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West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Yaghi, Basma B.
Academies in England and charter schools in the US: who is accountable, to whom, for what, and with what consequences?
Journal of School Choice.
ISSN 1558-2159
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Wolfe KC, David and Yaghi, Basma B.
Governance of academies in England: the return of “command and control”?
British Journal of Educational Studies, 72 (2).
131 - 154.
ISSN 1467-8527
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
School choice (and diversity) in the UK since 1944: continuity, change, divergence and school selectivity.
Journal of School Choice, 17 (1).
pp. 15-34.
ISSN 1558-2159
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Education and ignorance in the UK 80 years after Beveridge: the role of government and equality of opportunity.
Social Policy and Administration, 56 (2).
pp. 299-314.
ISSN 0144-5596
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
La privatisation de l’éducation dans le système scolaire anglais.
Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres (82).
76 - 84.
ISSN 1254-4590
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Wolfe, David
Reforming the school-based education system in England: a common framework, rule book and a new structure for schools.
FORUM: for comprehensive education, 63 (1).
20 - 28.
ISSN 0963-8253
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Blome, Agnes and Lewis, Jane
What characteristics of funding, provision and regulation are associated with effective social investment in ECEC in England, France and Germany?
Journal of Social Policy, 49 (4).
681 - 704.
ISSN 0047-2794
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Legislation, ideas and pre-school education policy in the twentieth century: from targeted nursery education to universal early childhood education and care.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 68 (5).
567 - 587.
ISSN 1467-8527
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
The creation of academies in England: expected effects, evolution, observed effects and concerns.
Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres.
ISSN 1254-4590
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Wolfe, David
Academies, autonomy, equality, and democratic accountability: reforming the fragmented publicly-funded school system in England.
London Review of Education, 17 (1).
pp. 70-86.
ISSN 1474-8460
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Noden, Philip
'Nationalising' and transforming the public funding of early years education (and care) in England 1996-2017.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 67 (2).
pp. 145-167.
ISSN 0007-1005
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Lewis, Jane, Roberts, Jonathan
ORCID: 0000-0003-4827-867X and Noden, Philip
Young adult graduates living in the parental home: expectations, negotiations and parental financial support.
Journal of Family Issues, 38 (17).
pp. 2449-2473.
ISSN 0192-513X
Lewis, Jane and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
“Learning from Others”: English proposals for early years’ education and care reform and policy transfer from France and the Netherlands, 2010-2015.
Social Policy and Administration, 52 (3).
pp. 677-689.
ISSN 0144-5596
Lewis, Jane and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Early childhood education and care in England under austerity: continuity or change in political ideas, policy goals, availability, affordability and quality in a childcare market?
Journal of Social Policy, 46 (2).
pp. 331-348.
ISSN 0047-2794
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Nikolai, Rita
The expansion of “private” schools in England, Sweden and Eastern Germany: a comparative perspective on policy development, regulation, policy goals and ideas.
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 19 (5).
pp. 452-469.
ISSN 1387-6988
Lewis, Jane, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Roberts, Jonathan
ORCID: 0000-0003-4827-867X and Noden, Philip
The experience of co-residence: young adults returning to the parental home after graduation in England.
Families, Relationships and Societies: An International Journal of Research and Debate, 5 (2).
pp. 247-262.
ISSN 2046-7435
Lewis, Jane and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Intergenerational relations between English students, graduates living at home, and their parents.
Social Policy and Administration, 51 (7).
pp. 1248-1266.
ISSN 0144-5596
Roberts, Jonathan ORCID: 0000-0003-4827-867X, Noden, Philip, West, Anne
ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Lewis, Jane
Living with the parents: the purpose of young graduates’ return to the parental home in England.
Journal of Youth Studies, 19 (3).
pp. 319-337.
ISSN 1367-6261
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Education policy and governance in England under the Coalition Government (2010-15): academies, the pupil premium and free early education.
London Review of Education, 13 (2).
pp. 21-36.
ISSN 1474-8460
Hu, Bo ORCID: 0000-0002-5256-505X and West, Anne
ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Exam-oriented education and implementation of education policy for migrant children in urban China.
Educational Studies, 41 (3).
pp. 249-267.
ISSN 0305-5698
Lewis, Jane, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Roberts, Jonathan
ORCID: 0000-0003-4827-867X and Noden, Philip
Parents’ involvement and university students’ independence.
Families, Relationships and Societies: An International Journal of Research and Debate, 4 (3).
pp. 417-432.
ISSN 2046-7435
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Roberts, Jonathan
ORCID: 0000-0003-4827-867X, Lewis, Jane and Noden, Philip
Paying for higher education in England: funding policy and families.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 63 (1).
pp. 23-45.
ISSN 0007-1005
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Academies in England and independent schools (fristående skolor) in Sweden: policy, privatisation, access and segregation.
Research Papers in Education, 29 (3).
330 - 350.
ISSN 0267-1522
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Marchés et quasi-marchés dans le financement de l’éducation: le cas de l’Angleterre.
Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres, 65.
pp. 57-67.
ISSN 1254-4590
Lewis, Jane and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Re-shaping social care services for older people in England: policy development and the problem of achieving ‘good care’.
Journal of Social Policy, 43 (1).
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 0047-2794
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Mitchell, Louisa and Murphy, Tony
Implementing evidence-based parenting programmes in a small sample of english urban local authorities: eligibility, fidelity and intensity.
Children and Society, 27 (6).
pp. 471-483.
ISSN 0951-0605
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Nikolai, Rita
Welfare regimes and education regimes: equality of opportunity and expenditure in the EU (and US).
Journal of Social Policy, 42 (3).
pp. 469-493.
ISSN 0047-2794
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Bailey, Elizabeth
The development of the academies programme: ‘privatising’ school-based education in England 1986–2013.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 61 (2).
pp. 137-159.
ISSN 0007-1005
Allen, Rebecca, Coldron, John and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
The effect of changes in published secondary school admissions on pupil composition.
Journal of Education Policy, 27 (3).
pp. 349-366.
ISSN 0268-0939
Allen, Rebecca and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Why do faith secondary schools have advantaged intakes?: the relative importance of neighbourhood characteristics, social background and religious identification amongst parents.
British Educational Research Journal, 37 (4).
pp. 691-712.
ISSN 0141-1926
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Mattei, Paola and Roberts, Jonathan
ORCID: 0000-0003-4827-867X
Accountability and sanctions in English schools.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 59 (1).
pp. 41-62.
ISSN 0007-1005
Lewis, Jane, Finnegan, Cathy and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Issues in the development of children’s centres on nursery and primary school sites.
Educational Studies, 37 (4).
pp. 435-445.
ISSN 0305-5698
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Ylönen, Annamari
Market-oriented reforms in school-based education in England and Finland.
CESifo DICE Report, 9 (4).
pp. 50-53.
ISSN 1612-0663
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Barham, Eleanor and Hind, Audrey
Secondary school admissions in England 2001 to 2008: changing legislation, policy and practice.
Oxford Review of Education, 37 (1).
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 0305-4985
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Roberts, Jonathan
ORCID: 0000-0003-4827-867X and Noden, Philip
Funding early years education and care: can a mixed economy of providers deliver universal high quality provision?
British Journal of Educational Studies, 58 (2).
pp. 155-179.
ISSN 0007-1005
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Barham, Eleanor
L'impact de la crise financière sur la politique d'éducation supérieure au Royaume-Uni.
Economies et Sociétés, 43.
pp. 627-644.
ISSN 0013-0567
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Ylönen, Annamari
Market-oriented school reform in England and Finland: school choice, finance and governance.
Educational Studies, 36 (1).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 0305-5698
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
High stakes testing, accountability, incentives and consequences in English schools.
Policy and Politics, 38 (1).
pp. 23-39.
ISSN 0305-5736
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Allmendinger, Jutta, Nikolai, Rita and Barham, Eleanor
Decentralisation and educational achievement in Germany and the UK.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 28 (3).
pp. 450-468.
ISSN 0263-774X
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Lewis, Jane and Currie, Peter
Students' Facebook 'friends': public and private spheres.
Journal of Youth Studies, 12 (6).
pp. 615-627.
ISSN 1367-6261
Lewis, Jane and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
'Friending': London-based undergraduates' experience of Facebook.
New Media & Society, 11 (7).
pp. 1209-1229.
ISSN 1461-4448
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Pennell, Hazel and Hind, Audrey
Quasi-regulation and principal-agent relationships: secondary school admissions in London, England.
Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 37 (6).
pp. 784-805.
ISSN 1741-1432
Allen, Rebecca and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Religious schools in London: school admissions, religious composition and selectivity.
Oxford Review of Education, 35 (4).
pp. 471-494.
ISSN 0305-4985
Allen, Rebecca and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Response to 'Reflections on Allen and West's paper by G.Grace'.
Oxford Review of Education, 35 (4).
pp. 505-507.
ISSN 0305-4985
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Emmerson, Carl, Frayne, Christine and Hind, Audrey
Examining the impact of opportunity bursaries on the financial circumstances and attitudes of undergraduate students in England.
Higher Education Quarterly, 63 (2).
pp. 119-140.
ISSN 1468-2273
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Redistribution and financing schools in England under Labour: are resources going where needs are greatest?
Education Management, Administration and Leadership, 37 (2).
pp. 158-179.
ISSN 1741-1432
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Barham, Eleanor
Student mobility, qualifications and academic recognition in the EU.
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, 16 (1).
pp. 25-37.
ISSN 0969-594X
Pennell, Hazel and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Campaigns by parents to set up new schools in England: issues and barriers.
Educational Studies, 35 (1).
pp. 37-52.
ISSN 0305-5698
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Currie, Peter
School diversity and social justice: policy and politics.
Educational Studies, 34 (3).
pp. 241-250.
ISSN 0305-5698
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Currie, Peter
The role of the private sector in publicly-funded schooling in England: finance, delivery and decision making.
Policy and Politics, 36 (2).
pp. 191-207.
ISSN 0305-5736
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Poverty and educational achievement: why do children from low-income families tend to do less well at school?
Benefits: the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 15 (3).
pp. 283-297.
ISSN 0962-7898
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Hind, Audrey
School choice in London, England: characteristics of students in different types of schools.
Peabody Journal of Education, 82 (2/3).
pp. 498-529.
ISSN 0161-956X
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Ingram, Dabney and Hind, Audrey
"Skimming the cream"? Admissions to charter schools in the US and autonomous schools in England.
Educational Policy, 20 (4).
pp. 615-639.
ISSN 0895-9048
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
The pre-school education market in England from 1997: quality, availability, affordability and equity.
Oxford Review of Education, 32 (3).
pp. 283-301.
ISSN 0305-4985
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Hind, Audrey
Selectivity, admissions and intakes to ‘comprehensive’ schools in London, England.
Educational Studies, 32 (2).
pp. 145-155.
ISSN 0305-5698
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
School choice, equity and social justice: the case for more control.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 54 (1).
pp. 15-33.
ISSN 1467-8527
Newman, M., Garrett, Z., Elbourne, D., Bradley, S., Noden, Philip, Taylor, J. and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Does secondary school size make a difference?: A systematic review.
Educational Research Review, 1 (1).
pp. 41-60.
ISSN 1747-938X
Pennell, Hazel and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
The impact of increased fees on participation on higher education in England.
Higher Education Quarterly, 59 (2).
pp. 127-137.
ISSN 0951-5224
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
"Banding" and secondary school admissions: 1972-2004.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 53 (1).
pp. 19-33.
ISSN 0007-1005
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
School "choice": the limits of quasi-regulation.
Consumer Policy Review, 15 (3).
pp. 94-98.
ISSN 0961-1134
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Hind, Audrey and Pennell, Hazel
School admissions and "selection" in comprehensive schools: policy and practice.
Oxford Review of Education, 30 (3).
pp. 347-369.
ISSN 0305-4985
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Gibbs, Rebecca
Selecting undergraduate students: what can the UK learn from the American SAT?
Higher Education Quarterly, 58 (1).
pp. 63-67.
ISSN 0951-5224
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Pennell, Hazel and Hind, Audrey
Secondary school admissions in England: selection by stealth.
Management in Education, 17 (4).
pp. 18-22.
ISSN 1741-9883
Bell, Kate and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Specialist schools: an exploration of competition and co-operation.
Educational Studies, 29 (2/3).
pp. 273-289.
ISSN 0305-5698
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Pennell, Hazel
How new is New Labour? The quasi-market and English schools 1997 to 2001.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 50 (2).
pp. 206-224.
ISSN 1467-8527
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Ingram, Dabney
'Quasi-regulation' and secondary school admissions in England.
Management in Education, 16 (2).
pp. 23-27.
ISSN 0892-0206
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Noden, Philip and Stokes, Eleanor
Higher education admissions and student mobility.
European Educational Research Journal, 1 (1).
pp. 151-172.
ISSN 1474-9041
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Choice and diversity: the case for small specialist schools.
New Economy, 8 (4).
pp. 208-212.
ISSN 1070-3535
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Ingram, Dabney
Making school admissions fairer? 'Quasi-regulation' under New Labour.
Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 29 (4).
pp. 459-473.
ISSN 1741-1432
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, West, Robert, Pennell, Hazel and Travers, Tony
ORCID: 0009-0006-0669-4148
Financing school-based education in England: Poverty, examination results and expenditure.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19 (3).
pp. 461-471.
ISSN 0263-774X
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Noden, Philip
How special are specialist schools?
Parliamentary Brief, 7 (8).
pp. 55-57.
ISSN 1354-5507
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Mobile students expose different educational policies in higher education.
Lline - Lifelong Learning in Europe, 4 (3).
pp. 154-160.
ISSN 1239-6826
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Stokes, Eleanor
Nowadays why should the Brits bother learning a foreign language?
Parliamentary Brief, 7 (4).
pp. 29-30.
ISSN 1354-5507
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Pennell, Hazel
Publishing school examination results in England: incentives and consequences.
Educational Studies, 26 (4).
pp. 423-436.
ISSN 0305-5698
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Pennell, Hazel and West, Robert
New Labour and school-based education in England: changing the system of funding?
British Educational Research Journal, 26 (4).
pp. 523-536.
ISSN 0141-1926
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Pennell, Hazel and West, Robert
New Labour and education spending: the need to reform the funding of schools.
New Economy, 7 (2).
pp. 92-97.
ISSN 1468-0041
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Wolfe, David
Governance of schools: current issues and an alternative vision.
Renewing Public Education: Proposals For an Inclusive, Democratic and Joyful System.
Lawrence & Wishart, 73 - 79.
ISBN 9781913546878
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Private schools in Sweden: policy development, inequalities and emerging issues.
In: Koinzer, R, Nikolai, R and Waldow, F, (eds.)
Private schools and school choice in compulsory education.
Springer VS., pp. 67-69.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Education in schools.
In: Alcock, Pete, Haux, Tina, May, Margaret and Wright, Sharon, (eds.)
The Student's Companion to Social Policy.
Wiley-Blackwell, London, UK.
Machin, Stephen ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701 and West, Anne
ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Admissions to academy schools in England: school composition and house prices.
In: Ingram, Gregory K. and Kenyon, Daphne A., (eds.)
Education, Land, and Location, Proceedings of the 2013 Land Policy Conference.
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, USA, pp. 293-312.
ISBN 9781558442894
Nikolai, Rita and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
School type and inequality.
In: Brooks, Rachel, McCormack, Mark and Bhopal, Kalwant, (eds.)
Contemporary Debates in the Sociology of Education.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.
ISBN 9781137269874
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Ylönen, Annamari
Choix, autonomie et financement: l’Angleterre et la Finlande dans une approche comparative.
In: Demeuse, Marc, (ed.)
des Coulisses des Évaluations Internationales a Leur Influence.
Éducation comparée (nouvelle série) (7).
Association francophone d'Éducation comparée, pp. 103-122.
ISBN 9782874190759
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Education in schools.
In: Alcock, Pete, May, Margaret and Wright, Sharon, (eds.)
The Student's Companion to Social Policy.
ISBN 9780470655658
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Education policy.
In: Arthur, James and Peterson, Andrew, (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to Education.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 332-340.
ISBN 9780415583466
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Education in schools.
In: Alcock, Pete, May, Margaret and Rowlingson, Karen, (eds.)
The Student’s Companion to Social Policy.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK, pp. 326-334.
ISBN 9781405169011
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Schools, financing and educational standards.
In: Hills, John, Le Grand, Julian and Piachaud, David, (eds.)
Making Social Policy Work.
CASE studies on poverty, place and policy.
Policy Press, Bristol, UK, pp. 85-108.
ISBN 9781861349576
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Currie, Peter
Le secteur privé dans les écoles financées par l'Etat en Angleterre.
In: Vinokur, Annie, (ed.)
Pouvoirs et Financements En Éducation: Qui Paye Décide?
Harmattan (Firm), Paris, France.
ISBN 9782296039803
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Pennell, Hazel
Market-oriented reforms and "high stakes" testing: incentives and consequences.
In: Vinokur, Annie, (ed.)
Pouvoirs et Mesure En Éducation.
Cahiers de la recherche sur l'education and savoirs (1/2005).
Maison Des Sciences De L'homme, Paris, France, pp. 181-199.
ISBN 9782735110803
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Secondary school admissions and parental choice.
In: Wragg, Ted, (ed.)
Letters to the Prime Minister: the Future of Education.
The New Vision Group, London, UK.
ISBN 9780954997205
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Perspectives de financement de la demande de cours et formations pour adultes en Europe.
In: Guyot, Jean-Luc, Mainguet, Christine and Van Haeperen, Beatrice, (eds.)
La Formation Professionnelle Continue: Enjeux Sociétaux.
De Boeck, Brussels, Belgium.
ISBN 9782804144036
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Dimitropoulos, A. and Houguenague, A.
Incitations européennes et nationales à la mobilité.
In: Vaniscotte, Francine, Houguenague, Aude and West, Anne, (eds.)
La Mobilité Étudiante En Europe, Mythe Ou Réalité?: Comparaison France-Royaume-Uni.
Educations et sociétés.
Harmattan (Firm), Paris, France.
ISBN 2747556034
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Stokes, Eleanor
Obstacles, solutions et recommandations politiques.
In: Vaniscotte, Francine, Houguenague, Aude and West, Anne, (eds.)
La Mobilité Étudiante En Europe, Mythe Ou Réalité?: Comparaison France-Royaume-Uni.
Educations et sociétés.
Harmattan (Firm), Paris, France.
ISBN 2747556034
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Dimitropoulos, A.
Pourquoi les étudiants français choisissent-ils d'étudier à l'étranger?: et pourquoi choisissent-ils des universités du Royaume-Uni?
In: Vaniscotte, Francine, Houguenague, Aude and West, Anne, (eds.)
La Mobilité Étudiante En Europe, Mythe Ou Réalité?: Comparaison France-Royaume-Uni.
Educations et sociétés.
Harmattan (Firm), Paris, France.
ISBN 2747556034
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Dimitropoulos, A.
Vue d'ensemble de la mobilité étudiante.
In: Vaniscotte, Francine, Houguenague, Aude and West, Anne, (eds.)
La Mobilité Étudiante En Europe, Mythe Ou Réalité? Comparaison France - Royaume-Uni.
Educations et sociétés.
Harmattan (Firm), Paris, France.
ISBN 2747556034
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Noden, Philip
Parental choice and involvement: private and state schools.
In: Walford, Geoffrey, (ed.)
British Private Schools: Research on Policy and Practice.
Woburn education series.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 177-193.
ISBN 9780713002287
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Comparer les systèmes éducatifs: débats et problèmes méthodologiques.
In: Lallement, Michael and Spurk, Jan, (eds.)
Stratégies De la Comparaison Internationale.
CNRS sociologie.
CNRS Editions, Paris, France, pp. 199-214.
ISBN 9782271061591
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Pennell, Hazel, West, Robert and Travers, Tony
ORCID: 0009-0006-0669-4148
Financing school-based education in England: principles and problems.
In: Coleman, Marianne and Anderson, Lesley, (eds.)
Managing Finance and Resources in Education.
Centre for Educational Leadership & Management (4).
Paul Chapman Educational Publishing, London, UK, pp. 59-80.
ISBN 9780761965565
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Cramer, Lina, Ladouch, Fran, Pu, Meixuan and Westlake, Ella
School admissions in comparative perspective: a focus on China, Chile, Sweden and Germany.
Social Policy Working Paper (01-25).
Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
COVID-19 testing, tracing and isolating strategies in the UK (England).
Social Policy Working Paper (01-23).
Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Wolfe, David and Yaghi, Basma
Secondary schools (academies and maintained schools) in England: issues of governance and autonomy.
Clare Market Papers (24).
London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
ISBN 9781909890831
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Ang, Sarah, Calori, Valentin, Wang, Ning, Waters, Frederick and Wodzinska, Julia
School funding and resourcing policies: meeting the needs of disadvantaged pupils in France, Poland, UK (England), China, New Zealand, Singapore.
Social Policy Working Paper (01-22).
Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Czypionka, Thomas, Steffen, Monica, Ettelt, Stefanie, Ghislandi, Simone and Mateus, Céu
Reporting COVID-19 deaths in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and the UK.
Social Policy Working Paper Series (10-20).
Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Wolfe, David
Academies, the school system in England and a vision for the future.
Clare Market Papers (23).
London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
ISBN 9781909890428
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
L’école maternelle à la source de la réduction desinégalités sociales : une comparaison internationale = Nursery education and reducing social inequalities: an international comparison.
Cnesco, Paris, France.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Noden, Philip
Public funding of early years education in England: an historical perspective.
Clare Market Papers (21).
London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
ISBN 9781909890374
Noden, Philip and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
The early years single funding formula: national policy and local implementation.
Clare Market Papers (22).
London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
ISBN 9781909890367
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Hind, Audrey
Secondary school admissions in London 2001 to 2015:compliance, complexity and control.
Clare Market Papers (20).
London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Social Policy, London, UK.
ISBN 9781909890329
Noden, Philip, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Hind, Audrey
Banding and ballots: secondary school admisssions in England: admissions in 2012/13 and the impact of growth of academies.
The Sutton Trust, London, UK.
Challen, Amy, Noden, Philip, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Machin, Stephen
ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701
UK resilience programme evaluation: final report.
Research reports (DFE-RR097).
Department for Education, London, UK.
ISBN 9781847758835
Allen, Rebecca, Coldron, John and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
The effect of changes in published secondary school admissions on pupil composition.
Department for Education, London, UK.
ISBN 9781847758002
Challen, Amy, Noden, Philip, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Machin, Stephen
ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701
UK Resilience programme evaluation: second interim report.
Department for Education, London, UK.
ISBN 9781847757609
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Robertson, Jonathan and Noden, Philip
Early years single funding formula: memorandum submitted to the House of Commons Select Committee on Children, Schools and Families.
Parliament, UK, London, UK.
Noden, Philip and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Secondary school admissions in England: admission forums, local authorities and schools.
Research and Information on State Education, London, UK.
Challen, Amy, Noden, Philip, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Machin, Stephen
ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701
UK Resilience programme evaluation: interim report.
Department for Education, London, UK.
ISBN 9781847754158
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Barham, Eleanor and Hind, Audrey
Secondary school admissions in England: policy and practice.
Research and Information on State Education Trust, London, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Barham, Eleanor
Tests used for 2009/10 admissions by grammar schools in England.
Education Research Group - Research Note.
Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Allen, Rebecca
Diversity of school provision: faith schools, memorandum submitted to the House of Commons select committee on children, schools and families.
House of Commons papers 432 2008-09.
Stationery Office, London, UK.
ISBN 9780215530004
Noden, Philip and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
The funding of English primary education.
Primary review research survey (10/1).
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
Noden, Philip, Rutt, Simon, Schagen, Sandie and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Evaluation of the Two Year Key Stage 3 Project.
Research report (836).
Department for Education and Skills, London, UK.
ISBN 9781844789023
Pennell, Hazel and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Parents in the driving seat? Parents' role in setting up new secondary schools.
Research and Information on State Education Trust, London, UK.
Pennell, Hazel, Hind, Audrey and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Evaluation of Aimhigher: excellence challenge. Follow-up surveys of opportunity bursary applicants.
Research report (710).
DfES Publications, Annesley, UK.
ISBN 1844786587
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Emmerson, Carl, Hind, Audrey and Frayne, Christine
Evaluation of Aimhigher: excellence challenge: synthesis report: surveys of opportunity bursary applicants and economic evaluation.
Research report (709).
DfES Publications, Annesley, UK.
ISBN 1844786579
Braun, Annette, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Noden, Philip and Hind, Audrey
Evaluation of the pupil learning credits pilot scheme: analysis of pupil's progress and pupil survey responses.
Brief (RB686).
DfES Publications, London, UK.
ISBN 1844786021
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Hind, Audrey and Pennell, Hazel
Evaluation of Aimhigher: excellence challenge first survey of opportunity bursary applicants 2002/03.
Research report (RR654).
Department for Education and Skills, London, UK.
ISBN 1844785092
Pennell, Hazel, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Hind, Audrey
Evaluation of Aimhigher: excellence challenge survey of higher education providers 2004.
Research report (RR644).
Department for Education and Skills, London, UK.
ISBN 1844784991
Kendall, Lesley, O'Donnell, Lisa, Golden, Sarah, Ridley, Kate, Machin, Stephen ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701, Rutt, Simon, McNally, Sandra
ORCID: 0000-0003-2332-9709, Schagen, Ian, Meghir, Costas, Stoney, Sheila, Morris, Marian, West, Anne
ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Noden, Philip
Excellence in cities: the national evaluation of a policy to raise standards in urban schools 2000-2003.
Research report (675a).
Department for Education and Skills, London, UK.
ISBN 184478567X
Braun, Annette, Noden, Philip, Hind, Audrey, McNally, Sandra ORCID: 0000-0003-2332-9709 and West, Anne
ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Final report of the evaluation of the pupil learning credits pilot scheme.
Research report (687).
Department for Education and Skills, London, UK.
ISBN 184478603X
Braun, Annette and West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Evaluation of the pupil learning credits pilot scheme: interviews with headteachers and case studies of schools.
Research report (RR543).
Department for Education and Skills, London, UK.
ISBN 184478245X
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Stokes, Eleanor, Bäcklund, Ann-Katrin, Freudendal, Malene, Meusy, Martine, Poux, Emmanuel and Schöpper-Grabe, Sigrid
ICT learning and training: data, policies and practice in selected EU countries.
ICT Observatory, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Pennell, Hazel, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Hind, Audrey
The national evaluation of Aimhigher: survey of higher education providers 2003.
Research Report (537).
Department for Education and Skills, London.
ISBN 1844782395
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Hind, Audrey
Secondary school admissions in England: exploring the extent of overt and covert selection.
Research and Information on State Education.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Hind, Audrey and Pennell, Hazel
Secondary schools in London: admissions criteria and cream skimming.
Research and Information on State Education.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Higher education admissions and student mobility within the EU: ADMIT.
Clare Market Papers (18).
London School of Economics and Political Science, Centre for Educational Research, London,UK.
ISBN 0753019302
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Noden, Philip and Gosling, Rosie
Quality in higher education: an international perspective: the views of transnational corporations.
Clare Market Paper (17).
Centre for Educational Research, London, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Edge, Ann and Stokes, Eleanor
Secondary education across Europe: curricula and school examination systems.
Clare Market Paper (14).
Centre for Educational Research, London, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
A (short) history of comprehensive education in England.
In: "Reclaiming Education" Alliance Conference 2016, 0001-01-03, London, United Kingdom, GBR.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Lewis, Jane
'Helicopter Parenting’ and ‘Boomerang Children’: How parents support and relate to their student and co-resident graduate children.
Routledge Advances in Sociology.
Routledge, Abingdon, UK.
ISBN 9781138681545
David, Miriam, West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Ribbens, Jane
Mother’s intuition? Choosing secondary schools.
Routledge Revival.
Routledge, Abingdon, UK.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667 and Pennell, Hazel
Underachievement in schools.
School concerns.
RoutledgeFalmer (Firm), London, UK.
ISBN 9780415241311
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667
Local authorities were vital for the successful deployment of COVID-19 Test, Trace and Isolate policies.
British Politics and Policy at LSE
(11 Jul 2023).
Blog Entry.
West, Anne ORCID: 0000-0003-2932-7667, Wolfe, David and Yaghi, Basma
How can we create a fairer school system?
British Politics and Policy at LSE
(14 Apr 2023).
Blog Entry.