016) Pentecostalism in Britain today: making up for failures of the past. Religion and the Public Sphere (25 Nov 2016). Website.

Aldrich, Howard (2016) Write as if you don’t have the data: the benefits of a free-writing phase. Impact of Social Sciences Blog (22 Jan 2016). Website.

Alemanno, Alberto and Bodson, Benjamin (2016) How to nudge Barroso out of the revolving door. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (20 Jul 2016). Website.

Alemanno, Alberto, Newell, James, Capussela, Andrea Lorenzo, Merler, Silvia, Piccoli, Lorenzo, Draege, Jonas Bergan, Martelli, Angelo ORCID: 0009-0004-1637-1620, Morisi, Davide, Guida, Mattia, Dennison, James and Bordignon, Fabio (2016) Reaction: Italian referendum and Matteo Renzi’s resignation. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (05 Dec 2016). Website.

Alexander, Kate (2016) “Brexit chaos proves that I was right all along,” says everyone. Our political narratives need to change, or they’ll become barriers to thought. British Politics and Policy at LSE (01 Jul 2016). Website.

Alexander Shaw, Kate (2016) Brexit budget or business as usual? Unpicking the 2016 Autumn statement. LSE Department of Government Blog (25 Nov 2016). Website.

Alexandrova, Anna (2016) Value-added science. Forum for European Philosophy Blog (24 Oct 2016). Website.

Alexis, Papazoglou (2016) Brexit voters: misled victims or conscious agents? British Politics and Policy at LSE (13 Feb 2016). Website.

Ali, Abdifatah A. and Lyons, Brent J (2016) Rude interviewers discourage people from looking for a job. LSE Business Review (07 Apr 2016). Website.

Ali, Nimo-ilhan (2016) Parents in Somaliland are going to great lengths to stop their children from migrating to Europe. Africa at LSE (08 Jun 2016). Website.

Ali, Salamat (2016) Trade costs and potential: removing barriers to growth in Pakistan. International Growth Centre Blog (29 Jan 2016). Website.

Ali, Sana and Komaitis, Konstantinos (2016) Marching Closer: The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Transition. Media Policy Blog (19 Jan 2016). Website.

Alistarh, D., Li, J., Tomioka, R. and Vojnovic, Milan ORCID: 0000-0003-1382-022X (2016) Quantized stochastic gradient descent: communication versus convergence. In: OPT 2016, 2016-12-10, Barcelona, Spain, ESP.

Allard, Olivier and Walker, Harry ORCID: 0000-0001-9879-4045 (2016) Paper, power, and procedure: reflections on Amazonian appropriations of bureaucracy and documents. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 21 (3). pp. 402-413. ISSN 1935-4932

Allbeson, Janet (2016) Cracking down on parents with child maintenance debts: why it is hard to be optimistic. British Politics and Policy at LSE (27 Jan 2016). Website.

Allchorn, William (2016) Cut from the same cloth?: Pegida UK looks like a sanitised version of the EDL. British Politics and Policy at LSE (15 Jan 2016). Website.

Allchorn, William (2016) When anti-Islamic protest ends: explaining the decline of the EDL. British Politics and Policy at LSE (21 Jul 2016). Website.

Allchorn, William (2016) When anti-Islamic protest ends: explaining the decline of the English Defence League. Democratic Audit UK (11 Jul 2016). Website.

Allen, Jules (2016) Changing parenting roles for transforming gender. Engenderings (07 Nov 2016). Blog Entry.

Allen, Liz (2016) It’s time to put our impact data to work to get a better understanding of the value, use and re-use of research. Impact of Social Sciences Blog (19 Feb 2016). Website.

Allen, Natalie (2016) Cybersecurity weaknesses threaten to make smart cities morecostly and dangerous than their analog predecessors. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (18 Feb 2016). Website.

Allen, Nicholas and Birch, Sarah (2016) ‘Post-truth’ politics are a debasement of standards in public life. Democratic Audit UK (25 Jul 2016). Website.

Allen, Nicholas and Siklodi, Nora (2016) Theresa May asserts control in a revamped cabinet-committee system. British Politics and Policy at LSE (31 Oct 2016). Website.

Allen, Pauline (2016) Co-operation, collaboration and competition – inside the mindset of NHS managers. British Politics and Policy at LSE (17 Aug 2016). Website.

Allen, Tim ORCID: 0000-0003-1866-0181 (2016) We need to know more about Africa. Africa at LSE (11 Jul 2016). Website.

Allen, Tim ORCID: 0000-0003-1866-0181 and Parker, Melissa (2016) Deworming delusions? Mass drug administration in East African schools. Journal of Biosocial Science, 48 (S1). S116-S147. ISSN 0021-9320

Allo, Awol (2016) The courtroom as a site of epistemic resistance: Mandela at Rivonia. Law, Culture and the Humanities. ISSN 1743-8721

Alloza, Mario (2016) Is fiscal policy more effective in uncertain times or during recessions? CFM discussion paper series (CFM-DP2016-31). Centre For Macroeconomics, London, UK.

Alloza, Mario (2016) The impact of taxes on income mobility. CFM discussion paper series (CFM-DP2016-32). Centre For Macroeconomics, London, UK.

Almalki, Hamed and Segarra, Laura (2016) Big data helps firms improve efficiency and customer relationships. LSE Business Review (19 Jul 2016). Website.

Almandoz, John and Tilcsik, András (2016) Experts on corporate boards: more is not always better. LSE Business Review (26 Oct 2016). Website.

Almunia, Joaquín (2016) The UK needs the EU – but the EU needs the UK, too. LSE Brexit (19 Feb 2016). Website.

Alonso, Ricardo ORCID: 0000-0001-9559-0864 and Câmara, Odilon (2016) Bayesian persuasion with heterogeneous priors. Journal of Economic Theory, 165. pp. 672-706. ISSN 1095-7235

Alonso, Ricardo ORCID: 0000-0001-9559-0864 and Câmara, Odilon (2016) Persuading voters. American Economic Review, 106 (11). pp. 3590-3605. ISSN 0002-8282

Alonso, Ricardo ORCID: 0000-0001-9559-0864 and Câmara, Odilon (2016) Political disagreement and information in elections. Games and Economic Behavior, 100. pp. 390-412. ISSN 0899-8256

Alonso Alonso, Lucas Juan Manuel (2016) Crony capitalism and Neoliberal paradigm (Part I). Euro Crisis in the Press (25 May 2016). Website.

Alonso Alonso, Lucas Juan Manuel (2016) Crony capitalism and neoliberal paradigm (Part II). Euro Crisis in the Press (30 May 2016). Website.

Alonso Alonso, Lucas Juan Manuel (2016) European Union’s key figures. Euro Crisis in the Press (15 Nov 2016). Website.

Alonso Alonso, Lucas Juan Manuel (2016) Socio-economic reflections on the Euro Zone. Euro Crisis in the Press (18 Feb 2016). Website.

Alpern, Steven and Binmore, Ken (2016) A tribute to Anatole Beck (1930-2014). Maths@LSE Blog (28 Jan 2016). Website.

Alpern, Steven, Lidbetter, Thomas, Morton, Alec and Papadaki, Katerina ORCID: 0000-0002-0755-1281 (2016) Patrolling a pipeline. In: Quanyan, Zhu, Alpcan, Tansu, Panaousis, Emmanouil, Tambe, Milind and Casey, William, (eds.) Decision and Game Theory for Security: 7th International Conference, GameSec 2016, New York, NY, USA, November 2-4, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International (Firm), London, UK, pp. 129-138. ISBN 9783319474120

Altieri, Katye and Keen, Samantha (2016) The cost of air pollution in South Africa. International Growth Centre Blog (22 Nov 2016). Website.

Alvaredo, Facundo ORCID: 0009-0002-1530-9150, Atkinson, Anthony B. and Morelli, Salvatore (2016) The challenge of measuring UK wealth inequality in the 2000s. Fiscal Studies, 37 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0143-5671

Alwin, Duane F. and Tufiş, Paula A. (2016) How the culture wars are driving political polarization. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Apr 2016). Website.

Alòs, Elisa, Chen, Zhanyu and Rheinlander, Thorsten (2016) Valuation of barrier options via a general self-duality. Mathematical Finance, 26 (3). pp. 492-515. ISSN 0960-1627

Aman-Rana, Shan (2016) 5 questions with Shan Aman-Rana, an MPA teaching fellow in Economics. LSE Institute of Public Affairs Blog (05 Jul 2016). Website.

Amberg, Stephen (2016) The 2016 election needs a class-oriented agenda. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Jun 2016). Website.

Amboko, Julians (2016) Commodity price shocks in times of crisis: securing growth in sub-Saharan African economies. International Growth Centre Blog (07 Nov 2016). Website.

Amboko, Julians (2016) The commodity price rout and Africa’s unusual electoral cycle. LSE Business Review (30 Aug 2016). Website.

Ambrosius, Joshua D. (2016) Clinton performed very well in most urban areas relative to Obama, despite losin the Rustbelt — and the Presidency with it. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Nov 2016). Website.

Amissah, Emmanuel, Bougheas, Spiro, Defever, Fabrice and Falvey, Rod (2016) Financial system architecture and the patterns ofinternational trade. CEP discussion paper (CEPDP1448). Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London, UK.

Amit, Roni (2016) African refugees in South Africa are often unable to access their rights. Africa at LSE (29 Jan 2016). Website.

Amoah, Michael, Postel, Hannah, Odoom, Isaac and Jiang, Lu (2016) China in Africa - more than business? London School of Economics and Political Science.

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Costa-Font, Joan ORCID: 0000-0001-7174-7919 (2016) Deregulation and access to medicines: the Peruvian experience. Journal of International Development, 28 (6). pp. 997-1005. ISSN 0954-1748

Costa-Font, Joan ORCID: 0000-0001-7174-7919 (2016) Is medicines parallel trade ‘regulatory arbitrage’? International journal of Health Economics and Management, 16 (4). pp. 321-336. ISSN 2199-9023

Costa-Font, Joan ORCID: 0000-0001-7174-7919 and Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152 (2016) The measurement of health inequalities: does status matter? Working Paper (6). International Inequalities Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

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Gilson, Chris (2016) It’s now or never for Bernie Sanders, the US-Iran conflict that never happened, and is Trump Palin 2.0?: US national blog roundup for 16 – 22 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Chris (2016) Low ratings for Obama’s final State of the Union, Cruz and Trump finally fight it out, and have Millennials given up on the American Dream?: US national blog roundup for 9 – 15 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Chris (2016) New Jersey’s crazy political week, Delaware’s death penalty repeal bill, and is it time for Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to resign?: US state blog roundup for 15 – 22 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Chris (2016) New York’s Cuomo plans for “big things”, Florida’s death penalty system struck down, and minimum wage proposals in Oregon and Washington: US state blog roundup for 9 – 15 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (16 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Chris (2016) Obama pushes gun control as gun sales peak, Trumpism’s causes and characteristics and Cruz vs. Big Corn: US national blog roundup for 2 – 8 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Chris (2016) What to expect from state legislatures in 2016, the politics of Kentucky’s declining coal industry and a new healthcare proposal in Idaho: US state blog roundup for 2 – 8 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Chris (2016) Why you didn’t get a raise in 2015, Clinton campaign pulls in $55m, and will Trump’s supporters show and vote? : US national blog roundup for 26 December – 1 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Christie’s ratings at their lowest, Iowa GOP defunds Planned Parenthood, and California’s ‘awesome’ ballot statements: US state blog roundup for 23 – 29 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 May 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Cruz and Clinton come out on top in Iowa, House conservativespush back on budget deal, and should Jeb! re-evaluate his run? US national blog roundup for 30 January – 5 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Feb 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Cruz and Sanders win in Wisconsin, GOP convention scenarios, and is it time to rebalance US trade?: US national blog roundup for 2 – 8 April. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Dark money influencing Arkansas’ Supreme Court race, NorthDakota’s competing marijuana ballot measures, and NewMexico’s profitable prisons: US state blog roundup for 6 – 12February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Feb 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Florida’s Senate race, Michigan’s school bailout, and Arizona’s pro-gun bills: US state blog roundup for 7 – 13 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (14 May 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Frontrunners win in New York, Harriet Tubman to go on the $20, and could Facebook tilt the election? US national blog roundup for 16 – 22 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Gary Johnson rising for the Libertarian Party, Trump backs out of Sanders debate, and the passive-aggressive Supreme Court: US national blog roundup for 21 – 27 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (27 May 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Hillary Clinton brings in Bill on the economy, Obama’s new overtime regs, and America’s obsession with oil: US national blog roundup for 14 – 20 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (20 May 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) New York and California raise the minimum wage, Georgia’s religious freedom bill vetoed, and Minnesota GOP’s plans to cut women’s health care: US state blog roundup for 26 March – 1 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) New York’s Cuomo won’t return Trump’s donations, Alabama gets out of the marriage business, and Montana’s mental health crisis: US state blog roundup for 12 – 18 March. Impact of American Politics & Policy Blog (19 Mar 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) North Carolina’s budget problems, Michigan’s corporate tax crater, and crony capitalism in Alaska: US state blog roundup for 14 – 20 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (21 May 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Obama’s historic Cuba visit, Obamacare turns six, and will Trump put the House in play for the Democrats?: US national blog roundup for 19 – 25 March. Impact of American Politics & Policy Blog (25 Mar 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Pennsylvania also has a lead crisis, South Dakota’s ‘bigoted’legislature, and do Alaskans secretly love socialism? US state blog roundup for 30 January – 5 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Feb 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Rhode Island’s common sense gun laws, Arkansas expands drug tests for welfare recipients, and how California was broken to pieces: US state blog roundup for 19 – 25 March. Impact of American Politics & Policy Blog (26 Mar 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Romney takes on Trump after Super Tuesday, Sanders’ supporters go after Warren, and job growth continues: US national blog roundup for 27 February – 4 March. Impact of American Politics & Policy Blog (04 Mar 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Rubio’s robotic debate performance, John Kasich’s good week,and are Trump and Sanders’ New Hampshire wins a rebuke tothe political status quo? US national blog roundup for 6 – 12 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Feb 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Sestak’s feud with Democrats in Pennsylvania, Florida Governor Scott’s video attack on angry constituent, and Indiana sued by ACLU over abortion law: US state blog roundup for 2 – 8 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Texas’ real bathroom crisis, Iowa’s poor bridges, and Oregon’s “baffling” GOP Senate primary: US state blog roundup for 20 – 27 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (28 May 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Trump and Clinton railroad through the ‘Acela Primary’, Cruz/Kasich alliance falters, and the GOP’s bathroom obsession: US national blog roundup for 23 – 29 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Trump fails in Colorado, the broken budget process, and the case for a new Works Progress Administration: US national blog roundup for 9 – 15 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Trump vs Ryan, Clinton’s Veep choices, and how Chinese imports are tearing US politics apart: US national blog roundup for 7 – 13 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (13 May 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Trump’s debate boycott, the Democrats’ Iowa dead heat, and threeeasy ways to dismantle Obamacare: US national blog roundup for 23 – 29 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Jan 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Trump’s not Nixon (or Reagan), Kasich’s pyrrhic Ohio victory, and Obamacare’s $1 trillion Medicare savings: US national blog roundup for 12 – 18 March. Impact of American Politics & Policy Blog (18 Mar 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Trump’s worst week, the Justice Department brings back asset forfeiture, and should the US be the world’s ‘rent-a-cop’?: US national blog roundup for 26 March – 1 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher (2016) Virginia’s death penalty debate, Illinois’ progressive tax plan, and line-item vetoes abound: US state blog roundup for 9 – 15 April. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Apr 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher, Donszelmann, Sophie and Baron, Denise (2016) The Ballpark podcast Episode 2: This is not a hot take. Impact of American Politics & Policy Blog (18 Mar 2016). Website.

Gilson, Christopher, Donszelmann, Sophie and Baron, Denise (2016) Introducing The Ballpark podcast and Episode 1: The Strongest Economy for Who? Impact of American Politics & Policy Blog (04 Mar 2016). Website.

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Gippner, Olivia (2016) The 2°c target - a European norm enters the international stage: following the process to adoption in China. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 6 (1). pp. 49-65. ISSN 1567-9764

Gippner, Olivia (2016) AAIB and EU: moving from international competition to practical cooperation with the European Investment Bank. EU-China Observer, 3. ISSN 2506-8415 (Submitted)

Gippner, Olivia (2016) Antipiracy and unusual coalitions in the Indian Ocean region: China’s changing role and confidence building with India. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 45 (3). pp. 107-137. ISSN 0341-6631

Gippner, Olivia (2016) From climate change to mediation: should the EU be a strategic actor in Asia-Pacific? LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (17 Jun 2016). Website.

Giragosian, Richard (2016) The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: ceasing fire is not a ceasefire. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (11 Apr 2016). Website.

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