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Developing information systems: concepts, issues and practice.
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A review of the methodologies movement.
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Current issues in the economics of welfare.
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American Economic Review, 83 (4).
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Post-communist reform: pain and progress.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., USA.
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Blanchflower, D. and Freeman, Richard B. (1993) The legacy of communist labor relations. CEPDP (180). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
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Breuilly, John (1993) Sovereignty and boundaries: modern state formation and national identity in Germany. In: Fulbrook, Mary, (ed.) National Histories and European History. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 94-140. ISBN 9781857280753
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Brown, W., Marginson, P. and Whitfield, K. (1993) Does the regulatory system matter? A comparison of workplace industrial relations in Australia and Britain. CEPDP (175). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Burgess, Robin ORCID: 0009-0002-1187-3248
Public revenue without taxation.
Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers Ltd, London.
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Taxation and development.
Journal of Economic Literature, 31 (2).
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Calhoun, Craig (1993) Civil society and the public sphere. Public Culture, 5 (2). pp. 267-280. ISSN 0899-2363
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Calhoun, Craig (1993) Habitus, field and capital: the question of historical specificity. In: Calhoun, Craig, LiPuma, Edward and Postone, Moishe, (eds.) Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 61-88. ISBN 9780226090924
Calhoun, Craig (1993) Nationalism and civil society: democracy, diversity and self-determination. International Sociology, 8 (4). pp. 387-411. ISSN 0268-5809
Calhoun, Craig (1993) Nationalism and ethnicity. Annual Review of Sociology, 19 (1). pp. 211-239. ISSN 0360-0572
Calhoun, Craig (1993) Nationalism and social change. . University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC,USA.
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Calhoun, Craig (1993) Symposium: identity and control: review of: identity and control: a structural theory of social action. by Harrison C. White. Contemporary Sociology, 22 (3). pp. 314-318. ISSN 0094-3061
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Calhoun, Craig and Hiller, Henryk (1993) Insidious injuries: the case of Johns-Manville and asbestos exposure. In: Klemke, Lloyd W., (ed.) Analyzing Deviants and Deviant Behavior. Ginn Press, Needham Heights, MA, USA. ISBN 0536584923
Chari, Sharad (1993) Book review: this fissured land - an ecological history of India by Ramachandra Guha and Madhav Gadgil. Economic Geography, 69 (4). ISSN 0013-0095
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Chintagunta, Pradeep K., Rao, Vithala R. and Vilcassim, Naufel J. ORCID: 0000-0003-0192-8014
Equilibrium pricing and advertising strategies for nondurable experience products in a dynamic duopoly.
Managerial and Decision Economics, 14 (3).
pp. 221-234.
ISSN 1099-1468
Collins, Hugh ORCID: 0000-0002-2142-2208
The law of contract.
Law in context.
Butterworth, London, UK.
ISBN 9780406031471
Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
Domino effect or internal developments? The influences of international events and political ideologies on Catalan and Basque nationalism.
Western European Politics, 16 (3).
pp. 245-270.
ISSN 0140-2382
Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
The influence of culture on political choices: language maintenance and its implications for the Catalan and Basque national movements.
History of European Ideas, 16 (1-3).
pp. 189-200.
ISSN 0191-6599
Coricelli, F. and Milesi-Ferretti, G. (1993) On the credibility of big bang programs: a note on wage claims and soft budget constraints on economies in transition. CEP discussion paper (124). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
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An empirical investigation on the dynamics of qualitative decisions of firms.
Yale University, New Haven, CT., USA.
Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152
What's wrong with going underground?
International Economic Insights, 15.
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Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152 and Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia
Robustness properties of inequality measures : the influence function and the principle of transfers.
DARP (1).
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
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Davies, Paul L. and Freedland, Mark (1993) Labour legislation and public policy. Clarendon law series. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198760603
Deng, Kent ORCID: 0000-0002-9795-3646
Development versus stagnation: technological continuity and agricultural progress in pre-modern China.
Contributions in economics and economic history.
Greenwood Press (Westport, Conn.), London, UK.
ISBN 0313286469
Deng, Kent ORCID: 0000-0002-9795-3646
Property rights in China's reform.
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pp. 57-59.
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Diamond, Peter and Felli, Leonardo (1993) Search, sticky prices and deflation. Mimeo.
Dickens, Richard, Gregg, Paul, Machin, Stephen ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701, Manning, Alan
ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580 and Wadsworth, Jonathan
Wages councils: was there a case for abolition?
British Journal of Industrial Relations, 31 (4).
pp. 515-530.
ISSN 0007-1080
Disney, R., Gosling, A. and Machin, Stephen ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701
What has happened to union recognition in Britain?
CEP discussion paper (130).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Dodge, Toby ORCID: 0000-0003-1262-4921
An Arabian prince, English gentlemen and the tribes east of the river Jordan: Abdullah and the creation and consolidation of the Transjordanian state.
Occasional papers (13).
School of African and Oriental Studies, London, UK.
Drago, R, Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Wooden, M
Pay for performance incentives and work attitudes.
Australian Journal of Management, 17 (2).
pp. 217-231.
ISSN 0312-8962
Dunleavy, Patrick ORCID: 0000-0002-2650-6398 and Subrahmanyam, Gita
Policy instruments: a report to the National Audit Office.
National Audit Office, London, UK.
Dunn, Stephen and Wright, Mike (1993) Managing without the closed shop. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP118). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
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ORCID: 0000-0002-5838-3265 and Levi, M.
Creating a good atmosphere: minimum participation for tackling the 'greenhouse effect'.
Economica, 60 (239).
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ISSN 0013-0427
Elgar, J. and Simpson, R. (1993) The TUC's Bridlington principles and interunion competition. CEPDP (160). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Elgar, J. and Simpson, R. (1993) Union negotiators, industrial action and the law: report of a survey of negotiators in twenty five unions 1991-92. CEPDP (171). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Elgar, J. and Simpson, R. (1993) The impact of law on industrial disputes in the 1980's: report of a survey of engineering employers. CEP discussion paper (150). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Eliashberg, Jehoshua and Steinberg, Richard ORCID: 0000-0001-9636-472X
Marketing-production joint decision-making.
In: Elishaberg, Jehoshua and Lilien, Gary L., (eds.)
Handbooks in operations research and management science.
Elsevier Science (Firm), Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 827-877.
ISBN 9780444889577
Emmerink, Richard, Axhausen, Kay W., Nijkamp, Peter and Rietveld, Piet (1993) Effects of information in road transport networks with recurrent congestions. Operational Research working papers (LSEOR 93.9). Department of Operational Research, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
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Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593
Self-management: economic theory and Yugoslav practice.
Cambridge Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet studies.
(no. 40).
Cambridge University Press, Bath, UK.
ISBN 9780521244978
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Cave, Martin
Competition and competition policy: A comparative analysis of Central and Eastern Europe.
Thomson Learning (Firm), London, UK.
ISBN 9781855671256
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593, Gelb, Alan and Singh, Interjit
Enterprises in transition: issues and methods of analysis.
East European Economies, 31 (5).
pp. 3-18.
ISSN 0012-8775
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Holmes, Peter
French planning in theory and practice.
George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London, UK.
ISBN 9780043390283
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Pissarides, Christopher
ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
Unemployment statistics in Central and Eastern Europe: The role of the Labour Force Survey.
In: Powers, S., (ed.)
Economic Statistics for Economies in Transition: Eastern Europe in the 1990s.
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Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Richet, Xavier
Enterprise adjustment in transition economies: Czechoslovakia, Hungry and Poland?
Comparative Economic Studies, 35 (4).
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 0888-7233
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Richet, Xavier
Restructuration industrielle et ajustement microéconomique en Pologne. Une approche intersectorielle.
Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 42 (2).
pp. 67-86.
ISSN 0338-0599
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593, Schaffer, Mark E. and Singh, Interjit
Enterprise adjustment in transition economies: Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland.
MOCT-MOST, 3 (3).
pp. 21-51.
ISSN 1120-7388
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Svejnar, J
Wage determination in labor-managed firms under market-oriented reforms: estimates of static and dynamic models.
Journal of Comparative Economics, 17 (3).
pp. 687-700.
ISSN 0147-5967
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Takla, L.
Competition and competition policy in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
In: Estrin, Saul and Cave, Martin, (eds.)
Competition and Competition Policy: a Comparative Analysis of Central and Eastern Europe.
Thomson Learning (Firm), London, UK, pp. 44-61.
ISBN 9781855671256
Evandrou, Maria, Falkingham, Jane, Hills, John and Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Welfare benefits in kind and income distribution.
Fiscal Studies, 14 (1).
pp. 57-76.
ISSN 1475-5890
Evans, George W. and Honkapohja, Seppo (1993) Adaptive forecasts. CEP discussion paper (135). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Evans, Mary and Morgan, David (1993) The battle for Britain: citizenship and ideology in the Second World War. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415017220
Farr, Robert (1993) The theory of social representations: whence and whither? Papers on Social Representations, 2 (3). pp. 130-138. ISSN 1021-5573
Featherstone, Kevin ORCID: 0000-0001-5652-4338
The EC and the US: managing interdependence.
In: Lodge, Juliet, (ed.)
The European Community and the Challenge of the Future.
Pinter (Firm), London, UK, pp. 271-282.
ISBN 0312099789
Featherstone, Kevin ORCID: 0000-0001-5652-4338
The EC and the USA in the 1990s.
Working papers (4).
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Poznan, Poland.
Featherstone, Kevin ORCID: 0000-0001-5652-4338
Jean Monnet and the democratic deficit in the EC.
In: Political Studies Association Annual Conference, 1993-05-01, Leicester, United Kingdom, GBR.
Featherstone, Kevin ORCID: 0000-0001-5652-4338 and Ginsberg, Roy H.
The United States and the European Union in the 1990s: partners in transition.
St Martin's Press, London.
ISBN 9780333523469
Felli, Leonardo (1993) Turnovers and asymptotic behavior of workers. Economics Letters, 42 (1). pp. 43-50. ISSN 0165-1765
Ferreira, David (1993) The performance of public enterprises in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe during the last two decades. Economic History working papers (12/93). Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Feuchtwang, Stephan (1993) Chinese race-nation. Anthropology Today, 9 (1). pp. 14-15. ISSN 0268-540X
Feuchtwang, Stephan (1993) Historical metaphor: a study of religious representation and the recognition of authority. Man, 28 (1). pp. 35-49. ISSN 0025-1496
Fischer Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (1993) Metabolism and colonisation: modes of production and the physical exchange between societies and nature. Discussion paper series (DP5). Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Fortin, P., Keil, Manfred and Symons, James (1993) Unemployment generosity and unemployment. CEP discussion paper (147). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Frazer, Elizabeth and Lacey, Nicola ORCID: 0009-0006-6488-0918
The politics of community: a feminist analysis of the liberal-communitarian debate.
Wheatsheaf, London, UK.
ISBN 9780745008615
Freeman, Richard (1993) What direction for labor market institutions in eastern and central Europe? CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP0157). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Fuller, C. J. (1993) Only Siva can worship Siva : ritual mistakes and their correction in a South Indian temple. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 27 (2). pp. 169-189. ISSN 0069-9667
Gains, Adrian and Rosenhead, Jonathan (1993) Problem structuring for medical quality assurance. Operational Research working papers (LSEOR 93.8). Department of Operational Research, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Gearty, Conor ORCID: 0000-0002-3885-2650
Citizenship and freedom of expression.
In: Blackburn, Robert, (ed.)
Rights of Citizenship.
Citizenship and the law series.
Mansell (Firm), London, UK, pp. 271-294.
ISBN 9780720121247
Gearty, Conor ORCID: 0000-0002-3885-2650
The European Court of Human Rights and the protection of civil liberties: an overview.
Cambridge Law Journal, 52 (1).
pp. 89-127.
ISSN 0008-1973
Geroski, P, Machin, S and Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907
The profitability of innovating firms.
RAND Journal of Economics, 24 (2).
pp. 198-211.
ISSN 0741-6261
Glennerster, Howard (1993) Paying for welfare: issues for the 1990s. In: Deakin, Nicholas and Page, Robert, (eds.) The Costs of Welfare. Avebury, Aldershot, UK, pp. 13-28. ISBN 9781856285131
Glennerster, Howard (1993) Paying for welfare: issues for the nineties. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 082). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Glennerster, Howard (1993) The economics of education: changing fortunes. In: Barr, Nicholas and Whynes, David, (eds.) Current Issues in the Economics of Welfare. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 0333556941
Glennerster, Howard, Hills, John and Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Investigating welfare: final report of the ESRC welfare research programme.
Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 092).
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Glennerster, Howard and Matsaganis, M. (1993) The UK health reforms: the fundholding experiment. Health Policy, 23 (3). pp. 179-191. ISSN 0168-8510
Glennerster, Howard and Turner, Tessa (1993) Estate based housing management: an evaluation. Stationery Office, London, UK. ISBN 0117528641
Gosling, A. and Machin, Stephen ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701
Trade unions and the dispersion of earnings in UK establishments.
CEP discussion paper (140).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Gough, Ian ORCID: 0000-0002-0597-3106
Competitividad económica y estado de bienestar: estudio comparativo de cinco países avanzados [translated from English by Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo].
Colección informes y estudios. Serie general.
Spain. Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Centro de Publicaciones, Madrid, Spain.
ISBN 847434817X
Gregory, Alan, Matako, John, Tonks, Ian and Purkis, Richard (1993) UK directors' trading: the impact of dealings in smaller firms. Financial Markets Group Discussion Papers (160). Financial Markets Group, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Griffith, J. A. G. (1993) Book review: in the highest degree odious: detention without trial in wartime Britain by A. W. Simpson. Journal of Law and Society, 20 (4). pp. 478-479. ISSN 0263-323X
Griffith, J. A. G. (1993) Judicial politics since 1920: a chronicle. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780631190523
Griffith, J. A. G. (1993) The rights stuff. Socialist Register, 29. pp. 106-124. ISSN 0081-0606
Guest, D. and Peccei, R. (1993) The dimensionality and stability of organizational commitment: a longitudinal examination of Cook and Wall's (1980) Organizational Commitment Scale (BOCS). CEP discussion paper (149). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Guest, D. and Rosenthal, P. (1993) Industrial relations in greenfield sites. CEP discussion paper (127). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Haddon, Leslie ORCID: 0000-0001-7338-7232
Explaining ICT consumption: the case of the home computer.
In: Hirsch, Eric and Silverstone, Roger, (eds.)
Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces.
Routledge, London, UK.
ISBN 9780415069908
Haddon, Leslie ORCID: 0000-0001-7338-7232 and Silverstone, Roger
Teleworking in the 1990s - a view from the home.
SPRU CICT Report Series (No. 10).
University of Sussex, Falmer, UK.
Hajivassiliou, Vassilis ORCID: 0009-0000-7041-0791
Macroeconomic shocks in an aggregative disequilibrium model.
Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University, New Haven, CT., USA.
Hajivassiliou, Vassilis ORCID: 0009-0000-7041-0791
Simulating normal rectangle probabilities and their derivatives: effects of vectorization.
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, 7 (3).
pp. 231-253.
ISSN 0890-2720
Hakim, Catherine (1993) Refocusing research on occupational segregation: reply to Watts. European Sociological Review, 9 (3). pp. 321-324. ISSN 0266-7215
Hakim, Catherine (1993) Research analysis of administrative records. In: Hammersley, Martyn, (ed.) Social Research: Philosophy, Politics and Practice. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp. 131-145.
Hakim, Catherine (1993) Segregated and integrated occupations: a new approach to analysing social change. European Sociological Review, 9 (3). pp. 289-314. ISSN 0266-7215
Hakim, Catherine (1993) Social research: an overview of methods and approaches. In: Sykes, Wendy, Bulmer, Martin and Schwerzel, M., (eds.) Directory of Social Research Organisations in the United Kingdom. Mansell (Firm), London, UK, pp. 14-18. ISBN 9780720121650
Hakim, Catherine (1993) The myth of rising female employment. Work, Employment and Society, 7 (1). pp. 97-120. ISSN 0950-0170
Hall, Anthony (1993) Making people matter: sociology and development in Brazilian Amazonia. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 30 (1). pp. 63-80. ISSN 0019-6398
Hall, Anthony (1993) Non-governmental organisations and development in Brazil under dictatorship and democracy. In: Abel, Christopher and Lewis, Colin M., (eds.) Welfare, Poverty and Development in Latin America. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 421-438. ISBN 0333517377
Hall, Anthony (1993) Priority areas for research in Amazonia. In: Jaenicke, H and Flynn, P, (eds.) Sustainable Land Use Systems and Human Living Conditions in the Amazon Region : Proceedings of a Meeting of European Scientists,. European Union. Publications Office, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 14-17. ISBN 9282650987
Halliday, Fred (1993) Anyone concerned about the Middle East: some thoughts on the Palestinian-Israeli agreement. [Unknown Publication] (Dec 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Beyond the fringe. New Statesman and Society (08 Jan 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Bondi beach diary. LSE Magazine (1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Book review: Andargachew Tiruneh, "the Ethipoian revolution 1974-1987: a transformation from an aristocratic to a totalitarian society". Guardian (25 May 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Book review: Artem Borovik, "the hidden war: a Russian journalist's account of the Soviet war in Afghanistan"; Vladimir Kuzichkin, "inside the KGB: myth and reality"; Louise d'Estrange Fawcett, "Iran and the Cold War: the Azerbaijan crisis of 1946". International Journal of Middle East Studies, 25 (3). pp. 508-510. ISSN 0020-7438
Halliday, Fred (1993) Book review: David MacLaren McDonald, "united government and foreign policy in Russia, 1900-1914". Slavonic and East European Review, 71 (3). pp. 551-552. ISSN 0037-6795
Halliday, Fred (1993) Book review: aftermath. New Statesman and Society (14 May 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Book review: breaking the silence: Kanan Makiya, "cruelty and silence: war, tyranny, uprising and the Arab world". In These Times (04 Oct 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Book review: interpreting the cold war: what are the questions? Gabriel Partos, "the world that came in from the cold"; Horst Teltschik, "329 tage. Innenansichten der einigung"; Allen Lynch, "the cold war is over - again"; Michael J. Hogan, "the end of the cold war: its meaning and implications". Contention: Debates in Society, Culture, and Science. ISSN 1056-1072
Halliday, Fred (1993) Book review: winners, losers. Guardian (28 Sep 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) The Cold War as intersystemic conflict - initial theses. In: Bowker, M. and Brown, R., (eds.) From Cold War to Collapse: Theory and World Politics in the 1980s. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 21-34. ISBN 978-0521415965
Halliday, Fred (1993) Creatures of contingency: the Palestine-Israeli agreement and the shifting sands of Middle East politics. ASEN Bulletin, 6. pp. 11-14. ISSN 1353-8004
Halliday, Fred (1993) The Gulf War 1990-1991: implications for international relations. In: E.H. Carr Lecture, 1993-05-04, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)
Halliday, Fred (1993) Iran: the growing marginalisation. . Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Halliday, Fred (1993) The Iranian revolution and the international system: the crisis of the second decade. Vierteljahres Berichte: problems of international co-operation. ISSN 0015-7910
Halliday, Fred (1993) Letter from Prague. New Statesman and Society (16 Jul 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) 'Orientalism' and its critics. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 20 (2). pp. 145-163. ISSN 1353-0194
Halliday, Fred (1993) Past imperfect. In These Times (04 Oct 1993). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Past imperfect, present historic, future anterior: Sunil Khilnani, "Arguing the revolution: the intellectual left in postwar France" [book review]. [draft text]. (Submitted)
Halliday, Fred (1993) The Republic of Yemen. In: Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Oxford University Press.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Sleepwalking through history?: the New World and its discontents. Discussion papers (DP4). Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Halliday, Fred (1993) Western Europe and the Middle East. In: Crawford, Beverley and Schulze, Peter W., (eds.) European Dilemmas After Maastricht. University of California Press, pp. 183-198. ISBN 978-0877251897
Halliday, Fred (1993) The fundamental lesson of the fatwa. New Statesman and Society (12 Feb 1993). Website.
Hechter, Michael and Kanazawa, Satoshi ORCID: 0000-0003-3786-8797
Group solidarity and social order in Japan.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 5 (4).
pp. 455-493.
ISSN 0951-6298
Hills, John (1993) Book review: income transfers in ten welfare states. Journal of Social Policy, 22. pp. 295-297. ISSN 0047-2794
Hochstrasser, Timothy (1993) Conscience and reason: the natural law theory of Jean Barbeyrac. Historical Journal, 36 (2). pp. 381-400. ISSN 0018-246X
Houpis, G. (1993) The effect of lower hours of work on wages and employment. CEP discussion paper (131). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Howell, Jude (1993) China opens its doors: the politics of economic transition. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO. ISBN 9781555874803
Howes, Stephen (1993) Mixed dominance: a new criterion for poverty analysis. DARP (3). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Howes, Stephen (1993) Why not to aggregate up: the influence of aggregation on the ordering of distributions. DARP (2). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Howlett, Peter (1993) New light through old windows: a new perspective on the British economy in the Second World War. Journal of Contemporary History, 28 (2). pp. 361-378. ISSN 0022-0094
Humphrey, Christopher, Miller, Peter and Scapens, Robert W (1993) Accountability and accountable management in the UK public sector. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 6 (3). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0951-3574
Humphreys, Robert (1993) Scientific charity in Victorian London. Claims and achievements of the Charity Organisation Society, 1869-1890. Economic History working papers (14/93). Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Hunt, E. H. and Pam, S. J. (1993) Essex men vindicated: output, incomes and investment in agriculture, 1850-73. Economic History working papers (15/93). Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Hunter, Janet (1993) Japanese women working. Routledge, London. ISBN 0415061881
Hunter, Janet (1993) Meiji period & 'postwar Japan'. In: Bowring, Richard and Kornicki, Peter, (eds.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Japan. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0521403529
Hunter, Janet (1993) Textile factories, tuberculosis and the quality of life in industrializing Japan. In: Hunter, Janet, (ed.) Japanese Women Working. Routledge, London, pp. 69-97. ISBN 0415061881
Hunter, Janet (1993) The limits of financial power: Japanese foreign borrowing and the Russo-Japanese war. In: Ion, Hamish and Errington, E.J, (eds.) Great Powers and Little Wars : the Limits of Power. Praeger Publishers, Westport, pp. 145-165. ISBN 0275939650
Hussain, Athar and Stern, Nicholas (1993) The role of the state, ownership and taxation in transitional economies. Economics of Transition, 1 (1). pp. 61-87. ISSN 0967-0750
Illarionov, A., Layard, Richard ORCID: 0000-0002-1313-699X and Orzag, P.
The conditions of life.
CEP Discussion Papers (165).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Illsley, Raymond and Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Regional inequalities in mortality.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 47 (6).
444 - 449.
ISSN 0143-005X
Jackman, Richard (1993) Mass unemployment : international experience and lessons for policy. Finnish Economic Papers, 6 (1). pp. 5-12. ISSN 0784-5197
Jackman, Richard (1993) Mass unemployment : international experience and lessons for policy. CEP discussion paper (152). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Jackman, Richard (1993) Mass unemployment: international experience and lessons for policy. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP0152). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Jackman, Richard, Commander, S and Pages, C (1993) Incomes policy and inflation. In: World Bank conference on unemployment, restructuring and the labour market in east Europe and Russia, 1993-10-01, Washington DC, United States, USA.
Jarvis, Sarah J. and Micklewright, John (1993) The targetting of family allowance in Hungary. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 081). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Jenkins, Stephen P and Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152
Dwarfs and giants in the 1980s : The UK income distribution and how it changed.
University College Swansea. Department of Economics discussion paper; 93-03.
University College of Swansea, Department of Economics, Swansea.
Jerrum, Mark and Sorkin, Gregory B. ORCID: 0000-0003-4935-7820
Simulated annealing for graph bisection.
In: 34th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1993-11-03 - 1993-11-05, CA, United States, USA.
Jovchelovitch, Sandra ORCID: 0000-0002-0073-2792, Allansdottir, A. and Stathopoulou, A.
Social representations : the versatility of a concept.
Papers on Social Representations, 2 (1).
pp. 3-10.
ISSN 1021-5573
Judd, Frank (1993) Global governance: a cry for action: a response to the paper by Sir Austin Bide. Discussion papers (DP2). Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Kallinikos, Jannis ORCID: 0000-0002-4446-2878
Identity, recursiveness and change: semiotics and beyond.
In: Ahonen, P., (ed.)
Tracing the Semiotic Boundaries of Politics.
Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, pp. 257-279.
ISBN 9783110135336
Katz, Harry, Kuruvilla, Sarosh and Turner, Lowell (1993) Trade unions and collective bargaining. Policy, Research working papers (WPS 1099). World Bank, PHREE, Washington D.C..
Katz, Harry, Kuruvilla, Sarosh and Turner, Lowell (1993) Trade unions and collective bargaining: suggestions for emerging democracies in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. In: Silverman, Bertram, Vogt, Robert and Yanowitch, Murray, (eds.) Double shift: transforming work in postsocialist and postindustrial societies. Routledge, New York, USA. ISBN 9781563242069
Keen, David ORCID: 0000-0002-7218-8378
Kurds in Iraq: how safe is their haven now?
Save the Children Fund (Great Britain), London, UK.
ISBN 9781870322652
Keen, David ORCID: 0000-0002-7218-8378
NGOs and evaluation: image or impact.
Universitetet i Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
King, Mervyn (1993) Debt inflation: theory and evidence. Financial Markets Group Discussion Papers (175). Financial Markets Group, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Kleinman, Mark and Piachaud, David (1993) European social policy: conceptions and choices. Journal of European Social Policy, 3 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0958-9287
Kleinman, Mark and Piachaud, David (1993) European social policy: models and rationales. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 077). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Kogan, Maurice and Brennan, John (1993) Higher education and the world of work. Higher Education in Europe, 18 (2). pp. 2-23. ISSN 0379-7724
Konings, J. (1993) Job creation and job destruction in the UK manufacturing sector. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP0176). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Konings, J. and Walsh, Patrick Paul (1993) Evidence of efficiency wage payments in UK firm level panel data. CEP discussion paper (138). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Krugman, P and Venables, Tony (1993) Integration, specialization and adjustment. CEP discussion paper; CEPDP0172. London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London.
Krugman, P. and Venables, Tony (1993) Integration. CEPDP (172). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Kuruvilla, Sarosh (1993) Book Review: Comparative industrial relations: contemporary research and theory. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 46 (4). pp. 737-738. ISSN 0019-7939
Kuruvilla, Sarosh, Gallagher, Daniel G. and Wetzel, Kurt (1993) The development of members' attitudes toward their unions: Sweden and Canada. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 46 (3). pp. 499-514. ISSN 0019-7939
Kuruvilla, Sarosh and Iverson, Roderick D. (1993) A confirmatory factor analysis of union commitment in Australia. Journal of Industrial Relations, 35 (3). pp. 436-452. ISSN 0022-1856
Lacey, Nicola ORCID: 0009-0006-6488-0918
Closure and critique in feminist jurisprudence: transcending the dichotomy or a foot in both camps?
In: Norrie, Alan, (ed.)
Closure or Critique: New Directions in Legal Theory.
Edinburgh law & society series.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 194-213.
ISBN 9780748604456
Lacey, Nicola ORCID: 0009-0006-6488-0918
Escaping the legal paradigm.
In: Hawkins, Keith, (ed.)
The Uses of Discretion.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 361-388.
ISBN 9780198257622
Lacey, Nicola ORCID: 0009-0006-6488-0918
Theory into practice? Pornography and the public/private dichotomy.
Journal of Law and Society, 20 (1).
pp. 93-113.
ISSN 0263-323X
Lacey, Nicola ORCID: 0009-0006-6488-0918
A clear concept of intention: elusive or illusory?
Modern Law Review, 56 (5).
pp. 621-642.
ISSN 0026-7961
Lahlou, Saadi ORCID: 0000-0001-8114-7271
Modelisation et codage des aliments: theorie et application informatique pour l'observatoire des consommations alimentaires.
Bulletin d’Information de la Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes, 3.
pp. 94-115.
Lahlou, Saadi ORCID: 0000-0001-8114-7271
A method for measuring network effects in scientific cooperation.
Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique (40).
pp. 64-89.
ISSN 0759-1063
Lambek, Michael (1993) Knowledge and practice in Mayotte: local discourses of Islam, sorcery, and spirit possession. Anthropological horizons. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada. ISBN 0802077838
Lane, David C. (1993) Scope of OR tools. OR Newsletter. pp. 29-30.
Lane, David C. (1993) A comment on prolegomena to OR modelling of the global environment-development problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 43 (12). pp. 1257-1258. ISSN 1476-9360
Lane, David C. (1993) The road not taken: observing a process of issue selection and model conceptualization. System Dynamics Review, 9 (3). pp. 239-264. ISSN 0883-7066
Lanjouw, Peter and Stern, Nicholas (1993) Agricultural change and inequality in Palanpur, 1957-84. In: Hoff, K., Braverman, A. and Stiglitz, J.E., (eds.) The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice and Policy. Oxford University Press for the World Bank, New York, US, pp. 543-568. ISBN 0195208889
Layard, Richard ORCID: 0000-0002-1313-699X
Can Russia control inflation?
CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP0170).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Layard, Richard ORCID: 0000-0002-1313-699X
Stabilization versus reform? Russia's first year.
Post-Communist Reform: Pain and Progress.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., USA, pp. 15-36.
ISBN 0262023628
Layard, Richard ORCID: 0000-0002-1313-699X
Why so much pain, and how to reduce it.
Voprosy Ekonomiki (2).
ISSN 0042-8736
Layard, Richard ORCID: 0000-0002-1313-699X
The future of the Russian reform.
Economics of Transition, 1 (3).
pp. 357-362.
ISSN 0967-0750
Layard, Richard ORCID: 0000-0002-1313-699X
The squeeze on jobs: getting people back to work.
World Link.
ISSN 1016-359X
Layard, Richard ORCID: 0000-0002-1313-699X, Mayhew, Ken and Owen, Geoffrey
The training reform act of 1994.
International Journal of Manpower, 14 (5).
pp. 5-16.
ISSN 0143-7720
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Can we afford the welfare state?
British Medical Journal, 307 (6911).
pp. 1018-1019.
ISSN 0959-8138
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Ein wandel in der verwendung von policy-instrumenten: quasi-markte and gesundheitspolitik.
In: Heritier, A., (ed.)
Policy-Analyse: Kritik und Neuorientierung.
Politische vierteljahresschrift. sonderheft (24).
Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, Germany.
ISBN 3531124706
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Equity in the distribution of health care: the British debate.
In: Van Doorslaer, Eddy, Wagstaff, Adam and Rutten, Frans, (eds.)
Equity in the Finance and Delivery of Health Care : an International Perspective.
Commission of the European Communities health services research series.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 348-355.
ISBN 0192622919
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Markets and health.
New Statesman and Society.
ISSN 1364-7431
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Paying for or providing welfare?
In: Deakin, Nicholas and Page, Robert, (eds.)
The Costs of Welfare.
Avebury, Aldershot, UK, pp. 87-106.
ISBN 1856285138
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Quasi-markets and community care.
In: Thomas, N., Deakin, Nicholas and Doling, J., (eds.)
Learning From Innovation.
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
ISBN 9780704413061
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
The evaluation of health care system reforms.
Il Politico, LVIII.
pp. 31-53.
ISSN 0032-325X
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
The evaluation of health care system reforms.
In: Ferrara, M., (ed.)
The Evaluation of Social Policies: Experiences and Perspectives.
Giuffrè, Milan, Italy.
ISBN 9788814045653
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118 and Bartlett, Will
ORCID: 0000-0002-6775-4339
In: Le Grand, Julian and Bartlett, Will, (eds.)
Quasi-Markets and Social Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 1-12.
ISBN 0333565185
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118 and Bartlett, Will
ORCID: 0000-0002-6775-4339
Quasi-markets and social policy: the way forward?
In: Le Grand, Julian and Bartlett, Will, (eds.)
Quasi-Markets and Social Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 202-220.
ISBN 0333565185
Leape, Jonathan ORCID: 0009-0003-5731-836X
Tax policies in the 1980s and 1990s: the case of the United Kingdom.
In: Knoester, Anthonie, (ed.)
Taxation in the United States and Europe: Theory and Practice.
Palgrave Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 276-311.
ISBN 9780312099893
Lehmann, H. (1993) Labour market flows and the evaluation of labour market policies in Poland. CEPDP (161). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Lehmann, H. (1993) The effectiveness of the restart programme and enterprise allowance scheme. CEP discussion paper (139). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
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Lewis, Colin M. (1993) Latin America: independence and national growth, 1810 - 1910. In: Barraclough, Geoffrey and Parker, Geoffrey, (eds.) The Times Atlas of World History. Times Books (Firm), London, UK. ISBN 9780723005346
Lewis, Colin M. (1993) Social insurance: ideology and policy in the Argentine, c.1920-1966. In: Lewis, Colin M. and Abel, Christopher, (eds.) Welfare, Poverty and Development in Latin America. St. Antony’s Macmillan series. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 175-200. ISBN 0333517377
Lewis, Colin M. (1993) Welfare, poverty and development in Latin America. St. Antony’s Macmillan series. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 0333517377
Lewis, David ORCID: 0000-0003-0732-9020
Going it alone: female-headed households, rights and resources in rural Bangladesh.
The European Journal of Development Research, 5 (2).
pp. 23-42.
ISSN 0957-8811
Lewis, David ORCID: 0000-0003-0732-9020, Gregory, Rick and Wood, Geoffrey D.
Indigenising extension: farmers, fish-seed traders and poverty-focused aquaculture in Bangladesh.
Development Policy Review, 11 (2).
pp. 185-194.
ISSN 0950-6764
Lewis, Ioan (1993) Making history in Somalia: humanitarian intervention in a stateless society. Discussion paper series (DP6). Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Lin, Chun (1993) The British new left. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748604227
Lin, Chun (1993) China today: 'money dissolves the commune'. New Left Review, 201. ISSN 0028-6060
Linton, Oliver (1993) Adaptive estimation in ARCH models. Econometric Theory, 9 (4). pp. 539-569. ISSN 0266-4666
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Livingstone, Sonia ORCID: 0000-0002-3248-9862
The rise and fall of audience research : an old story with a new ending.
Journal of Communication, 43 (4).
pp. 5-12.
ISSN 1460-2466
Livingstone, Sonia ORCID: 0000-0002-3248-9862 and Lunt, Peter
Savers and borrowers: strategies of personal financial management.
Human Relations, 46 (8).
pp. 963-985.
ISSN 0018-7267
Lockwood, B and Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
Wage-setting and the tax system: theory and evidence for the UK.
Journal of Public Economics, 52 (1).
1 - 29.
ISSN 0047-2727
Lockwood, B and Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
The importance of kinked adjustment costs: some evidence from UK manufacturing.
In: Pfann, G, van Ours, J and Ridder, G, (eds.)
Labour Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation.
North-Holland Publishing Company, Holland.
ISBN 9780444895905
Lockwood, Ben and Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
Wage setting and the tax system: theory and evidence for the UK.
CEP Discussion Papers (115).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Machin, S, Stewart, M and Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907
The economic effects of multiple unionism : evidence from the 1984 Workplace industrial relations survey.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 95 (3).
pp. 279-296.
ISSN 0347-0520
Machin, S and Van Reenen, John ORCID: 0000-0001-9153-2907
Profit margins and the business cycle : evidence from UK manufacturing firms.
Journal of Industrial Economics, XLI (1).
pp. 29-50.
ISSN 0022-1821
Machin, Stephen ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701, Manning, Alan
ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580 and Meghir, Costas
Dynamic models of employment using firm level panel data.
In: Pfann, G, van Ours, J and Ridder, G, (eds.)
Labor Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation.
North-Holland Publishing Company, Holland.
ISBN 9780444895905
Madeley, John (1993) Death and taxes: the waning of Swedish social democracy. Government and Opposition, 28 (1). pp. 118-125. ISSN 0017-257X
Madon, Shirin ORCID: 0000-0002-4497-2165
Introducing administrative reform through the application of computer-based information systems: a case study in India.
Public Administration and Development, 13 (1).
pp. 37-48.
ISSN 0271-2075
Madon, Shirin ORCID: 0000-0002-4497-2165 and Avgerou, Chrisanthi
ORCID: 0000-0002-8814-453X
Development, self determination and information.
In: Beardon, Colin and Whitehouse, Diane, (eds.)
Computers and Society: Citizenship in the Information Age.
Intellect Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 120-137.
ISBN 9781871516418
Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
Endogenous labour market segmentation in a matching model.
CEP discussion paper (126).
London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
Pre-strike ballots and wage-employment bargaining.
Oxford Economic Papers, 45 (3).
pp. 422-439.
ISSN 0030-7653
Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
Wage bargaining and the Phillips Curve: the specification and identification of aggregate wage equations.
The Economic Journal, 103 (416).
pp. 98-118.
ISSN 0013-0133
Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
The dynamic model of union power, wages and employment.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 95 (2).
pp. 175-193.
ISSN 0347-0520
Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
An economic analysis of the effects of pre-strike ballots.
In: Metcalf, D and Milner, S, (eds.)
New Perspectivews on Industrial Disputes.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 115-132.
ISBN 0415091519
Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
The equal pay act as an experiment to test theories of the labour market.
CEP discussion paper (153).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Mansell, Robin ORCID: 0000-0003-3950-3468
The new telecommunications: a political economy of network evolution.
SAGE Publications, London, UK.
ISBN 0803985363
McDiarmid, Colin, Reed, B., Schrijver, A. and Shepherd, B. (1993) Non-interfering network flows. Operational Research working papers (LSEOR 93.6). Department of Operational Research, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Cook, John, Drummond, Michael and Heyse, Joseph
Selection of end points in economic evaluations of coronary heart disease interventions: application to Canadian data.
Canadian Journal of Cardiology, Supple.
ISSN 0828-282X
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841 and Drummond, Michael
Economic evaluation in health care: an introduction for psychiatrists.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 28 (5).
pp. 211-217.
ISSN 0933-7954
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Drummond, Michael, Black, N., Pettigrew, M. and McPherson, K.
The economic burden of treated benign prostatic hyperplasia in the UK.
British Journal of Urology, 71 (3).
pp. 290-296.
ISSN 0007-1331
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Drummond, Michael, Heyse, Joseph and Cook, John
Selection of end points in economic evaluations of coronary heart disease interventions.
Medical Decision Making, 13 (3).
pp. 184-190.
ISSN 0272-989X
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Fenn, Paul, Phillips, V., Backhouse, Martin and Jones, David
Modelling programme costs in economic evaluation.
Health economics research centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Fenn, Paul, Phillips, V., Backhouse, Martin and Jones, David
The analysis of censored treatment cost data in economic evaluation.
Health economics research centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Parkin, David, Hughes, David and Gerard, Karen
Econometric analysis of health care expenditures: can positive analysis help answer normative questions?
Health Economics, 2 (2).
pp. 113-126.
ISSN 1057-9230
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Shackley, P., Boyd, P.A., Dennis, J., Fitchett, M., Kay, J., Roche, M. and Wood, P.
An economic appraisal of alternative prenatal screening programmes for Down's syndrome.
Journal of Public Health Medicine, 15 (2).
pp. 175-184.
ISSN 0957-4832
Mendez, Ruben (1993) The provision and financing of universal public goods. Discussion paper series (DP7). Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics, London, UK.
Metcalf, David (1993) Industrial relations and economic performance. CEP discussion paper (129). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Metcalf, David (1993) Transformation of British industrial relations? Institutions, conduct and outcomes 1980-1990. CEPDP (151). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Milesi-Ferretti, G. (1993) The disadvantage of tying their hands: on the political economy of policy commitments. CEP discussion paper (125). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria (1993) Wage indexation and the time consistency. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP117). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Miller, Peter and Napier, Christopher (1993) Genealogies of calculation. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 18 (7-8). pp. 631-647. ISSN 0361-3682
Miller, Peter and O'Leary, Ted (1993) Accounting expertise and the politics of the product: economic citizenship and modes of corporate governance. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 18 (2-3). pp. 187-206. ISSN 0361-3682
Millward, N. (1993) Uses of the workplace industrial relations surveys by British labour economists. CEP discussion paper (145). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Milner, S. (1993) Strikes and non-strike action: evidence on relative incidence. CEP discussion paper (136). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Mitchell, Paul ORCID: 0000-0001-6893-0704
The 1992 general election in the Republic of Ireland.
Irish Political Studies, 8.
pp. 111-117.
ISSN 0790-7184
Morgan, Mary S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3471-2180
Competing views of competition in late-nineteenth century American economics.
History of Political Economy, 25 (4).
pp. 563-604.
ISSN 0018-2702
Mortensen, Dale T and Pissarides, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
Job creation and job destruction in the theory of unemployment.
CEP discussion paper; CEPDP0110 (110).
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Mortensen, Dale T and Pissarides, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
The cyclical behavior of job creation and job destruction.
In: van Ours, Jan, Pfann, Gerard A. and Ridder, Geert, (eds.)
Labor Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation (Contributions to Economic Analysis).
North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 201-222.
ISBN 9780444895905
Newburn, Tim ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-1703
Disaster and after: social work after disaster.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London.
ISBN 9781853021701
Newburn, Tim ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-1703
Social welfare after tragedy: what have we learnt?
In: Newburn, Tim, (ed.)
Working with Disaster.
Longman, Harlow, UK.
Newburn, Tim ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-1703
Working with disaster.
In: Newburn, Tim, (ed.)
Working with Disaster.
Longman, Harlow, UK.
Newell, Andrew and Symons, James (1993) Macroeconomic consequences of taxation in the '80s. CEP Discussion Papers (121). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Nickell, Stephen (1993) Cohort size effects on the wages of young men in Britain 1961-89. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP0120). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Nickell, Stephen (1993) Competition and corporate performance. CEPDP (182). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Odedra, Mayuri and Madon, Shirin ORCID: 0000-0002-4497-2165
Information technology policies and applications in the Commonwealth developing countries.
Commonwealth Secretariat, London, UK.
ISBN 9780850924015
Oulton, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0002-1595-7732
Widening the human stomach: the effect of new consumer goods on economic growth and leisure.
Oxford Economic Papers, 45 (3).
pp. 364-386.
ISSN 0030-7653
Pearce, David and Atkinson, Giles ORCID: 0000-0001-6736-3074
Capital theory and the measurement of sustainable development: an indicator of “weak” sustainability.
Ecological Economics, 8 (2).
pp. 103-108.
ISSN 0921-8009
Pearce, David, Turner, R. K. and Atkinson, Giles ORCID: 0000-0001-6736-3074
Defining sustainable development.
In: Pearce, David, (ed.)
Blueprint 3: Measuring Sustainable Development.
Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, UK, pp. 15-27.
ISBN 9781853831836
Phillips, Anne (1993) Democracy and difference. Polity Press, Cambridge, U.K.. ISBN 074561096x
Phillips, Anne (1993) Prospects for democracy: north, south, east, west. In: Held, David, (ed.) Prospects for Democracy : North, South, East, West. Polity Press, Cambridge, U.K.. ISBN 0745609880
Phillips, Lawrence D. (1993) Decision theory and its relevance to pharmaceutical medicine. In: Mann, R.D., Rawlins, M.D. and Auty, R.M., (eds.) Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine. Parthenon Publishing Group, Lancashire, UK, pp. 247-255. ISBN 9781850707028
Phillips, Lawrence D. and Phillips, Maryann C. (1993) Faciliated work groups: theory and practice. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44 (6). pp. 533-549. ISSN 0160-5682
Piccione, Michele and Rubinstein, A (1993) Finite automata play a repeated extensive game. Journal of Economic Theory, 61 (1). p. 160. ISSN 0022-0531
Pischke, Jorn Steffen ORCID: 0000-0002-6466-1874
Löhne und einkommen im osten Deutschlands seit der vereinigung.
Zew Wirtschaftsanalysen, 1.
pp. 66-89.
ISSN 0944-1530
Pissarides, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
Book review: J. H. Dreze, "unemployment equilibria: essays in theory, econometrics and policy".
The Economic Journal, 103 (408).
pp. 738-739.
ISSN 0013-0133
Pissarides, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
Comments on G. J. van den Berg and Geert Ridder, “On the estimation of equilibrium search models from panel data”.
In: van Ours, Jan, Pfann, Gerard and Ridder, Geert, (eds.)
Labor Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation.
North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Holland, pp. 246-247.
ISBN 9780444895905
Pissarides, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
Comments on J. S. Leonard, J. Dolado and M. van Audenrode, “Corporatism run amok: job stability and industrial policy in Belgium and the United States”.
Economic Policy, 8 (17).
pp. 393-395.
ISSN 0266-4658
Pissarides, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
Labor markets in the Middle East and North Africa.
Middle East and North Africa discussion paper series.
World Bank, Washington, USA.
Pissarides, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-058X
Labour hoarding in industrial countries: concept and measurement.
In: Boeri, Tito and Garonna, P., (eds.)
Employment and Unemployment in Economies in Transition: Conceptual and Measurement Issues.
OECD, Paris, France, pp. 47-59.
ISBN 9789264139107
Prazmowska, Anita J. (1993) Britain and Eastern Europe during the Second World War. In: Catterall, Peter and Morris, Catherine Jane, (eds.) Britain and the Threat to Stability in Europe, 1918-1945. Contemporary British history series. Leicester University Press, London, UK, pp. 161-169. ISBN 9780718514839
Pryke, M and Whitehead, Christine M E (1993) The provision of private finance for social housing : an outline of recent developments in funding existing housing associations in England. Housing Studies, 8 (4). pp. 274-291. ISSN 0267-3037
Qian, Yingyi and Xu, Cheng-Gang (1993) Commitment, financial restraints, and innovation: market socialism reconsidered. In: Bardhan, Pranab K. and Roemer, John E., (eds.) Market Socialism : the Current Debate. Oxford University Press, New York, USA, pp. 175-189. ISBN 0195080491
Qian, Yingyi and Xu, Cheng-Gang (1993) The M-form hierarchy and China's economic reform. European Economic Review, 37 (2-3). pp. 541-548. ISSN 0014-2921
Qian, Yingyi and Xu, Cheng-Gang (1993) Why China's economic reforms differ: the m-form hierarchy and entry/expansion of the non-state sector. CEP discussion paper (154). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Qian, Yingyi and Xu, Chenggang (1993) Why China's economic reforms differ: the M-form hierarchy and entry/expansion of the non-state sector. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP0154). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Quah, Danny (1993) Empirical cross-section dynamics in economic growth. European Economic Review, 37 (2-3.). pp. 426-434. ISSN 0014-2921
Quah, Danny (1993) Exploiting cross section variation for unit root inference in dynamic data. Econometrics (EM/1993/270). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Quah, Danny (1993) Exploiting cross section variation for unit root inference in dynamic data. Financial Markets Group Discussion Papers (171). Financial Markets Group, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Quah, Danny (1993) Galton's fallacy and tests of the convergence hypothesis. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 95 (4). pp. 427-443. ISSN 0347-0520
Quah, Danny (1993) Galton's fallacy and tests of the convergence hypothesis. CEPR discussion paper. Centre for Economic Policy Research (Great Britain), London.
Quah, Danny (1993) Galton's fallacy and tests of the convergence hypothesis. Econometrics; EM/1993/265 (EM/1993/265). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Quah, Danny (1993) A dynamic index model for large cross sections. In: Stock, James H and Watson, Mark W, (eds.) Business Cycles, Indicators, and Forecasting. Studies in business cycles; v. 28. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. ISBN 0-226774880
Quah, Danny and Sargent, Thomas J (1993) A dynamic index model for large cross sections. CEP discussion paper (132). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Raith, Michael A. (1993) A general model of information sharing in oligopoly. TE (260). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Richards, Peter M. (1993) Political primacy in economic laws: a comparison of British and American anti-dumping legislation, 1921. Economic History working papers (13/93). Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Richardson, R. (1993) Hayek on trade unions: social philosopher or propagandist? CEPDP (178). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Richardson, Ray and Rubin, Marcus (1993) The shorter working week in engineering: surrender without sacrifice. CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP113). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Robertson, D. and Symons, J. (1993) Five weeks in the life of the pound: interest rates. CEP discussion paper (133). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Robertson, D. and Symons, J. (1993) Real interest rates and index linked gilts. CEPDP (181). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Robinson, Peter (1993) Continuous-time models in econometrics : closed and open systems, stocks and flows. In: Phillips, P C B, (ed.) Models, Methods, and Applications of Econometrics - Essays in Honor of A.R. Bergstrom. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, Mass, pp. 71-90. ISBN 1-55-786110-2
Robinson, Peter (1993) Highly insignificant f-ratios. Econometrica, 61 (3). p. 687. ISSN 0012-9682
Robinson, Peter (1993) Nonparametric time series with long range dependence. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 49th s (1). pp. 315-325. ISSN 0074-8609
Robinson, Peter (1993) The estimation of transformation models. International Statistical Review, 61. pp. 465-475. ISSN 0306-7734
Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ORCID: 0000-0002-8041-0856
La política regional comunitaria ante la encrucijada del mercado único.
Aportaciones En Homenaje Al Profesor Luis Miguel Albentosa.
Diputació Provincial de Tarragona Publisher, Tarragona, Spain, pp. 505-516.
ISBN 9788488618030
Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ORCID: 0000-0002-8041-0856 and Molina, Mercedes
El principio de cohesión económica y social y las políticas sectoriales en la CE. Análisis comparativo de la política agrícola común y de la política regional.
Boletin de la Asociacion de Geógrafos Españoles, 17.
pp. 103-125.
ISSN 0212-9426
Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ORCID: 0000-0002-8041-0856 and Molina, Mercedes
La région comme construction intellectuelle. Le cas espagnol.
Cities and Regions, 5.
pp. 45-63.
Rostowski, J. (1993) Creating stable monetary systems in post-communist economies. CEP discussion paper (141). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Rostowski, J. (1993) The implications of rapid private sector growth in Poland. CEPDP (159). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Rostowski, J. (1993) The inter-enterprise debt explosion in the former Soviet Union: causes, consequences, cures. CEP discussion paper (142). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Rowlands, Ian (1993) The international politics of environment and development: the post-UNCED agenda. Discussion paper series (DP3). Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Roy, Tirthankar ORCID: 0000-0002-4183-2781
Artisans and industrialization: Indian weaving in the twentieth century.
Oxford University Press, Delhi, India.
ISBN 9780195631005
Roy, Tirthankar ORCID: 0000-0002-4183-2781
Money supply and asset choice in inter-war India.
Indian Economic and Social History Review, 30 (2).
pp. 163-180.
ISSN 0019-4646
Roy, Tirthankar ORCID: 0000-0002-4183-2781, Suryanarayana, M.H. and Parikh, K.S.
Growth, distribution and demand for textiles in India.
Journal of Quantitative Economics.
ISSN 0971-1554
Rubiés, Joan-Pau (1993) Book review: Georgio Spini, "barocco e puitani. Studi sulla storia del seicento in Italia, Spagna e New England". Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 44 (4). pp. 729-730. ISSN 0022-0469
Rubiés, Joan-Pau (1993) New worlds and Renaissance ethnology. History and Anthropology, 6 (2). pp. 157-197. ISSN 0275-7206
Rutkowski, J. (1993) Wage determination in historically planned economies: the case of Poland. CEPDP (164). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Schmitt, John (1993) The changing structure of male earnings in Britain, 1974-88. CEP discussion paper (122). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Schmitt, John and Wadsworth, Jonathan (1993) Job search activity and changing unemployment benefit entitlement: pseudo-panel estimates for Britain. CEP discussion paper (148). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl ORCID: 0000-0002-7820-6231, Bulmer, Martin and McKennell, Aubrey
What researchers think about postgraduate training in quantitative methods.
SRA Newsletter.
pp. 10-13.
Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl ORCID: 0000-0002-7820-6231, Bulmer, Martin, Sykes, Wendy and McKennell, Aubrey
The profession of social research in Britain.
In: Sykes, Wendy, Bulmer, Martin and Schwerzel, Marleen, (eds.)
Directory of Social Research Organisations in the Uk.
Mansell (Firm), London, UK, pp. 5-13.
ISBN 9780720123715
Schulze, Max-Stephan ORCID: 0000-0001-7486-5734
Geldpolitik und Konjunktur in Österreich: Die Plener'sche Stagnation 1862 bis 1866.
Vierteljahresschrift fur Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 80 (4).
510 - 530.
ISSN 0340-8728
Shepherd, F. B. and Pulleyblank, W. R. (1993) Problems from the Fourth Bellairs Workshop on Combinatorial Optimisation: integer programming with structured matrices. Operational Research working papers (LSEOR 93.7). Department of Operational Research, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Shih, Fang-Long (1993) The legends of temples and deities in I-Lan County (in Chinese). I-Lan Wenxian (Journal of I-Lan History), 5. pp. 5-30. ISSN 1021-4607
Sidel, John T. ORCID: 0000-0002-7230-8210
Walking in the shadow of the big man: Junstiniano Montano and failed dynasty building in Cavite 1935-1972.
In: McCoy, Alfred W., (ed.)
An Anarchy of Families: State and Family in the Philippines.
Monograph series (10).
University of Wisconsin--Madison. Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Madison, USA, 109 - 161.
ISBN 9781881261087
Simpson, R. (1993) The right to strike and the law in Britain. CEP discussion paper (128). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Smith, Leonard A. (1993) Does a meeting in Santa Fe imply chaos? In: Weigend, Andreas S. and Gershenfeld, Neil A., (eds.) Time Series Prediction:Forecasting the Future and Understanding the Past: Proceedings of the Nato Advanced Research Workshop on. Santa Fe Institute studies in the sciences of complexity. Addison-Wesley, Reading, USA, pp. 323-344. ISBN 9780201626018
Sorour, A E and Tong, Howell (1993) A note on tests for threshold-type nonlinearity in open loop systems. Journal of Applied Statistics, 42 (1). pp. 95-104. ISSN 0266-4763
Steinberg, Richard ORCID: 0000-0001-9636-472X
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