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The United States after unipolarity.
IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas (ed.) (SR009).
LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
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Crescenzi, Riccardo ORCID: 0000-0003-0465-9796, Ganau, Roberto and Storper, Michael
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Creating jobs at home by investing overseas – a counterintuitive truth.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
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Crescenzi, Riccardo ORCID: 0000-0003-0465-9796, Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés
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The territorial dynamics of innovation: a Europe-United States comparative analysis.
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Dalacoura, Katerina ORCID: 0000-0001-5024-7528
Coup d’etat or liberation? US-Egypt relations after the fall of Mohamed Morsi.
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Devlen, Balkan and Dalacoura, Katerina ORCID: 0000-0001-5024-7528
Whither the Ankara-Washington standoff?
Global Brief.
ISSN 1920-6909
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Reviving tourism in the covid era: bungs, tax cuts and no more tour buses.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
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Djankov, Simeon ORCID: 0000-0002-0822-6456
What Donald Trump could do to ‘make America great again’ without destroying free trade.
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Iraq and the next American President.
Survival, 50 (5).
pp. 37-60.
ISSN 0039-6338
Dodge, Toby ORCID: 0000-0003-1262-4921
Obama nation?: US foreign policy one year on: Bush’s war: drawdown in Iraq.
IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas (ed.) (SR003).
LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Doepke, Matthias ORCID: 0000-0001-8073-6138
How Rosie the Riveter led to the 1950s’ Baby Boom.
USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog
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Book review: numbers rule: the vexing mathematics of democracy, from Plato to the present.
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The EU debt crisis: testing and revisiting conventional legal doctrine.
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Changes to the National Flood Insurance Program show the moral and political dimensions of addressing climate change.
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Hurricane Helene highlights the need to expand US flood insurance coverage.
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Elliott, Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-6983-7026
Who pays for the next wave? The American welfare state and responsibility for flood risk.
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Business involvement in climate negotiations has come a long way.
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The paradox of United States democracy.
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The superpatriotic fervour of the moment.
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 28 (1).
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The Obama approach to the Middle East: the end of America's moment?
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Gerges, Fawaz A. ORCID: 0009-0006-1952-0171
War fatigue: how the Iraq war is straining our U.S. soldiers.
ISSN 0012-3846
Gerges, Fawaz A. ORCID: 0009-0006-1952-0171
War plays into hands of Islamic terrorists.
The Baltimore Sun
(08 Nov 2002).
Gerges, Fawaz A. ORCID: 0009-0006-1952-0171
What really went wrong: the West and the failure of democracy in the Middle East.
Yale University Press.
ISBN 9780300259575
Gerges, Fawaz A. ORCID: 0009-0006-1952-0171
The tragedy of Arab-American relations.
Christian Science Monitor.
ISSN 0882-7729
Gervais, Bryan T. (2020) Why Trump’s racist tweets and rhetoric will not help him win reelection. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Jul 2020). Blog Entry.
Ghatak, Maitreesh ORCID: 0000-0002-0126-0897
Understanding why Hillary Clinton lost the election.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(02 Dec 2016).
Gibson, Bryan R. (2015) For all parties involved, the Iran nuclear deal is a big win. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Jul 2015). Website.
Gibson, Bryan R. (2011) Poor Obama! International Affairs at LSE (31 Jan 2011). Website.
Gibson, Candy and Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Five minutes with Peter Trubowitz: “I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Trump 2.0”.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(15 Aug 2016).
Gift, Thomas (2021) After Biden’s first 100 days, it may be now or never to cement his significant leftwards pivot on economic policy. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Apr 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) As Trump’s poll slump continues, expect him to continue to go negative as the election approaches. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Jul 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) Biden has won the election, but the Democrats are divided—and Trumpism is here to stay. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Nov 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2021) Biden’s meetings with the G7 and Putin made little concrete progress, reflecting the president’s focus on domestic rather than foreign policy. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Jun 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2021) Biden’s mishandled Afghanistan withdrawal is unlikely to have a large effect on the 2022 midterms. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Sep 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2021) Corporations are walking away from the Republican Party. But they may not stay away for long. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Jan 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) Covid-19 and #blacklivesmatter have put Trump on the back foot, but it’s too early to say that he’s lost his loyal base. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2022) The FBI's unprecedented Mar-a-Lago raid may energize support for Trump among the Republican base. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Aug 2022). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) How Trump’s supreme court nomination fight could upend the 2020 election. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Sep 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2022) The January 6 hearings show that if democratic backsliding can happen in the US, then it can happen anywhere. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Jun 2022). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) Joe Biden’s approach to China will not differ greatly from Donald Trump’s. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (27 Nov 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2021) Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill is ambitious, but unlikely to pass without compromises with Republicans and moderate Democrats. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Apr 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2022) Joe biden had a successful State of the Union address, but he needs more than rhetoric to change the fate of Democrats in the 2022 midterms. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Mar 2022). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2022) Liz Cheney’s primary defeat shows that predictions of Trump’s demise are exaggerated. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (18 Aug 2022). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2022) One year on, the extremist beliefs which led to the 6 January US Capitol insurrection remain. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Jan 2022). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2022) Pennsylvania’s primary results reflect voters tired of establishment politicians. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (19 May 2022). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) Trump may be behind in the polls, but the 2020 election is far from over. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Jul 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) Trump’s electoral fortunes may hinge on whether he can distract voters from his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Aug 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) Trump’s mismanagement of the US Covid-19 response may have eroded his international reputation – not that he cares. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Jul 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) What we can expect from this week’s Republican National Convention. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Aug 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2022) While overdue, the inflation reduction act is still a win for Joe Biden. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Aug 2022). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) Why Kamala Harris was a safe vice presidential choice for Joe Biden. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Aug 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2021) Why compromise is inevitable for Biden’s big infrastructure plans. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Jun 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2021) Why the results of today’s California recall election could have national implications. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Sep 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) With less than two weeks to go, the 2020 election is Joe Biden’s to lose. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Oct 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2020) A deal on a COVID-19 stimulus package is needed urgently, but hurdles remain. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (18 Dec 2020). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas (2021) An impeachment acquittal will embolden Trump’s supporters and frustrate Democrats. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.
Gift, Thomas and Monten, Jonathan (2024) Why attacking Donald Trump as a threat to democracy may not sway voters to Kamala Harris. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Nov 2024). Blog Entry.
Gilchrist, Kate ORCID: 0000-0003-1316-3493
The ‘private’ life of US politics part one: affect, intimacy and Trump.
(10 Oct 2016).
Gilchrist, Kate ORCID: 0000-0003-1316-3493
The ‘private’ life of US politics part two: affect, intimacy and public bathrooms.
(17 Oct 2016).
Gilson, Chris (2014) Astorino’s ‘Goldwater’ tactics in New York, context-free politics in Wisconsin, and California’s new laws: US state blog round up for 27 September – 3 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (04 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Biden’s out of the running for president, Ryan’s in for Speaker, and Hillary Clinton’s great week: US national blog round up for 17 – 23 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Boston to bid for Olympics, Oklahoma earthquakes, and Montana GOP’s mistakes: US state blog round up for 3 – 9 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Budget holes across the states, Ohio GOP becomes the Trump Party, and the Maryland Assembly’s “90 days of terror”: US state blog roundup for 7-13 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Budget woes in Massachusetts and Kansas, Texas overturnsschool pastry ban, and ethics in Wyoming’s legislature: USstate blog round up for 10 – 16 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Cheney slams Obama: Rand Paul announces presidential run:and new debate over police body cameras: US national bloground up for 4 – 10 April. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Apr 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Christie looks clear over Bridgegate, Landrieu headed for Louisiana loss, and the high cost of policing in Ferguson: US state blog round up for 29 November – 5 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (06 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Christie shrugs off low approval ratings, voter ID decisions for Texas and Wisconsin, and Alaskans get a payout: US state blog round up for 4 – 10 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (11 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Clinton and Rubio are running: Obama in historic Castro meet: and Obamacare continues to drop uninsured rate: US nationalblog round up for 11 – 17 April. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Apr 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Coakley struggling in Massachusetts, Walker on the ropes inWisconsin, and Montana’s Mailergate: US state blog round upfor 18 – 24 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (11 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Corruption in New York, same-sex marriage in Alabama, and is North Dakota facing a jobs crisis? : US state blog round up for 17 – 23 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Cuomo’s new book, Florida’s #fangate, and Idaho’s ‘weird’ race for Governor: US state blog round up for 11 – 17 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (18 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Delaware’s ‘Biden Dynasty’, Florida’s orange problem, and Washington moves to end death penalty: US state blog round up for 24– 30 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (31 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Delusions over Republican divisions, Obamacare’s legacy and has trade cost jobs?: roundup of US academic political blogging for December 31st – January 6th. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2024) Even in an election year, we should remember the importance of the US states for policy implementation. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Feb 2024). Blog Entry.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Florida’s budget surplus, Walker’s gaffes in Wisconsin, and Colorado sued over marijuana law: US state blog round up for 13 – 19 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (20 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Florida’s redistricting deadlock: Walker’s falling approvalratings: and Montana cuts 52k voters: US state blog round upfor 15 – 21 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Fracking ban fallout in New York, Texas facing recession, and redistricting in Ohio: US state blog round up for 20 – 26 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (27 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) GOP’s midterm Senate advantage, ISIS operation costs reach $1 billion, and has Boehner’s Obama suit derailed?: US national blog round up for 25 – 31 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (31 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Grimm goes while Scalise stays, questions for Clinton, and the Jeb boom: U.S. national blog round up for 27 December – 2 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2024) How digital tools can help make anyone in state and local government a policy entrepreneur. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Apr 2024). Blog Entry.
Gilson, Chris (2024) How state and local government policymakers can learn from policy case studies. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Apr 2024). Blog Entry.
Gilson, Chris (2016) It’s now or never for Bernie Sanders, the US-Iran conflict that never happened, and is Trump Palin 2.0?: US national blog roundup for 16 – 22 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Jan 2016). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Leaks are the real scandal, how gerrymandering effects Congress, and Trump’s “Randian” foreign policy: roundup of US academic political blogging for 11 – 17 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (18 Feb 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Life in a constitutional dictatorship, how SCOTUS could overturn Roe v. Wade and why Bannon’s NSC role might be a good idea: roundup of US academic political blogging for January 28th to February 3rd. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Feb 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2016) Low ratings for Obama’s final State of the Union, Cruz and Trump finally fight it out, and have Millennials given up on the American Dream?: US national blog roundup for 9 – 15 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Jan 2016). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Midterm polling, the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage nondecision, and concern over Ebola: US national blog round up for 4 – 10 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (10 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) NYPD oversight, Wisconsin’s concealed carry law, and high speed rail on course in California: US state blog round up for 6 – 12 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (13 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2016) New Jersey’s crazy political week, Delaware’s death penalty repeal bill, and is it time for Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to resign?: US state blog roundup for 15 – 22 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Jan 2016). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2016) New York’s Cuomo plans for “big things”, Florida’s death penalty system struck down, and minimum wage proposals in Oregon and Washington: US state blog roundup for 9 – 15 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (16 Jan 2016). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) New York’s campaign finance loophole: Florida u-turns onMedicaid while Montana accepts: and South Dakota’s comingminimum wage fight: US state blog round up for 4 – 10 April. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Apr 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) New York’s cigarette problem, Wisconsin’s poor job growth, and automatic voter registration debuts in Oregon: US state blog round up for 14 – 20 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Obama critiqued over Paris no-show, House rolls back immigration policies, and will Romney run again in 2016?: US national blog round up for 10 – 16 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (16 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2016) Obama pushes gun control as gun sales peak, Trumpism’s causes and characteristics and Cruz vs. Big Corn: US national blog roundup for 2 – 8 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Jan 2016). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Obama the veto-less, Senator Coburn’s Wastebook, and whatcounts as a GOP wave?: US national blog round up for 18 – 24October. LSE American Politics and Policy (24 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Obama wins this round on immigration action, the Senate’s “ignorant” confirmations, and healthcare spending growth hits a record low: US national blog round up for 29 November – 5 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (05 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Obamacare repeal progresses, Biden the record-setter, and how do Americans get rich?: roundup of US academic political blogging for January 7-13th. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Obama’s Cuba move, Jeb Bush looks to 2016, and a new Surgeon General: US national blog round up for 13 – 19 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (19 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Obama’s long game, Paul vs Cruz over Cuba policy and record growth: US national blog round up for 20 – 26 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (26 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Obama’s strident State of the Union, the House pulls back on abortion, and will the Supreme Court end the debate over same-sex marriage?: US national blog round up for 17 – 23 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) O’Malley moves to the left: Lynch is confirmed as AttorneyGeneral: and the huge cost of gun violence: US national bloground up for 18 – 24 April. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Apr 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Previewing 2017 state legislative agendas, Florida Dems need political scientists, and how can Chris Christie redeem himself? : US state blog roundup for 31 December – 6 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2024) Previewing US politics for 2024: what's in store in a presidential election year. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Jan 2024). Blog Entry.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Romney’s out as Walker booms, Keystone XL passes, and the threat to Obamacare subsidies: US national blog round up for 24 – 30 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (30 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Same-sex marriage at the Supreme Court: Japan’s Abeaddresses Congress: and Jeb Bush’s fundraising power: USnational blog round up for 25 April – 1 May. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (01 May 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Secret Service in crisis, Boehner calls for ground troopsagainst ISIS, Obamacare (and the shutdown) one year on: USnational blog round up for 27 September – 3 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (03 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) Senate endgames, an Ebola Czar, and are same sex marriagebans sexist?: US national blog round up for 11 – 17 October. LSE American Politics and Policy (17 Oct 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) Speaker Boehner’s no squish, Warren’s stump speech, and Harvard’s healthcare woes: US national blog round up for 3 – 9 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) State of the States: Congressional Reps try to dodge town halls, no “bathroom bill” for Arkansas, and Idaho moves to limit early voting: 11 – 17 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Feb 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) State of the States: Cuomo meets Trump; Virginia shoots down bathroom bill and native Hawaiians’ public health crisis: 14 – 20 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) State of the States: Gillibrand nixes White House plans in favour of Cuomo, staking out Rob Portman, and how blue is Oregon?: 18 – 24 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Mar 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) State of the States: New York and California push sanctuary policies, Flint’s water bill subsidy ends, and North Dakota’s medical marijuana ballot that wasn’t: 4 – 10 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Feb 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) State of the States: New York’s tax hike, Georgia rethinking death penalty and South Dakota ethics reform: 21 – 27 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (31 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) State of the States: RI to protect abortion rights, Arkansas’ new voter ID law, and Illinois’ unpaid bills: 28 January – 3 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Feb 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Trump as a bad Nixon remake, why presidents shouldn’t meddle with the EPA and the odd saga of US-Mexico relations: roundup of US academic political blogging for January 21-27th. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (30 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Trump plays constitutional hardball, moving from “sitcom” to transactional foreign policy and the Muslim ban of 1918: roundup of US academic political blogging for 4 – 10 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Feb 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) Trump’s never-ending campaign, McCain’s no maverick, and why liberals should own guns: roundup of US academic political blogging for 18 – 24 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (28 Feb 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2016) What to expect from state legislatures in 2016, the politics of Kentucky’s declining coal industry and a new healthcare proposal in Idaho: US state blog roundup for 2 – 8 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Jan 2016). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2016) Why you didn’t get a raise in 2015, Clinton campaign pulls in $55m, and will Trump’s supporters show and vote? : US national blog roundup for 26 December – 1 January. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Jan 2016). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2014) A cromnibus for Christmas, the Senate’s CIA report, and a ‘broken windows’ policy for the police: US national blog round up for 6 – 12 December. LSE American Politics and Policy (12 Dec 2014). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2017) An inexperienced Cabinet and Congress, missing Obama already, and will Trump face a backlash?: roundup of US academic political blogging for January 14-20th. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Jan 2017). Website.
Gilson, Chris (2015) A new scandal for Christie, Chicago’s fiscal free-fall, and Ferguson’s damning DOJ report: US state blog round up for 28 February – 6 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Chris and Jamieson, Kathleen (2020) The ballpark podcast extra innings: Russian trolls and the 2016 election: Professor Kathleen Jamieson interview. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (28 Jul 2020). Blog Entry.
Gilson, Chris, Kippin, Sean and Carroll, Susan (2015) Five minutes with Susan J. Carroll on women in politics: “There’s no question that some of the barriers are starting to come down, but others still remain”. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (30 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) America’s anxious electorate, budget bill delays, and Obama speaks on ISIL: US national blog round up for 6 – 12 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (12 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Biden meets Warren, the Pentagon’s missing $8.5 billion andwhy the Fed may not raise rates – yet: US national blog round up for 22 – 28 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Boosts for Clinton and Sanders in the Democrats’ first debate, the ‘ungovernable’ house, and Obamacare’s missing billions: US national blog round up for 10 – 16 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (16 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Brutal election for Maine liberals, North Carolina’s aggrieved Governor, and Houston’s equal rights ordinance fails: US state blog round up for 31 October – 6 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2013) Budget battle continues, Alabama’s overcrowded prisons, andhow to eliminate poverty in America – US blog round up for21–27 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (USAPP) Blog (27 Sep 2013). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Budget rows in New York and Minnesota, Florida’s climate change ‘ban’, and Airbnb’s LA rental squeeze: US state blog round up for 7 – 13 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Chris Christie heads to Mexico, Texas’ voter ID fight, and Kansas’ Senate race gets complicated- US state blog round up for 30 August – 5 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (06 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Chris Christie’s legal bill, Steyer’s money shakes up Florida governor’s race and segregation in St. Louis- US state blog round up for 16 – 22 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (23 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Chris Christie’s pension win: North Carolina’s right turn: and Kansas’ big tax hike: US state blog round up for 6 – 12 June. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Jun 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Christie breaks promises in New Jersey, Virginia same-sex marriage ban struck down, and Kashkari hits the streets in California- US state blog round up for 26 July – 1 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (02 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Christie vetoes voter modernization in New Jersey, civil forfeiture in Arkansas, and how Wyoming saved itself into deficit: US state blog round up for 7 – 13 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Clinton’s bungled campaign reboot, Boehner in trouble, and shutdown threat looms again: US national blog round up for 5 – 11 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Clinton’s email troubles, Netanyahu addresses Congress, and Obamacare at the Supreme Court: US national blog round up for 28 February – 6 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2013) Congress considers Syria intervention, New York mayoral race gets gritty, and will Boehner retire after 2014? – US blog round up 31 August – 6 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (USAPP) Blog (06 Sep 2013). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Congress’ looming budget showdown, Trump pledges GOP loyalty, and should Jeb campaign in Spanish?: US national blog round up for 29 August – 4 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Cruz and Clinton come out on top in Iowa, House conservativespush back on budget deal, and should Jeb! re-evaluate his run? US national blog roundup for 30 January – 5 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Feb 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Cruz nearly tied with Trump in Iowa, Speaker Ryan’s House honeymoon is over, and civil asset forfeiture eclipses burglary in value: US national blog round up for 21 – 27 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (27 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Cuomo and de Blasio meet to mend fences, North Carolina sued over court election change, and native Hawaiian election challenged: US state blog round up for 28 November – 4 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Cuomo dodges debate, Alabama’s drone task force and Missouri’s huge policing bill – US state blog round up for 23 – 29 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (30 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Cuomo flexes executive muscle, Crist to try for another Florida office, and why North Dakota is not like Greece: US state blog round up for 18 – 24 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Jul 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Cuomo pushes gun control and a $15 minimum wage, Medicaid cuts in Texas, and California’s assisted dying bill: US state blog round up for 5 – 11 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Cuomo underperforms in New York primary, Idaho and Indiana fight for same sex marriage bans, and Missouri’s new abortion restrictions: US state blog round up for 6 – 12 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (13 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Cuomo vs de Blasio, Wisconsin’s budget stalls, and Texas’ abortion law blocked: US state blog round up for 27 June – 3 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Jul 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Cuomo’s weather troubles, Ferguson unrest continues, and Nevada speaker given the boot: US state blog round up for 22 – 28 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Dark money influencing Arkansas’ Supreme Court race, NorthDakota’s competing marijuana ballot measures, and NewMexico’s profitable prisons: US state blog roundup for 6 – 12February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Feb 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Democrats make hay on impeachment talk, GOP border bill troubles, and Congress banned from Wikipedia edits – US national blog round up for 26 July – 1 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (01 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) The Democrats’ bad election week, boots on the ground in Syria and can Jeb! fix his campaign?: US national blog round up for 31 October – 6 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Earthquakes in Oklahoma continue, Illinois’ Rauner vetoes labor bill, and Wyoming’s energy economy woes: US state blog round up for 29 August – 4 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Fiorina’s debate success, Clinton’s polling woes, and is mass incarceration a new form of welfare?: US national blog round up for 12 – 18 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Five minutes with Joseph Nye: “American dominance was never as great as some myths make it out to be”. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (20 May 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Florida’s Senate race, Michigan’s school bailout, and Arizona’s pro-gun bills: US state blog roundup for 7 – 13 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (14 May 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Florida’s tepid 2016 Senate race, Minnesota and Wisconsin’s policy battle, and Hawaii’s homeless emergency: US state blog round up for 10 – 16 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Florida’s very expensive election, pence cuts food stamps in Indiana, and Colorado’s shutdown woes: US state blog round up for 15 – 21 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) The GOP struggles with women, Chicago Cubs’ Obamacarewoes, and Burger King heads to Canada – US national bloground up for 23 – 29 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (29 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) GOP wrestles with immigration, Jeb raises $114 million, and why Puerto Rico is not Greece: US national blog round up for 4 – 10 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Jul 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Gary Johnson rising for the Libertarian Party, Trump backs out of Sanders debate, and the passive-aggressive Supreme Court: US national blog roundup for 21 – 27 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (27 May 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Georgia’s Latinos GOP shift, Detroit exits bankruptcy and Montana rejects same day vote ban: US state blog round up for 8 – 14 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Georgia’s far-reaching abortion law, Nixon donation raisesquestions, and California expands healthcare to undocumentedchildren: US state blog round up for 13 – 19 June. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Jun 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Georgia’s voter data dump, Alabama bans refugees while Montana welcomes them, and how does North Dakota’s unemployment rate stay so low?: US state blog round up for 14 – 20 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Gerrymandering in Colorado, Missouri overturns same-sex marriage ban, and did New Jersey miss the GOP wave?: US state blog round up for 1 – 7 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Giving meaning to the midterms, the cost of cheap gas, and will the GOP Congress ramp up defense spending? : US national blog round up for 1 – 7 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Gun debate continues, Trump calls for Muslim immigration ban, and Ted Cruz ascendant: US national blog round up for 5 – 11 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Hillary Clinton brings in Bill on the economy, Obama’s new overtime regs, and America’s obsession with oil: US national blog roundup for 14 – 20 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (20 May 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Hogan popular in Maryland as Walker is not in Wisconsin, and Crist is back in Florida: US state blog round up for 17 – 23 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) How Congress can improve the Iran deal, Cruz calls McConnell a liar, and how long can Trump go on?: US national blog round up for 18 – 24 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (25 Jul 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) It’s Labor Day today. Here are eight important USAPP posts on work, workers’ rights, and unions. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Joe Biden’s gaffes, the GOP’s missing wave and is tipping terrible?: US national blog round up for 13 – 19 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (19 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Landmark SCOTUS rulings, Obama’s trade win, andcontroversy over the Confederate flag continues: US nationalblog round up for 20 – 26 June. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (27 Jun 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Lindsey Graham exits GOP primary, the Democrats’ low-rated debate, and why is drug spending so high?: US national blog round up for 19 – 25 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (25 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Little interest in New Jersey’s elections, Texas’ ‘abysmal’ vaccination rate, and Illinois’ Rauner doubles down on anti-union policies: US state blog round up for 24 – 30 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (31 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) Looking ahead - what we already know will happen in US politics and policy in 2018. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Jan 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) Mapping the Trump-Russia network, the death of Purple America, and everybody hates Trumpcare: roundup of US academic political blogging for 4 – 10 March. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Mar 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Maryland bans fracking, Alabama’s right-to-work success, and Indiana’s Pence signs controversial RFRA bill: US state blog round up for 21 – 27 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (28 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Maryland’s ‘Mr. Nasty’ Governor: Illinois’ progressivelegislature: and Alabama votes to defund Medicaid – twice: US state blog round up for 1 – 7 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Massachusetts’ foreclosure law, Florida moves to repeal cohabitation ban, and does North Dakota need voter registration?: US state blog round up for 12 – 18 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) McCarthy’s withdrawal shakes up speaker race, Sanders draws crowds, and guns now outnumber people: US national blog round up for 3 – 9 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Medicare and Medicaid turn 50, Boehner’s leadership challenged, and could Obama win a third term? : US national blog round up for 25 – 31 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (31 Jul 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) NBC dumps Trump, Obamacare’s next challenges, and Puerto Rico’s debt crisis: US national blog round up for 27 June – 3 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Jul 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) New Benghazi report, Hagel resigns and Obama’s turkey ‘amnesty’: US national blog round up for 22 – 28 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (28 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) New Jersey considers gambling expansion, NebraskaGovernor pushes for death penalty, while Idahosaves for a rainy day: US state blog round up for 30May – 5 June. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Jun 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) New Jersey’s pension amendment, Florida’s new Congressional map, and calls for Chicago Mayor Emanuel to resign: US state blog round up for 5 – 11 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) New York’s uneven recovery: Alabama’s ‘hostage’ budget andIdaho’s busy Senator: US state blog round up for 8 – 14 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) North Carolina’s budget problems, Michigan’s corporate tax crater, and crony capitalism in Alaska: US state blog roundup for 14 – 20 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (21 May 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Obama moves towards immigration action, Obamacare subsidies under threat, and the quiet end of Ebola panic: US national blog round up for 8 – 14 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Obama supports mandatory voting, the GOP’s new budget, and Al Gore for 2016?: US national blog round up for 14 – 20 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Obama visits Nike, radical ideas for Clinton, and Iran dealmoves through the Senate: US national blog round up for 2 – 8May. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (08 May 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Obama vs. Senate Democrats, Jeb Bush in trouble over Iraq,and America’s lottery shame: US national blog round up for 9 –15 May. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (15 May 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Obamacare surcharges, America’s shrinking army, and what is Kirsten Gillibrand thinking? – US national blog round up for 22 – 28 February. LSE American Politics and Policy (28 Feb 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Obama’s Selma speech, Tom Cotton’s Iran letter, and questions remain over Clinton emails: US national blog round up for 6 – 13 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2013) Obama’s Syria speech fails to impress, de Blasio wins NewYork nomination, and is the Dow Jones index ridiculous? – USblog round up for 7– 13 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (USAPP) Blog (13 Sep 2013). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Obama’s divisive immigration course, minimum wage arguments, and will Congress get anything done this fall? – US national blog round up for 30 August – 5 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (05 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Obama’s immigration agenda and the GOP’s limited response, and can Biden be the McConnell whisperer?: US national blog round up for 15 – 21 November. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Nov 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Obama’s popularity jumps, GOP grapples with Iraq legacy, andwhither the Highway Trust Fund? : US national blog round upfor 16 – 22 May. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 May 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Obama’s rest of term to do list, Carson under scrutiny, and Obamacare’s back at SCOTUS: US national blog round up for 7 – 13 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Obama’s ‘latte salute’, the fickle Senate and Eric Holder’s contested legacy: US national blog round up for 20 – 26 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (26 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Paris turns 2016 into a national security election, Trump turns it up to 11, and will 2016 be the best year in a decade?: US national blog round up for 14 – 20 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Pennsylvania also has a lead crisis, South Dakota’s ‘bigoted’legislature, and do Alaskans secretly love socialism? US state blog roundup for 30 January – 5 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Feb 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Pennsylvania’s death penalty ban upheld, Virginia ends reciprocal concealed-carry, and a bleak outlook for South Dakota Democrats: US state blog round up for 19 – 25 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Pennsylvania’s debt downgrade, child poverty in North Carolina, and Rand Paul underwhelms in California: US state blog round up for 20 – 26 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (27 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Reading list: Hurricane Katrina ten years on. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Redistricting in Florida, Fitzgerald crashes and burns in Ohio, and Utah’s same-sex marriage appeal: US state blog round up for 2 – 8 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (09 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2013) Republicans go cold on Ted Cruz, gun control back on theagenda, and is Kansas running out of water? – US blog roundup for 14–20 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (USAPP) Blog (20 Sep 2013). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Rick Perry’s glasses, Obama acts on Iraq, and should cities say no to casinos? – US national blog round up for 2 – 8 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (08 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Rubio channels JFK, Obama’s trade agenda stalls, and theunending Iraq war: US national blog round up for 6 – 12 June. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Jun 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Rubio tops GOP debate at Jeb’s expense, Ryan becomes Speaker, and Congress’s bipartisan budget deal: US national blog round up for 24 – 30 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (30 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Rubio’s robotic debate performance, John Kasich’s good week,and are Trump and Sanders’ New Hampshire wins a rebuke tothe political status quo? US national blog roundup for 6 – 12 February. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Feb 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) Ryan’s health care bill struggle, why NAFTA’s not a big deal, and how to reduce fatal police shootings: roundup of US academic political blogging for 11 – 17 March. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Mar 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Same-sex marriage in Texas, Michigan school funding and Utah votes for the firing squad: US state blog round up for 14 -20 February. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Feb 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Schumer gives Iran deal the thumbs down: the GOP’s firstdebate and will Joe Biden run?: US national blog round up for 1 – 7 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Shutdown avoided as debt limit fight looms, Trumpcare, and the GOP’s glass ceiling: US national blog round up for 26 September – 2 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Solar power in Massachusetts, Virginia’s budget ‘shell game’ and Iowa’s Branstad is now the longest serving Governor: US state blog roundup for 12 – 18 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) South Carolina furls Confederate flag, Wisconsin’s wet budget, and who’s governing New Jersey?: US state blog round up for 4 – 10 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Jul 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 1 September: Christie's approval hits new lows, Indiana's online tax grab, and California's new political rivalry. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Sep 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 10 November: The end of the Christie-Guadagno era in New Jersey, Republicans lose in Virginia, and South Dakota's GOP Governor joins the 'war on coal'. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Nov 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 12 January: Chris Christie takes a victory lap, Virginia Democrats out of options, and the brawl for San Francisco mayor. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Jan 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 15 September: New York's poor primary turnout, Heitkamp courts Trump, and an Idaho city forgets 5 million levy. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Sep 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 16 February: the illusion of GOP control in New Hampshire, Alabama's risky tax incentives, and California's single-payer long game. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (16 Feb 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 16 March: Vermont government's gun stockpile, Hawaii considers its own individual mandate, and can a pro-life Democrat win in South Dakota? USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (16 Mar 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 17 November: Arizona's McSally appeals to Trump, #SealMageddon in South Carolina, and would the "Shelby stratagem" work in Alabama? USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Nov 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 19 January: GOP worries about Pennsylvania 18th, Wisconsin's upset election, and Idaho cuts substance abuse services. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Jan 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 2 February: the war on democracy in Virginia, Cuomo's war chest, and Idaho's 'Kansas-style' tax cut. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Feb 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 2 March: Democrats turn out in Texas primary, Indiana overturns Sunday booze ban, and Hawaii's plan to switch to all-mail elections. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Mar 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 20 October: New Jersey's vulnerable voting machines, Nelson woos Puerto Ricans in Florida, and Friess doesn't understand Wyoming. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Oct 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 22 September: Christie's 240m opioid plan, #NukeGate in South Carolina, and Michigan passes "Citizens United on Steroids". USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Sep 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 23 February: Pennsylvania's special election debate, South Carolina's "parody marriage" bill, and California's "bell ringer" candidate. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Feb 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 23 March: Maryland raises taxes to stabilize Obamacare, Rauner squeaks to victory in Michigan, and Brown's premature victory lap in California. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Mar 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 24 November: New Jersey's segregated schools, North Carolina cities take climate change action, and New Mexico's preemption problem. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Nov 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 26 January: New York and Montana take action on net neutrality, big ideas for Arkansas, and Arizona's landmark opioid bill. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Jan 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 27 October: Pennsylvania's judicial roulette, Oklahoma legislators facing pay cut, and 'Republican-lite' in California. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (27 Oct 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 29 September: Murphy's New Jersey spending plans, how Moore won in Alabama, and does California polarize America? USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Sep 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 3 November: Maryland's "grovelling" Democrats, Iowa's "Ag-gag" law challenged, and lobbying in Montana. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Nov 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 5 January 2018: the challenge facing New Jersey's GOP, Virginia's "bonkers" election draw, and a Democratic feud in Illinois. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Jan 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 6 April: Florida's 'resign to run' bill, North Dakota's Teddy Roosevelt obsession, and California's new mega-vote centers. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Apr 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States for 8 September: Vermont's new marijuana panel, South Dakota purges voter rolls, and making sense of Montana's budget. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Sep 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 9 February: Vermont's plan to buy Canadian drugs, South Carolina's uncompetitive elections, and Oregon's budget hoax. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Feb 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2018) State of the States for 9 March: back to the past for New Jersey GOP, Florida legislators tarred and feathered, and California vows to fight DOJ immigration suit. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Mar 2018). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States: Florida legislature’s war, Oklahoma’s continuing earthquake crisis, and how Oregon can balance its budget: 25 February – 3 March. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Mar 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) State of the States: Virginia’s bellwether Circuit Court vote, Iowa Democrats in the wilderness, and is L.A.’s Garcetti in a dead-end job?: 4 – 10 March. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Mar 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) TPA is resurrected, Jeb! and Trump announce, and does theGOP have an Obamacare alternative?: US national blog roundup for 13 – 19 June. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Jun 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Ted Cruz announces for president, budget ‘vote-a-rama’, and the decline of American exceptionalism: US national blog round up for 21 – 27 March. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (27 Mar 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Texas’ Rick Perry indicted, Missouri gun sales spike after riots, and will the Dude Abide in Montana’s Senate race? - US state blog round up for 9 – 15 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (16 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Trump endures as Carson fades, Obama’s frustration over mass shootings, and Ryan’s vision for the House: US national blog round up for 28 November – 4 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2016) Trump vs Ryan, Clinton’s Veep choices, and how Chinese imports are tearing US politics apart: US national blog roundup for 7 – 13 May. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (13 May 2016). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Trump vs. Fox: the GOP splinters on Planned Parenthood: andObamacare not killing jobs: US national blog round up for 9 – 14 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Trump’s $166 billion immigration plan: Clinton’s email woescontinue: and Walker’s Obamacare alternative: US national blog round up for 15 – 21 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2017) Trump’s “quietly radical” address, the age of existential politics, and the “24 trillion dollar bezzle”: roundup of US academic political blogging for 25 February – 3 March. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Mar 2017). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Upstate New York’s secession plans: North Carolina’s budgetwoes: and North Dakota okays armed drones: US state bloground up for 22 – 28 August. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (30 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Vermont’s Shumlin vs unions, Iowa’s bad budget choices, and Oregon’s new governor: US state blog round up for 7 – 13 February. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Feb 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Virginia says no to Medicaid expansion, Walker targets drug users in Wisconsin, and does Idaho have ‘Otter fatigue’? US state blog round up for 13 – 19 September. LSE American Politics and Policy (20 Sep 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Vitter losing steam in Louisiana, Democrats struggling in the Dakotas, and will Vermont legalize marijuana in 2016?: US state blog round up for 19 – 25 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) ‘Voodoo economics’ in New Jersey, Louisiana’s ‘disgraceful’ gubernatorial debate, and Arizona’s transport funding woes: US state blog round up for 26 September – 2 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Walker mum on evolution, Rand Paul praises Eric Holder, and how Jon Stewart changed journalism: US national blog round up for 7 – 13 February. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Feb 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Walker’s out…and so is Boehner, the Pope comes to Washington DC, and how many aircraft carriers does the US need?: US national blog round up for 19 – 25 September. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (25 Sep 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Why 2016 House races still matter, Sanders in voter data spat with DNC, and Congress’ budget deal: US national blog roundup for 12 – 18 December. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (18 Dec 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) Women need better representation in Vermont, Florida senate to ditch Confederate flag, and is Governor Branstad ‘King of Iowa’? US state blog round up for 3 – 9 October. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Oct 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) Worries over Obama’s Iraq involvement, Congressional slackers, and unrest in Missouri – US national blog round up for 8 – 15 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (15 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) An airport upgrade for New York, prison policy in Illinois and Wisconsin, and Boston gives the Olympics the flick – but could LA take over?: US state blog round up for 25 – 31 July. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Aug 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) A bad year for Massachusetts Democrats, Illinois warned of credit downgrade, and votes for felons in Kentucky – for now: US state blog round up for 21 – 27 November. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (28 Nov 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) de Blasio and the police, Georgia’s economy, California’s newlaws: US state blog round up 27 December – 2 January. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Jan 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2015) The death of the Iowa Straw Poll, Senate decides onsurveillance, and does China take the U.S. seriously?: USnational blog round up for 30 May – 5 June. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Jun 2015). Website.
Gilson, Christopher (2014) The militarization of police, Obama on vacation, and is another government shutdown in the pipeline? – US national blog round up for 16 – 22 August. LSE American Politics and Policy (22 Aug 2014). Website.
Gilstad-Hayden, Kate and Meyer, Spencer R. (2015) Trees, a new partner in the fight against urban crime. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Nov 2015). Website.
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Gius, Mark (2016) President Obama’s latest executive actions on gun control are too little, too late. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Jan 2016). Website.
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Godwin, Marcia (2015) American cities increased their use of civic engagement tools during the Great Recession, but did not fully embrace citizen involvement in decision-making. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Jul 2015). Website.
Goering, John and Whitehead, Christine M. E. (2017) Fiscal austerity and rental housing policy in the US and UK, 2010-2016. Housing Policy Debate. ISSN 1051-1482
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Goodman, Christopher (2022) Florida is dissolving the Reedy Creek Improvement District, home of Disney World. What happens next is anyone’s guess. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (27 Apr 2022). Blog Entry.
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The blue-eyed boys: the Heath Government, Anglo-American relations, and the bombing of North Vietnam in 1972.
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Elon Musk's wealth may become a liability if Donald Trump turns against him.
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Does democracy protect? The United Kingdom, the United States, and Covid-19.
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American voters’ choice is between Clinton’s liberal internationalism and Trump’s offensive realism. Who wins in November matters to the world.
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Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Book review: Dean Acheson and the creation of an American world order.
Cold War History, 12 (4).
pp. 706-707.
ISSN 1468-2745
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Book review: Politics and strategy: partisan ambition and American statecraft by Peter Trubowitz.
International Affairs, 88 (3).
pp. 625-681.
ISSN 0020-5850
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Bush's legacy and Obama's conception of leadership.
In: MacDonald, David B., Nabers, Dirk and Patman, Robert G., (eds.)
The Bush Leadership, the Power of Ideas, and the War on Terror.
Ashgate Dartmouth, London, UK.
ISBN 9781409447153
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Donald Trump wins the presidential election, but what does this mean for American foreign policy?
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
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Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Ending 'permanent war': security and economy under Obama.
In: Bentley, Michelle and Holland, Jack, (eds.)
The Obama Doctrine: a Legacy of Continuity in US Foreign Policy?
Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 9-25.
ISBN 9781138831223
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Guantanamo Bay: countries cannot keep offshoring their security.
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Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
The Obama doctrine- détente or decline.
European Political Science, 10 (1).
pp. 27-35.
ISSN 1680-4333
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Obama nation?: US foreign policy one year on: cover note.
IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas (ed.) (SR003).
LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Strategic Flexibility: the Obama administration after Egypt.
International Affairs at LSE
(22 Feb 2011).
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
The United States after unipolarity: executive summary.
IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas (ed.) (SR009).
LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
What would a Trump win mean for Europe and the rest of the world?
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog
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Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
The power of pictures.
International Affairs at LSE
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To combat misinformation effectively, people must see it is a problem and trust sources countering it.
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Using Twitter to observe election incidents in the United States.
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US constitutional law, proportionality, and the global model.
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Comparative constitutional law and policy.
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Book review: Driving with strangers: what hitchhiking tells us about humanity by Jonathan Purkis.
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Book review: on the run: fugitive life in an American City by Alice Goffman.
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Book review: the social order of the underworld: how prison gangs govern the American penal system by David Skarbek.
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Civil unrest in Ferguson was fuelled by the Black community’s already poor relationship with a highly militarized police force.
LSE American Politics and Policy
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Newburn, Tim ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-1703
Despite signs of less punitive policing and incarceration policies, 2014 will be remembered for Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
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The politics of punishment in America are slowly moving away from the mass incarceration policies of the past.
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How faster productivity growth in low-skill sectors contribute to wage stagnation.
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Tatsak, Jenny (2015) GOP candidates unite to attack the media in the third presidential debate. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Nov 2015). Website.
Tatsak, Jenny (2015) The first debate saw no clear winner in the GOP’s credibility contest. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Aug 2015). Website.
Tatum, Amy (2020) Primary primers: Kamala Harris’ vice presidential nomination is a massive step forward for US politics. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Aug 2020). Blog Entry.
Tatum, Amy (2021) What happened?: in his cabinet appointments and actions, Joe Biden has elevated the voices of women and marginalised gender communities. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Apr 2021). Blog Entry.
Tatum, Dale C. (2017) How a failed 17th century rebellion can help explain Donald Trump's election victory. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (13 Sep 2017). Website.
Tausanovitch, Chris (2013) By ‘bridging’ political surveys, we can measure levels of representation in American politics. LSE American Politics and Policy (USAPP) Blog (18 Sep 2013). Website.
Tavares, Michael (2016) Obama, Trump and the language of everyday nationalism. Researching Sociology (25 May 2016). Website.
Taylor, J. Benjamin (2015) Extreme media may polarize opinions, but they also educate viewers about politics and policy. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (21 Oct 2015). Website.
Taylor, Ros and Klaas, Brian (2018) Brian Klaas: 'the incentives for a Trump 2.0 will be exactly the same as the incentives for Trump'. USApp-American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Jan 2018). Blog Entry.
Taylor, Sherese R. (2018) Eslanda Robeson: acting, activism, Africa and LSE. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Oct 2018). Blog Entry.
Tedesco, Laura (2017) The dam is burst: Trump has legitimised the politically incorrect. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (30 Jan 2017). Website.
Teeselink, Bouke Klein and Melios, Georgios ORCID: 0000-0001-5027-9829
Origin of (a)symmetry: the evolution of out-party distrust in the United States.
Journal of Politics, 87 (2).
ISSN 0022-3816
Tellis, Ashley J. and Campion, Sonali (2017) “The new bipolarity between the US and China poses challenges for India” – Ashley Tellis. South Asia @ LSE (19 Apr 2017). Website.
Tenreyro, Silvana ORCID: 0000-0002-9816-7452 and Ngai, L. Rachel
ORCID: 0009-0005-1605-856X
You have more chance of finding the house you want in the summer. But you’ll pay more for it.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(05 Mar 2015).
Tenreyro, Silvana ORCID: 0000-0002-9816-7452 and Thwaites, Gregory
Pushing on a string: US monetary policy is less powerful in recessions.
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 8 (4).
pp. 43-74.
ISSN 1945-7707
Terman, Jessica (2015) The Weatherization Assistance Program shows that successful state implementation of federal policies depends on preexisting state regulations. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Sep 2015). Website.
Tesei, Andrea (2015) Racial income inequality reduces levels of trust and social capital in communities. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Mar 2015). Website.
Thi Nguyen, Mai (2015) When local law enforcement officers become immigration agents, communities suffer. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Feb 2015). Website.
Thiede, Brian C., Lichter, Daniel T. and Sanders, Scott R. (2015) Working poverty is a widespread but under-analyzed and poorly-measured problem in the US. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Sep 2015). Website.
Thom, Michael (2016) Why don’t state governments terminate failing programs? Theyspent too much. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (08 Sep 2016). Website.
Thomas, Elli (2014) Book review: the inevitable city: the resurgence of New Orleans and the future of urban America by Scott Cowen with Betsy Seifter. LSE Review of Books (19 Nov 2014). Website.
Thomas, Lorrin (2017) Like most Americans, Trump is ignorant of the truth about Puerto Rico. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Oct 2017). Website.
Thompson, Charis (2016) Gender and sexuality in the US election: three lessons. Researching Sociology (03 Nov 2016). Website.
Thompson, Helen (2018) The midterms have shown that President Trump’s campaign rhetoric on the economy has come back to haunt him. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (28 Nov 2018). Blog Entry.
Thompson, Matthew J. and Smith, Chris M. (2017) Citizen science and crowdsourced data collection, not government statistics, provide the most reliable count of citizen fatalities by police. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (05 May 2017). Website.
Thornton, Judd R. and Dunn, Kris (2016) How what you believe about democracy influences how you vote. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Dec 2016). Website.
Thorpe, Rebecca (2015) How rural prison economies impede bipartisan efforts to end mass incarceration. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (19 Nov 2015). Website.
Thorpe, Rebecca (2016) How the American military economy promotes bipartisan support for large defense budgets. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Jun 2016). Website.
Thurner, Rob (2021) After a tumultuous year in social media, what changes might 2021 bring? USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Jan 2021). Blog Entry.
Thébaud, Sarah and Pedulla, David S. (2016) Men are more likely to take advantage of family friendly policies if they think that other men want to do that too. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Oct 2016). Website.
Tien, Charles and Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2016) In forecasting the 2016 election result, modelers had a good year. Pollsters did not. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (15 Dec 2016). Website.
Timcke, Scott (2020) Book review: Anti-system politics: the crisis of market liberalism in rich democracies by Jonathan Hopkin. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Dec 2020). Blog Entry.
Timcke, Scott (2022) Book review: Radical war: data, attention and control in the twenty-first century by Matthew Ford and Andrew Hoskins. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Jul 2022). Blog Entry.
Timcke, Scott (2021) What the Capitol insurrection and #GME tell us about the growth of anti-system politics. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.
Tomaney, John (2022) Book review: There is nothing for you here: finding opportunity in the twenty-first century by Fiona Hill. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Jul 2022). Blog Entry.
Tomaney, John (2017) Book review: from boom to bubble: how finance built the new Chicago by Rachel Weber. LSE Review of Books (04 May 2017). Website.
Tomaney, John (2020) Book review: the economics of belonging: a radical plan to win back the left behind and achieve prosperity for all by Martin Sandbu. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Oct 2020). Blog Entry.
Tormos-Aponte, Fernando and Latner, Michael (2020) Democracy and its advocates must adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (01 May 2020). Blog Entry.
Tormos-Aponte, Fernando and Latner, Michael (2020) La democracia y sus defensores deben de adaptarse al coronavirus. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (01 May 2020). Blog Entry.
Torrice, Josie (2016) If we want to improve young voter engagement, there are lessons that can be learned from the US Presidential campaigns. Democratic Audit UK (11 Mar 2016). Website.
Traill, Helen (2018) Book review: handbook of gentrification studies edited by Loretta Lees with Martin Phillips. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Oct 2018). Blog Entry.
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Travers, Tony ORCID: 0009-0006-0669-4148
After many years of electoral disappointment, the Democratsare now the front runners in the New York mayoral race.
LSE American Politics and Policy (USAPP) Blog
(09 Sep 2013).
Trounstine, Jessica (2015) How segregation has helped lead to greater inequality in cities’ public services. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Nov 2015). Website.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Americans have voted to put a check on Donald Trump and on his vision for the country.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(07 Nov 2018).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
As Congress certifies Donald Trump's re-election, questions remain over where he will plant his political flag.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(06 Jan 2025).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
As the 2024 presidential election nears, Trump and Harris make their closing arguments to their core supporters.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(29 Oct 2024).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Biden’s foreign policy will likely focus on rebuilding bridges with allies, pressing China, and ensuring international relationships benefit Americans again.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(20 Jan 2021).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Biden’s messy Afghanistan withdrawal has increased the need to deliver on his domestic agenda.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(02 Sep 2021).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Clinton versus Trump promises to be an extremely negative presidential campaign.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(04 May 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
The Democrats had a successful convention. Now watch out for Trump’s renewed attacks.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(21 Aug 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
The Democrats overperformed in the 2022 midterms because they and Joe Biden have delivered on domestic policy.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(11 Nov 2022).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Despite convention attacks on Biden, the election is still a referendum on Donald Trump.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(27 Aug 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Donald Trump’s success in South Carolina shows that for manyvoters, anti-establishment sentiment continues to run strong.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(21 Feb 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Five minutes with Peter Trubowitz: "Presidents usually stay out of British politics, but this is no ordinary president".
USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog
(10 Jul 2018).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Five minutes with Peter Trubowitz: “For Trump, the principal focus on China is domestic and not geopolitical”.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(01 Oct 2018).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
How Joe Biden can restore normalcy to us politics after four years of Donald Trump.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(09 Nov 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
In foreign policy, Obama has begun his fourth quarter rally.
LSE American Politics and Policy
(29 Dec 2014).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
In his attacks on Jeb Bush, Donald Trump has stolen a pagefrom Karl Rove’s playbook.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(16 Feb 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Joe Biden has reacted well to the Ukraine crisis, but the ball is now in Vladimir Putin’s court.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(28 Jan 2022).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
November nightmare: how Trump could exploit absentee ballot counting delays to contest the election results.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(20 Jul 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Pursuing impeachment is the best option for the country right now.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(12 Jan 2021).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
The Republicans' thin midterm majority means that it doesn't matter who they elect as Speaker of the House.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(05 Jan 2023).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Russia is gambling that it will withstand the US and NATO’s response to its invasion of Ukraine.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(24 Feb 2022).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Super Tuesday will show just how deep support for Trump andSanders really is.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(29 Feb 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Theresa May’s White House visit is risky for her but could pay off for Trump.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(27 Jan 2017).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Third Debate: As Trump blunders on accepting the election result, the contest is now Clinton’s to lose.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(20 Oct 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
This fall’s presidential campaign will focus on war, sex and work.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(25 May 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Three debates are now unfolding over what kind of democracy America is.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(14 Jan 2022).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Tonight’s election debate may be Trump’s last chance to close the polling gap with Biden.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(22 Oct 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Trump can’t run on his economic or covid-19 record. now, he’s banking on his “law and order” message breaking through.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(03 Sep 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Trump is redefining America’s terms of international engagement.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(11 Jan 2017).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Trump wins: what’s next?
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(10 Nov 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Trump’s hospitalization may do even more damage to the president’s already poor credibility on managing the covid-19 pandemic.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(05 Oct 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Trump’s leadership deficit is what’s hurting him in the polls.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(20 Jul 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Trump’s reactions to theGeorge Floyd protests are a provocative display of presidential overreach.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(03 Jun 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Trump’s victory will fuel the growing backlash against globalization in the West.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(28 Nov 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
What Russia’s Ukraine invasion threats mean for Biden and NATO.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(15 Feb 2022).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
What Trump’s impeachment and acquittal means for the American republic.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(15 Feb 2021).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
What the Covid-19 pandemic has meant for American political life.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(04 Mar 2021).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
What to look for in tonight’s presidential debate.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(26 Sep 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
What to look for tomorrow: minority turnout and will Republicans come home to Trump?
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(07 Nov 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
What’s next after President Trump’s second impeachment.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(14 Jan 2021).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Whoever the next president is, this is how Trump’s four years may be remembered.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(04 Nov 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Why Trump needs Congress to make a deal on the next Covid-19 stimulus package.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(28 Jul 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
Why confirming a new supreme court justice before the election could be a risky move for Trump and the Republicans.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(21 Sep 2020).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
With five winners in Iowa, the race for the White House has justbecome much more interesting.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(02 Feb 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
With the conflict at a standstill, the US is narrowing its sights in Ukraine.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(06 Jun 2022).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
With the conventions now over, we can look forward to a very closely fought presidential election.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(01 Aug 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
The first debate: no knockout blows means that both campaignsstill have their work cut out.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(27 Sep 2016).
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X
The results of next week’s midterm elections will either force Trump to play defense 24/7 or hobble the Democratic Party.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(31 Oct 2018).
Blog Entry.
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X and Burgoon, Brian
Geopolitics and democracy: the Western liberal order from foundation to fracture.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780197535400
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X and Harris, Peter
The end of the American century? Slow erosion of the domestic sources of usable power.
International Affairs, 95 (3).
619 - 639.
ISSN 0020-5850
Trubowitz, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-2200-091X and Smucker, Sierra
Donald Trump accepts the presidential nomination for the Republican Party: LSE experts react.
USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog
(27 Jul 2016).
Tse, Terence and Maria Cosentino, Andrea (2022) Fintech: financial inclusion for the tough times ahead. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Jul 2022). Blog Entry.
Tulis, Jeffrey (2021) Alexis de Tocqueville, pandemic virtue and selfishness, and American democracy in decline. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Jun 2021). Blog Entry.
Tulis, Jeffrey (2021) Book review: The president who would not be king: executive power under the constitution by Michael McConnell. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (18 Jul 2021). Blog Entry.
Tulis, Jeffrey (2016) How the Electoral College could deny Donald Trump the presidency. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Nov 2016). Website.
Tulis, Jeffrey (2020) In 2020, Donald Trump is the Republican party’s only platform. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Aug 2020). Blog Entry.
Tulis, Jeffrey (2020) Long read: Trump’s ‘Hail Mary’ pass and the questions it raises about how presidents are elected. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (03 Dec 2020). Blog Entry.
Tulis, Jeffrey (2020) To counter Donald Trump's permanent campaign Joe Biden must show what it means to govern. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (01 May 2020). Blog Entry.
Tulis, Jeffrey (2021) The crisis is not over. Congress: get to work. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Jan 2021). Blog Entry.
Tulis, Jeffrey and Schmitt, Gary J. (2022) Long read: trump v. thompson shows that when the supreme court weighs in on executive privilege it’s bad for congress, for a sitting president, and for the court. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (10 Feb 2022). Blog Entry.
Turcotte, Jason and Paul, Newly (2015) Despite progress on gender equity in US politics, female journalists and candidates do little to diversify debate agendas. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Oct 2015). Website.
Turner, Noah, Chermak, Steven and Freilich, Joshua (2021) Attacks from lone terrorists in the US are more severe than those who are affiliated with groups. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (25 Jun 2021). Blog Entry.
Twahirwa, Rémy-Paulin (2021) Book review: The death of asylum: hidden geographies of the enforcement archipelago by Alison Mountz. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (14 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.
Twahirwa, Rémy-Paulin (2021) Book review: The end of asylum by Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Jaya Ramji-Nogales and Philip G. Schrag. LSE Review of Books (07 Jun 2021). Blog Entry.
Twahirwa, Rémy-Paulin (2021) Book review: the End of Asylum by Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Jaya Ramji-Nogales and Philip G. Schrag. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Jun 2021). Blog Entry.
te Grotenhuis, Manfred, Subramanian, Subu, Nieuwenhuis, Rense, Pelzer, Ben and Eisinga, Rob (2018) Better poll sampling would have cast more doubt on the potential for Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (01 Feb 2018). Website.
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Udani, Adriano (2017) The take up of E-Verify programs shows that state officials prefer the highly skilled over temporary immigrant workers with lower skills. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Feb 2017). Website.
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Ura, Joseph (2014) In the long run, the Supreme Court leads public opinion on controversial issues. LSE American Politics and Policy (20 Feb 2014). Website.
Urvashi, Shreya (2021) Book review: The university and social justice: struggles across the globe edited by Aziz Choudry and Salim Vally. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (28 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.
Uscinski, Joe (2016) The ballpark extra innings: conspiracy theories and DonaldTrump. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (29 Sep 2016). Website.
Uscinski, Joseph (2016) Balancing the presidential ticket may lead to unexpected – and unwanted – outcomes. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Jul 2016). Website.
Uscinski, Joseph (2016) How 2016 has become the “conspiracy theory” election. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (05 May 2016). Website.
Uscinski, Joseph E. (2018) Almost 60 percent of Americans believe in conspiracy theories about JFK. Here’s why that might be a problem. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (22 Nov 2018). Blog Entry.
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Uscinski, Joseph E. and Enders, Adam (2021) Unfounded fears about sex trafficking did not begin with QAnon and go far beyond it. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Mar 2021). Blog Entry.
Uscinski, Joseph E. and Klofstad, Casey A. (2022) Once again, accusations of Satanism and sex abuse loom large in American politics. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Aug 2022). Blog Entry.
Utych, Stephen M. (2017) As Donald Trump has shown, words matter in how voters make political decisions. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Mar 2017). Website.
Vaitilingam, Romesh (2021) Biden’s relief package should focus on low-income households say expert us economists. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (26 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.
Vaitilingam, Romesh (2022) Economists discuss the economic fallout of Russia’s war in Ukraine. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (12 Mar 2022). Blog Entry.
Vaitilingam, Romesh (2020) Expert US economists agree that cancelling student debt for those on low incomes is preferable to forgiving it for all. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Dec 2020). Blog Entry.
Valcore, Jace (2016) Hate crime laws don’t do enough to address bias or to improve the status of minority groups. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Dec 2016). Website.
Valdez, Inés (2017) Donald Trump is expanding a system of immigration enforcement which already punishes immigrants and makes them vulnerable. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (24 Mar 2017). Website.
Vallett, Joel (2021) Policy entrepreneurs have more power in the policy process than we give them credit for. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (16 Dec 2021). Blog Entry.
Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907
Joe Biden has the opportunity to help the US return to sustainable wage growth by increasing Federal funding for technological innovation.
USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog
(18 Dec 2020).
Blog Entry.
Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907
The lesson from this week’s election is to ignore pontificating from highly paid pundits. Put your faith in the numbers.
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog
(10 Nov 2012).
Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907
The lesson from yesterday’s election is to ignore pontificating from highly paid pundits. Put your faith in the numbers.
British Politics and Policy at LSE
(07 Nov 2012).
Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907, Bloom, Nick, Baker, Scott and Davis, Stephen
High policy uncertainty, the responsibility of which restswith both major political parties, has been undermining theUS economic recovery.
British Politics and Policy at LSE
(26 Oct 2012).
Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907 and Freeman, Richard B.
What if Congress doubled R&D spending on the physical sciences?
CEP Discussion Papers (931).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Van Vechten, Renée (2017) How California could be the launching pad for the Democrats' 2020 presidential nominee. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Sep 2017). Website.
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Van Wart, Montgomery (2015) Eric Shinseki’s failure at the Department of Veterans Affairs shows the difficulty in evaluating transformational public sector executives. USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog (09 Jul 2015). Website.
VanMeeter, Mallory (2022) Couch hopping with informal hosts can benefit youth facing homelessness, but more support through policy change and investment is needed. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (20 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.
Vandezande, Niels (2014) Internet Income? IRS Decides Bitcoins are Taxable Property, not Money. Media Policy Blog (31 Mar 2014). Website.
Vangerven, Pieterjan and Crombez, Christophe (2015) The ratification of TTIP in the European Parliament promises to be a highly contested issue. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (16 Jul 2015). Website.
Velasco, Jesus (2016) To Mexicans, US democracy is important. Now, Trump’s rhetoric is calling that into question. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (04 Aug 2016). Website.
Velasco, Jesus (2020) Trump’s meeting with Mexico’s AMLO this week shows just how alike both presidents are. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (11 Jul 2020). Blog Entry.
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