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Busch, Thorsten and Shepherd, Tamara (2014) Doing well by doing good? Normative tensions underlying Twitter's corporate social responsibility ethos. Convergence: The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies, 20 (3). pp. 293-315. ISSN 1354-8565
Shepherd, Tamara and Kerr, Aphra (2014) Indie/dependent: incubating indies in Dublin and Montreal. Culture Digitally Blog (04 Apr 2014). Website.
Leurs, Koen and Shepherd, Tamara (2014) Platform. In: Harvey, Kerric, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics. SAGE Publications, Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp. 972-973. ISBN 9781452244716
Shade, Leslie Regan and Shepherd, Tamara (2014) Tracing and tracking Canadian privacy discourses: the audience as community. In: Kozolanka, Kirsten, (ed.) Publicity and the Canadian State: Critical Communications Perspectives. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. ISBN 9781442615908
Shepherd, Tamara, Taylor, Gregory and Middleton, Catherine (2014) A tale of two regulators: telecom policy participation in Canada. Journal of Information Policy, 4. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2158-3897
Shepherd, Tamara (2014) Gendering the commodity audience in social media. In: Carter, Cynthia, Steiner, Linda and McLaughlin, Lisa, (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media & Gender. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 157-167. ISBN 9780415527699
Shepherd, Tamara (2014) Human rights education: a primer and annotated bibliography prepared for Dr. Normand Landry, Téluq. . UER Sciences humaines, Lettres et Communications, TÉLUQ, Montréal (Québec), Canada.
Shepherd, Tamara (2014) NSA surveillance and communication rights, with NSA surveillance timeline, prepared for Dr. Normand Landry, Téluq. . UER Sciences humaines, Lettres et Communications, TÉLUQ, Montréal (Québec), Canada.
Shade, Leslie Regan and Shepherd, Tamara (2013) Viewing youth and mobile privacy through a digital policy literacy framework. First Monday, 18 (12). ISSN 1396-0466
Shepherd, Tamara and Harvey, Alison (2013) A moment for hate: an unexpected theme at IR14. Culture Digitally Blog (01 Nov 2013). Website.
Shepherd, Tamara and Landry, Normand (2013) Technology design and power: freedom and control in communication networks. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 9 (3). pp. 259-275. ISSN 1740-8296
Middleton, Catherine, Shepherd, Tamara, Crow, Barbara, Shade, Leslie Regan and Sawchuk, Kim (2013) Final reply regarding the consultation on "Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services:" Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-557, 11 October 2012 and CRTC 2012-557-1, 1 November 20122012, CRTC 2012-557-2, 21 December 2012, CRTC 2012-557-3, 28 January 2013, CRTC 2012-557-4, 11 February 2013, and CRTC 2012-557-5, 13 March 2013. . Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
Middleton, Catherine, Shepherd, Tamara, Shade, Leslie Regan, Sawchuk, Kim and Crow, Barbara (2013) Comment regarding the consultation on "Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services:" Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-557, 11 October 2012 and CRTC 2012-557-1, 1 November 2012, CRTC 2012-557-2,21 December 2012, CRTC 2012-557-3, 28 January 2013, and CRTC 2012-557-4, 11 February 2013. . Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
Shepherd, Tamara and Harvey, Alison (2013) Pixelles: final report, prepared for "Feminists in Games". . Digital Futures Initiative, OCAD University, Toronto (Ontario), Canada. (Submitted)
Shepherd, Tamara and Croombs, Matthew (2013) Technology and power: shaping democracy through design, prepared for the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la communication, l’information et la société (CRICIS). . Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada. (Submitted)
Shepherd, Tamara (2013) Young Canadians’ apprenticeship labour in user-generated content. Canadian Journal of Communication, 38 (1). pp. 35-55. ISSN 0705-3657
Shepherd, Tamara (2012) Desperation and Datalogix: Facebook six months after its IPO. Culture Digitally Blog (12 Nov 2012). Website.
Shepherd, Tamara (2012) Copyright and tuition hikes: Canadian civic engagement and cultural production. Culture Digitally Blog (19 Mar 2012). Website.
Middleton, Catherine, Shepherd, Tamara, Shade, Leslie Regan, Sawchuk, Kim and Crow, Barbara (2012) Intervention regarding the consultation on "Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services:" Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-557, 11 October 2012 and CRTC 2012-557-1, 1 November 2012. . Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
Shepherd, Tamara and Shade, Leslie Regan (2012) Mobile phones as a "necessary evil": Canadian youth talk about negotiating the politics of mobility. In: Vannini, Phillip, Budd, Lucy, Fisker, Christian, Jirón, Paola and Jensen, Ole B., (eds.) Technologies of Mobility in the Americas. Intersections in Communications and Culture (Vol 29). Verlag Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 199-218. ISBN 9781433114052
Shepherd, Tamara (2012) Persona rights for user-generated content: a normative framework for privacy and intellectual property regulation. TripleC, 10 (1). pp. 100-113. ISSN 1726-670X
Shepherd, Tamara (2012) Privacy online: perspectives on privacy and self-disclosure in the social web. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 56 (4). pp. 691-693. ISSN 0883-8151
Shepherd, Tamara (2011) Search and destroy: more antitrust allegations against Google. Culture Digitally Blog (27 Jun 2011). Website.
Shepherd, Tamara (2011) Ideas for sale: what you need to know about intellectual property. Shameless Magazine (19). ISSN 1710-2022
Shepherd, Tamara (2009) Twittering in the OECD’s “participative web”: microblogging and new media policy. Global Media Journal: Canadian Edition, 2 (1). pp. 149-165. ISSN 1918-5901
Shepherd, Tamara (2009) "Rotten Tomatoes" in the field of popular cultural production. Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 18 (2). pp. 26-44. ISSN 0847-5911