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Abello-Colak, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-5295-7467 (2021) How a public health crisis turned into a localised human security crisis in the Global South. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (03 Nov 2021). Blog Entry.

Abello-Colak, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-5295-7467 (2019) Untrusted democracies and failing security strategies: crises that refocus democratic governance in Latin America and the Caribbean. British Academy Review (September). 33 - 38. ISSN 2047-1866

Abello-Colak, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-5295-7467 (2021) Yonique Campbell, Citizenship on the margins: state power, security and precariousness in 21st-century Jamaica. Palgrave Macmillan. Caribbean Journal of Criminology, 2 (1). ISSN 0799-3897 (In Press)

Abello-Colak, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-5295-7467, Chaverra, Beatriz Hernández, Holguín, Erica Muriel, Muñoz, Julián Andrés, García, Lina María Zuluaga, Castro, Lorena Tamayo, Usma, Mariana Ortiz, Angarit, Pablo Emilio and Ocampo, Yorlady Benjumea (2021) Pandemia y seguridad humana: Impactos del COVID-19 en las comunidadesde Medellín y propuestas para afrontarlos. . London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Abello-Colak, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-5295-7467, Chaverra, Beatriz Hernández, Holguín, Erica Muriel, Muñoz, Julián Andrés, García, Lina María Zuluaga, Castro, Lorena Tamayo, Usma, Mariana Ortiz, Angarit, Pablo Emilio and Ocampo, Yorlady Benjumea (2021) Pandemic and human security: the impact of Covid-19 on communities in Medellín and proposals to address it. . London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Abello-Colak, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-5295-7467 and van der Borgh, Chris (2018) Everyday (in)security in contexts of hybrid governance: lessons from Medellin and San Salvador. . London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Acciari, Louisa (2016) Impressions from Brazil: The international day of everything but women’s rights. Engenderings (10 Mar 2016). Blog Entry.

Aguilera, Rodrigo (2020) COVID-19 in Latin America: were we doomed from the start? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (19 Aug 2020). Blog Entry.

Aguilera, Rodrigo (2018) Despite reform, Mexico's 2018 election is business as usual. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (23 Jun 2018). Website.

Aguilera, Rodrigo (2018) Discretionary rule of law in Mexico could undermine AMLO's anti-corruption drive. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (04 Sep 2018). Website.

Aguilera, Rodrigo (2020) How Mexico’s far right is slowly awakening. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (14 Oct 2020). Blog Entry.

Aguilera, Rodrigo (2021) Mexico’s 2021 mid-term elections: more Morena and glimmers of hope for AMLO’s opponents in 2024. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (10 Jun 2021). Blog Entry.

Aguilera, Rodrigo (2018) Populism in Mexico and Brazil: why are voters moving in opposite directions? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (24 Oct 2018). Blog Entry.

Ahmad, Ehtisham, Best, Michael and Pöschl, Caroline (2012) Tax reform in the presence of informality in developing countries: incentives to cheat in Mexico. Working papers (56). Asia Research Centre (ARC), The London School of Economics & Political Science, London, UK.

Akram, Hassan (2012) Book review: 21st century socialism in Latin America: triumphs and facades. LSE Review of Books (07 May 2012). Website.

Alburez-Gutierrez, Diego (2016) Genocide is the tip of the iceberg: reviewing the Guatemalan case. LSE Human Rights Blog (18 Feb 2016). Website.

Allen, Natalie and Gilson, Christopher (2014) Christie cleared for now, Georgia’s ‘guns everywhere’ bill, and what is wrong with California’s Democrats? US state blog round up for 22 – 28 March. LSE American Politics and Policy (29 Mar 2014). Website.

Alonso, Gregorio (2017) Bicentenary celebrations of Latin American independence obscure the complex realities of the birth of nations. USApp-American Politics and Policy Blog (30 Sep 2017). Blog Entry.

Ambrosius, Christian and Meseguer, Covadonga (2020) Return migration, crime, and electoral engagement in Mexico. Electoral Studies, 66. ISSN 0261-3794

Amorim, Melania, Barberia, Lorena G., Fernandez, Michelle, Lotta, Gabriela, Moraes de Sousa, Tatiane, Rached, Danielle Hanna, Ventura, Deisy and Wenham, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-3203 (2020) Quem é responsável pela catástrofe Brasileira na crise de Covid-19? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (19 Nov 2020). Blog Entry.

Anciaes, Paulo Rui (2014) Book review: rights of way to Brasília Teimosa: the politics of squatter settlement by Charles J. Fortin. LSE Review of Books (20 Jun 2014). Website.

Andrews, Catherine and Acevedo Rodrigo, Ariadna (2020) Cien años de arrogancia: por qué el liberalismo occidental no salvará a América Latina. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (16 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.

Andrews, Catherine and Acevedo Rodrigo, Ariadna (2020) One hundred years of arrogance: why Western liberalism won’t save Latin America. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (04 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.

Anisin, Alexei (2013) Book review: Two nations indivisible: Mexico, the United States and the road ahead. LSE Review of Books (11 Sep 2013). Website.

Arevalo, Amaral and Wenham, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-3203 (2020) Covid-19 en El Salvador: de medidas sanitarias a la restricción de derechos. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (10 Apr 2020). Blog Entry.

Arevalo, Amaral and Wenham, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-3203 (2020) Covid-19 in El Salvador: safeguarding public health or restricting human rights? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (13 Apr 2020). Blog Entry.

Arimatsu, Louise and Chinkin, Christine (2019) 16 Days of Activism: countering violence against women through peaceful resistance. Women, Peace and Security (25 Nov 2019), pp. 1-11. Blog Entry.

Aspinwall, Mark (2013) With corruption endemic, President Peña Nieto’s reforms in Mexico have an uncertain fate. LSE American Politics and Policy (USAPP) Blog (21 Sep 2013). Website.

Avgerou, Chrisanthi ORCID: 0000-0002-8814-453X (2013) Explaining trust in IT-mediated elections: a case study of e-voting in Brazil. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14 (8). pp. 420-451. ISSN 1536-9323

Avgerou, Chrisanthi ORCID: 0000-0002-8814-453X, Ganzaroli, Andrea, Poulymenakou, Angeliki and Reinhard, Nicolau (2009) Interpreting the trustworthiness of government mediated by information and communication technology: lessons from electronic voting in Brazil. Information Technology for Development, 15 (2). pp. 133-148. ISSN 1554-0170

Avila, Renata (2015) Alternative internet(s): will they develop in Latin America? Media Policy Blog (29 Jan 2015). Website.


Bagchi, Kanad (2016) Argentina debt restructuring deal – 15 years too late! Euro Crisis in the Press (04 Mar 2016). Website.

Bancalari, Antonella and Molina, Oswaldo (2020) Has cCvid-19 ‘infected’ infrastructure development in Peru? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (10 Jul 2020). Blog Entry.

Barberia, Lorena G. and Avelino, George (2011) Do political budget cycles differ in Latin American democracies? Economía, 11 (2). 101 - 134. ISSN 1529-7470

Bardouille, Nand (2022) Caricom states contend with a new era of great-power rivalry. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (08 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.

Barrientos, Jaime and Bahamondes, Joaquín (2022) Latin America over the rainbow? Insights on homosexuality tolerance from World Values Survey data. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (30 Jun 2022). Blog Entry.

Barrios Fernandez, Andrés and Bovini, Giulia (2017) It’s time to learn: understanding the differences in returns to instruction time. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP1521). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.

Barton, Guy (2011) A fork in the road? Chilean foreign policy under Piñera, one year on. International Affairs at LSE (30 Mar 2011). Website.

Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947 (2004) Developing management systems to implement priority projects: Brazil in action. . Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947 (2000) The new public management: a bibliographical essay for Latin American (and other) scholars. International Public Management Journal, 3 (2). pp. 229-265. ISSN 1096-7494

Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947, Gaetani, Francisco, Cortázar Velarde, Juan Carlos and Cejudo, Guillermo (2003) Research on public management policy change in the Latin America region: a conceptual framework and methodological guide. International Public Management Review, 4 (1). pp. 20-42. ISSN 1662-1387

Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947 and Shvets, Evgeniya (2006) Innovating government-wide public management practices to implement development policy: the case of "Brazil in Action". International Public Management Journal, 9 (1). pp. 47-74. ISSN 1096-7494

Bastos Lima, Mairon G. and da Costa, Karen (2022) Environmental malgovernance in Brazil: what to do in the face of purposeful destruction? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (29 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.

Bastos Lima, Mairon G. and da Costa, Karen (2022) Má governança ambiental no Brasil: o que fazer diante da destruição proposital? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (29 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.

Bautista, Maria Angélica, Gonzalez, Felipe, Martinez, Luis Roberto, Muñoz, Pablo and Prem, Mounu (2018) El Chile de Pinochet nos muestra que la represión puede ser el fin de los dictadores. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (20 Nov 2018). Blog Entry.

Bautista, Maria Angélica, Gonzalez, Felipe, Martinez, Luis Roberto, Muñoz, Pablo and Prem, Mounu (2018) Pinochet’s Chile shows that repression can spell the end for dictators. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (07 Nov 2018). Blog Entry.

Beckett, Charlie (2008) Bolivia on the edge and on vacation. POLIS: journalism and society at the LSE (18 Sep 2008). Website.

Beckett, Charlie (2007) Chavez: with friends like these…. POLIS: journalism and society at the LSE (07 Jul 2007). Website.

Beckett, Charlie (2007) YouTube v Chavez. POLIS: journalism and society at the LSE (05 Jun 2007). Website.

Behrens, Annette and Hartviksen, Julia (2015) Troubling borders: A brief reflection from Engenderings. Engenderings (23 Sep 2015). Website.

Belcher, Erica (2017) Inequality in Mexico and how to address it. LSE Department of Government Blog (24 Mar 2017). Website.

Benedikter, Roland and Zlosilo, Miguel (2017) Chile's 2017 presidential election: evaluating the second Bachelet government. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (18 Nov 2017). Website.

Benedikter, Roland and Zlosilo, Miguel (2017) Chile's 2017 presidential election: who will win and why? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (19 Nov 2017). Website.

Benedikter, Roland and Zlosilo, Miguel (2022) Chile’s constitutional referendum points to a difficult path ahead. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (01 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.

Benedikter, Roland and Zlosilo, Miguel (2022) El referéndum constitucional de Chile augura un futuro complejo para el país. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (02 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.

Benson, Allison L. (2021) From targeted private benefits to public goods: land, distributive politics and changing political conditions in Colombia. World Development, 146. ISSN 0305-750X

Berliner, Daniel ORCID: 0000-0002-0285-0215 and Erlich, Aaron (2015) Competing for transparency: political competition and institutional reform in Mexican States. American Political Science Review, 109 (1). 110 - 128. ISSN 0003-0554

Bevan, Gwyn ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-3770 and Brown, Lawrence D. (2014) The political economy of rationing health care in England and the US: the ‘accidental logics’ of political settlements. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 9 (03). pp. 273-294. ISSN 1744-1331

Bevan, Shaun and John, Peter (2016) More than just drama: the agenda of Prime Minister’s Questions. British Politics and Policy at LSE (01 Mar 2016). Website.

Biffi Isla, Valeria (2022) Community-level bureaucrats conserving the Peruvian Amazon. Public Administration and Development, 42 (1). 44 - 54. ISSN 0271-2075

Binetti, Bruno (2024) Argentina and the Ukraine war: between pragmatism and values. Global Policy, 15 (4). 746 - 751. ISSN 1758-5880

Blasi, Angelica (2020) Enforced disappearances in hybrid states like Mexico need better coverage in international law. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (11 Aug 2020). Blog Entry.

Boersner Herrera, Adriana and Chaguaceda, Armando (2022) Rusia en Latinoamérica: la confluencia iliberal. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (18 Aug 2022). Blog Entry.

Bonifaz, Gustavo (2014) The gap between legality and legitimacy in Bolivia: visualising a process-tracing analysis. In: LSE Research Festival 2014, 2014-05-08, London, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

Bonneau, Chris W. and Cann, Damon M. (2013) Nonpartisan election formats do not affect voting behaviors. LSE American Politics and Policy (16 Dec 2013). Website.

Bonney, Norman (2014) Changes in Canadian society over the past 62 years suggestthat a fundamental review of the religious characteristics of the Crown is needed. LSE American Politics and Policy (16 Oct 2014). Website.

Book Reviews, LSE (2014) LSE Review of Books podcast in Brazil: episode 3: politics, people and petroleum. LSE Review of Books (22 Jul 2014). Website.

Bouçek, Francoise (2011) Alex Salmond would be wise to study Quebec’s travels down the road to independence. So far, that road has led nowhere. British Politics and Policy at LSE (09 May 2011). Website.

Brancoli, Fernando (2010) A new security dilemma: Plan Colombia and the use of private military companies in South America. International Affairs at LSE (16 Nov 2010). Website.

Brandim Howson, Joseph and Jáuregui, David (2019) The annual Christmas binge on publicity by Mexico's federal bodies weakens public services and media independence. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (12 Dec 2019). Blog Entry.

Brenneman, Robert (2014) Arguments over solutions to the “surge” of Central American immigrant minors are based on myths about why they have come to the U.S. LSE American Politics and Policy (05 Aug 2014). Website.

Brierley, Sarah ORCID: 0000-0002-0902-6763 (2025) Patronage at work: public jobs and political services in Argentina. By Virginia Oliveros, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 280 pp. $29.99 (paperback) ISBN: 9781009082525. Governance, 38 (2). ISSN 0952-1895

Brooks, Wyatt and Donovan, Kevin (2021) Bridging the rural productivity gap in Nicaragua. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (09 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.

Brumley, Cheryl and Pontes Esposito, Marilia (2014) The class, race and age of activists in Brazilian social movements is becoming more diverse. Democratic Audit UK (17 Apr 2014). Website.

Bull, Anna (2015) Book review: El Sistema: orchestrating Venezuela’s youth. LSE Review of Books (24 Mar 2015). Blog Entry.

Bunker, Kenneth (2014) The 2013 presidential and legislative elections in Chile. Electoral Studies, 34. pp. 346-348. ISSN 0261-3794

Bunse, Simone (2022) Costa Rica refuerza sus defensas contra la desinformación en unas complejas elecciones. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (31 Mar 2022). Blog Entry.

Bunse, Simone (2022) Messy 2022 elections boost Costa Rica's defences against organised disinformation. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (31 Mar 2022). Blog Entry.

Burnyeat, Gwen (2018) Colombia's unsung heroes. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (07 Jun 2018). Website.

Burnyeat, Gwen (2018) Los héroes invisibles de Colombia. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (14 Jun 2018). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Argentina and the Falklands: the domestic politics behind Cristina Kirchner’s protests. International Affairs at LSE (23 Feb 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Brazil’s 2010 election: personality-based institutionalisation. International Affairs at LSE (09 Oct 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2011) Brazil’s international rise: an overview of limitations and constraints. International Affairs at LSE (04 Aug 2011). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Brazil’s rejection of sanctions against Iran: US-Brazilian relations in context. International Affairs at LSE (04 Mar 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Charting a known course in Colombia. International Affairs at LSE (24 Jun 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Colombia: potential directions in foreign policy after Uribe. International Affairs at LSE (27 Feb 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Conflicting perspectives on Cuban civil society. International Affairs at LSE (28 Apr 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Considerations about the rising Latin American Right. International Affairs at LSE (18 Jan 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Continuity and change during the K Era in Argentina. International Affairs at LSE (28 Oct 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Feminised international politics: three cases from Latin America. International Affairs at LSE (17 Jun 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Honduras: the international impact of last year’s coup. International Affairs at LSE (14 May 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Indigneous party prospects in Peru. International Affairs at LSE (25 Aug 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Insights into US-Latin American relations through Wikileaks. International Affairs at LSE (01 Dec 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2012) Is Brazil entering a new phase in foreign affairs under Dilma Rousseff? International Affairs at LSE (19 Jan 2012). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Latin America and the Middle East: Contrasting approaches. International Affairs at LSE (23 Mar 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Narrow options: Mexican policy responses to illegal immigration. International Affairs at LSE (29 Apr 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) Sino-Ecuadorian Oil relations: A microcosm for the region? International Affairs at LSE (22 Apr 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) The US in Costa Rica: the price of Latin American exceptionalism? International Affairs at LSE (11 Aug 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) US-Cuban relations: Prospects for improvement? International Affairs at LSE (11 Apr 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) What the World Cup means for Latin America. International Affairs at LSE (09 Jun 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) The context behind the Costa Rican-Nicaraguan border dispute. International Affairs at LSE (17 Nov 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) The lack of substance behind Brazil’s and Argentina’s recognition of Palestinian independence. International Affairs at LSE (08 Dec 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) A new low for Colombian-Venezuelan relations? International Affairs at LSE (26 Jul 2010). Website.

Burton, Guy (2010) A puzzling scenario? UNITAS exercises in Peru. International Affairs at LSE (29 Jul 2010). Website.


Caballero-Sosa, Lila (2010) Political dynamics of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies. In: Relating research to reality: interdisciplinary ideas for a changing world. LSE PhD student poster exhibition, 2010-05-26, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

Camilo Sánchez, Nelson (2018) Colombia elections 2018: safeguarding progress towards implementation of the peace agreement. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (25 May 2018). Website.

Campbell, James E. (2014) A look at past elections shows the 2016 presidential race will be extremely tight. LSE American Politics and Policy (23 Apr 2014). Website.

Cant, Anna ORCID: 0000-0002-8515-4361 (2018) Impulsando la revolución: Sinamos en tres regiones del Perú. In: Aguirre, Carlos and Drinot, Paulo, (eds.) La revolución peculiar: Repensando el gobierno militar de Velasco. IEP, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, Peru. ISBN 9789972516924

Cant, Anna ORCID: 0000-0002-8515-4361 (2021) Land without masters: agrarian reform and political change under Peru's military government. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX. ISBN 9781477322024

Cant, Anna ORCID: 0000-0002-8515-4361 (2017) Promoting the revolution: SINAMOS in three different regions of Peru. In: Aguirre, Carlos and Drinot, Paulo, (eds.) The Peculiar Revolution: Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment Under Military Rule. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, 213 - 240. ISBN 9781477312117

Cantú Rivera, Humberto (2015) UN FORUM SERIES – the UN guiding principles in the Americas: moving forward? Measuring Business and Human Rights (24 Dec 2015). Website.

Cardia, Nancy (2013) What is the crisis in public security in São Paulo? International Affairs at LSE (18 Mar 2013). Website.

Carlos Herrera, Luis, Montenegro, Markelda and Torres–Lista, Virginia (2021) Implications of the agreements between China and Panama. Working paper (04/2021). LSE Global South Unit, London, UK. ISBN 9789962852506

Carlos Herrera, Luis, Montenegro, Markelda and Torres–Lista, Virginia (2020) The diplomatic context between China and Panama and their agreements. Working paper (03/2020). LSE Global South Unit, London, UK. ISBN 9789962852421

Carlos Herrera, Luis, Montenegro, Markelda and Torres–Lista, Virginia (2020) The 'two Chinas' and Panama: an historical review of Panamanian relations with the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, 1903–2017. Working paper (02/2020). LSE Global South Unit, London, UK. ISBN 9789962852414

Carrasco, María (2021) Three dreams for Chile’s new constitution. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (11 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.

Carrasco, María (2021) Tres conceptos para soñar en la nueva Constitución de Chile. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (11 Feb 2021). Blog Entry.

Carrasco, María (2022) Why we failed to approve the new Chilean constitution: the need for a cultural transformation. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (15 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.

Carrera, Leandro ORCID: 0000-0001-6561-9427 and Angelaki, Marina (2021) Bringing back the state: understanding varieties of pension re-reforms in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society, 63 (4). 22 - 44. ISSN 1531-426X

Carrera, Leandro ORCID: 0000-0001-6561-9427 and Angelaki, Marina (2022) The many lives of the Bolivian private pension system. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (03 Feb 2022). Blog Entry.

Caruana, Nicholas J. (2014) Negative partisanship is real, measurable, and affects political behaviour. Democratic Audit Blog (25 Nov 2014). Website.

Carvalho, Laura (2020) Como a economia brasileira ajudou a eleger Bolsonaro? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (15 Jan 2020). Blog Entry.

Carvalho, Laura (2019) ¿Cómo contribuyó la economía brasileña a la elección de Bolsonaro? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (05 Dec 2019). Blog Entry.

Cascardi, Elisa, Hathaway, Adrienne, Silva Méndez, Jorge Luis, Ortiz, Diana, Rounseville, Megan and Vargas, Juan (2017) Colombia can smooth the road to peace by taking justice to victims of conflict. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (30 Mar 2017). Website.

Cascardi, Elisa, Hathaway, Adrienne, Silva Méndez, Jorge Luis, Ortiz, Diana, Rounseville, Megan and Vargas, Juan (2017) Colombia puede allanar el camino hacia la paz llevando justicia hasta las víctimas del conflicto. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (05 Apr 2017). Website.

Caselli, Francesco ORCID: 0009-0001-5191-7156 (2014) Efficiency gaps help to explain why Latin America produces 1/5th the output per worker of the US. LSE American Politics and Policy (21 Aug 2014). Website.

Castro, Bhavani, Castro, Carolina, Kishi, Roudabeh, Lopez Uribe, Maria and Posada, Fernando (2020) Understanding the killing of social leaders in Colombia during Covid-19. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (06 Oct 2020). Blog Entry.

Castro, Carolina, Lopez Uribe, Maria, Posada, Fernando, Castro, Bhavani and Kishi, Roudabeh (2020) ¿Cómo entender la ola de asesinatos de líderes sociales en Colombia durante la pandemia. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (29 Sep 2020). Blog Entry.

Ceballos, Marcela (2005) The country behind the ballot box: the impact of political reform in Colombia during a humanitarian crisis. Crisis States Research Centre working papers series 1 (74). Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Centeno, Ramón I. (2020) Dos años de AMLO en México: ¿un gobierno de izquierda? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (16 Dec 2020). Blog Entry.

Chaguaceda, Armando and Boersner Herrera, Adriana (2022) Russia in Latin America: the illiberal confluence. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (28 Jul 2022). Blog Entry.

Chanfreau, Jenny, Acciari, Louisa and Holvikivi, Aiko ORCID: 0000-0001-7901-1105 (2017) About that march on Saturday 21st. Engenderings (24 Jan 2017). Website.

Chavelas, Astrid Paola and Castillo Quintero, Mario (2022) Episode 4 - The construction of the Interoceanic Transport Corridor and its conflicts. Infrastructure (Re)Worldings (22 Jul 2022). Blog Entry.

Chen, Sibo (2021) Book review: Resource radicals: from petro-nationalism to post-extractivism in Ecuador by Thea Riofrancos. LSE Review of Books (31 Mar 2021). Blog Entry.

Chinkin, Christine (2017) Giving voice and visibility to victims of sexual violence has the potential to drive cultural change in Colombia. Women, Peace and Security (04 May 2017). Website.

Chinkin, Christine, Yoshida, Keina and de Liévana, Gema Fernández Rodríguez (2020) Sexual Slavery: Linda Loaiza López Soto v Venezuela. Women, Peace and Security (29 Jan 2020), pp. 1-9. Blog Entry.

Chudleigh, Sarah (2024) Titles as identity: applying self-determination theory to increase sponsorships by experienced private refugee sponsors in Canada. Behavioural Public Policy. ISSN 2398-063X

Chwalisz, Claudia (2015) Canada’s election is turning out to be a three-way race to the finish. USApp - American Politics and Policy Blog (17 Sep 2015). Website.

Chwalisz, Claudia (2014) ‘Harperism’: undermining Canadian democracy since 2006. LSE American Politics and Policy (16 Dec 2014). Website.

Chwalisz, Claudia (2014) The battle lines are drawn for Canada’s 2015 election. LSE American Politics and Policy (24 Sep 2014). Website.

Chwalisz, Claudia (2015) The moment of genuine interest in Canada’s democracy afforded by Stephen Harper’s defeat must not go to waste. Democratic Audit UK (22 Oct 2015). Website.

Clark, Terhas and Carvajal, Alejandra (2017) Ecuador's election of the Global South's first wheelchair-using president can drive vital debate on disability and development. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (26 Jul 2017). Website.

Clarke, Harold, Scotto, Thomas J. and Stewart, Marianne (2021) In Canada’s snap election, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals were both victims and beneficiaries of the COVID-19 crisis. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (06 Oct 2021). Blog Entry.

Cocomá Ricaurte, Angélica and Laguna Trujillo, Juliana (2020) La violencia reproductiva: una categoría de análisis necesaria en las transiciones. Women, Peace and Security (24 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.

Cocomá Ricaurte, Angélica and Laguna Trujillo, Juliana (2020) Reproductive violence: a necessary category of analysis in transitional justice scenarios. Women, Peace and Security (24 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.

Cohen, Lucia (2013) Media Reform in Argentina: Can it go too far? Media Policy Blog (11 Jan 2013). Website.

Colantonio, Andrea and Potter, Robert (2006) Urban tourism and development in the Socialist state: Havana during the 'special period'. New directions in tourism analysis. Ashgate Dartmouth, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9780754647393

Colina, Griselda and McCoy, Jennifer (2018) Venezuela elections 2018: evaluating electoral conditions in an authoritarian regime. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (18 May 2018). Website.

Collins, John (2017) The effectiveness of Trump's revived 'drug war' rhetoric has already been rejected in Latin America. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (26 Sep 2017). Website.

Collins, John and Alarcón, Karen Torres (2021) Colombia, the drug wars and the politics drug policy displacement – from La Violencia to UNGASS 2016. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development, 3 (2). 190 - 205. ISSN 2516-7227

Cortés-Sánchez, Julián David (2018) Latin American research in business, management, and accounting is still dwarfed by Spain and the Global North. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog (12 Oct 2018). Blog Entry.

Costa-Font, Joan ORCID: 0000-0001-7174-7919 and Ljunge, Martin (2023) Ideological spillovers across the Atlantic? Evidence from Trump’s presidential election. European Journal of Political Economy, 76. ISSN 0176-2680

Coulter, Steve (2014) T-TIP: curb your enthusiasm. LSE New European Trade Unions (22 May 2014). Website.

Courtney, John (2015) The promise to change the Canadian electoral system is a bold commitment, and one that will be tough to meet. Democratic Audit UK (30 Oct 2015). Website.

Coutinho, Marcelo, Ribeiro-Hoffmann, Andrea and Kfuri, Regina (2008) Mercosur: un análisis multidimensional del proceso de integración. Cuadernos Sobre Relaciones Internacionales, Regionalismo y Desarrollo, 3 (5-6). pp. 97-123. ISSN 1856-349X

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This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:43:08 2025 GMT.