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Hyman, Richard (2024) Book review: Trade unions and the industrial relations crisis: an intellectual biography of Hugh Clegg, By Peter Ackers, London: Routledge, 2024, 239 pp, £13500. Industrial Relations Journal. ISSN 0019-8692
Hyman, Richard (2022) El futuro de las relaciones laborales en tiempos de pandemia. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 40 (2). 245 - 260. ISSN 1131-8635
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2020) (How) can international trade union organisations be democratic? Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26 (3). 253 - 272. ISSN 1024-2589
Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, Richard (2020) In search of global labour markets. Journal of Industrial Relations, 62 (2). pp. 167-184. ISSN 0022-1856
Gumbrell McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, Richard (2018) Democracy in trade unions, democracy through trade unions? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40 (1). ISSN 0143-831X
Hyman, Richard (2018) What future for industrial relations in Europe? Employee Relations, 40 (4). pp. 569-579. ISSN 0142-5455
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2017) Resisting labour market insecurity: old and new actors, rivals or allies? Journal of Industrial Relations, 59 (4). pp. 538-561. ISSN 0022-1856
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2017) What about the workers? The implications of Brexit for British and European labour. Competition and Change, 21 (3). ISSN 1024-5294
Hyman, Richard (2017) British trade unions and the ETUC. In: Ciampani, Andrea and Tilly, Pierre, (eds.) A Multilevel Social Relations History: Unions into ETUC and ETUC into European societies. European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, Belgium.
Hyman, Richard, Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Bernaciak, Magdalena (2017) Trade unions in Europe: an overview. In: Marino, Stefania, Penninx, Rinus and Roosblad, Judith, (eds.) Trade Unions, Immigrants and Immigration in Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing and the International Labour Office, Cheltenham, UK.
Hyman, Richard (2016) Lo shock della Brexit. Rassegna Sindacale.
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2016) Els sindicats europeus. lluita DIGITAL, 246. pp. 11-13.
Hyman, Richard (2015) The very idea of democracy at work. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 22 (1). pp. 11-24. ISSN 1024-2589
Hyman, Richard (2015) L’"austeritarismo" e l’Europa: quali vie per resistergli? Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale, 3. ISSN 0391-6944
Hyman, Richard (2015) Austeritarianism in Europe: what options for resistance? In: Liberté, Égalité, Fragilité: Institute for New Economic Thinking, Sixth Annual Conference, 2015-04-08 - 2015-04-11, Paris, France, FRA.
Hyman, Richard (2015) Three scenarios for industrial relations in Europe. International Labour Review, 154 (1). pp. 5-14. ISSN 0020-7780
Hyman, Richard (2015) Making voice effective: imagining trade union responses to an era of post-industrial democracy. In: Johnstone, Stewart and Ackers, Peter, (eds.) Finding a Voice at Work?: New Perspectives on Employment Relations. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 265-277. ISBN 9780199668007
Hyman, Richard (2015) Austeritarianism in Europe: what options for resistance? In: Natali, David and Vanhercke, Bart, (eds.) Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2015, sixteenth annual report. European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 97-126. ISBN 9782874523748
Hyman, Richard (2015) Austéritarisme en Europe: quelles options pour la résistance? In: Natali, David and Vanhercke, Bart, (eds.) Bilan social de l'Union européenne 2015, seizième rapport annuel. European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 107-138. ISBN 9782874523755
Bernaciak, Magdalena, Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, Richard (2014) Trade unions in Europe : innovative responses to hard times. . Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 9783864988486
Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, Richard (2013) European trade unions:in search of a narrative. Labor History, 54 (4). pp. 477-483. ISSN 0023-656X (Submitted)
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2013) Collective representation at work: institutions and dynamics. In: Frege, Carola and Kelly, John, (eds.) Comparative Employment Relations in the Global Economy. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 49-70. ISBN 9780415686624
Hyman, Richard (2013) European trade unions and the long march through the institutions: from integration to contention? In: Fairbrother, Peter, Hennebert, Marc-Antonin and Lévesque, Christian, (eds.) Transnational Trade Unionism: Building Union Power. Routledge studies in employment and work relations in context. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 161-182. ISBN 9780415818803
Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, Richard (2013) Jenseits nationaler Grenzen: Gewerkschaften, Europa und die Welt. In: Rüb, Dr. Stefan and Müller, Dr. Torsten, (eds.) Arbeitsbeziehungen im Prozess der Globalisierung und Europäischen Integration: Ökonomische und soziale Herausforderungen im Zeichen der Euro-Krise. Schriften zur europäischen Arbeits- und Sozialpolitik. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, Germany. ISBN 9783848709878
Hyman, Richard (2013) Preface: decommodification and after. In: Koch, Max and Fritz, Martin, (eds.) Non-Standard Employment in Europe: Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses. Work and Welfare in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, xiii-xviii. ISBN 9781137267153
Hyman, Richard (2013) The role of government in industrial relations. In: Heyes, Jason and Rychly, Ludek, (eds.) Labour Administration in Uncertain Times: Policy, Practice and Institutions. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 95-124. ISBN 9781782549420
Hyman, Richard (2012) The labour policies of the European Union: questions of governance. In: Garibaldo, Francesco, Telljohann, Volker, Casey, Catherine and Baglioni, Mirella, (eds.) Workers, Citizens, Governance: Socio-Cultural Innovation at Work. Arbeit, Bildung & Gesellschaft (27). Verlag Peter Lang, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 9783631614297
Hyman, Richard (2012) Will the real Richard Hyman please stand up? Capital and Class, 36 (1). pp. 151-164. ISSN 0309-8168
Clarke, Linda, Donnelly, Eddy, Hyman, Richard, Kelly, John, Sonia, Sonia and Moore, Sian (2011) What's the point of industrial relations? International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 27 (3). 239 - 253. ISSN 0952-617X
Hyman, Richard (2011) Wirtschaftsdemokratie: Eine erneut aktuelle Idee? Gegenblende Das Gewerkschaftliche Debattenmagazin (09 May 2011). Website.
Hyman, Richard (2011) Economic democracy: an idea whose time has come, again? Global Labour Column (11 Apr 2011). Website.
Hyman, Richard (2011) Budget 2011: A footnote to the existing agenda, but the public is waking up to the attack on the welfare state. British Politics and Policy at LSE (28 Mar 2011). Website.
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) Sindacati, partiti e politica: quale nuovo nesso è possibile? Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale, 12 (1). ISSN 0391-6944
Hyman, Richard (2011) Gewerkschaftliche Strategie und Solidaritätspolitik unter globalen Konkurrenzbedingungen. In: Gerlach, Frank, Greven, Thomas, Mückenberger, Ulrich and Schmidt, Eberhard, (eds.) Solidarität Über Grenzen: Gewerkschaften Vor Neuer Standortkonkurrenz. Forschung aus der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (124). Edition Sigma, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 9783836087247
Hyman, Richard (2011) Lo studio delle relazioni industriali: una prospettiva anglo-europea. Diritto Delle Relazioni Industriali, 3 (xxi). ISSN 1121-8762
Hyman, Richard (2011) Trade unions, Lisbon and Europe 2020: from dream to nightmare. Global Labour Institute.
Hyman, Richard (2011) Trade unions, Lisbon and Europe 2020: from dream to nightmare. LSE 'Europe in Question' discussion paper series (45/2011). London School of Economics and Political Science, London.
Hyman, Richard (2011) Trade unions, global competition and options for solidarity. In: Bieler, Andreas and Lindberg, Ingemar, (eds.) Global Restructuring, Labour and the Challenges for Transnational Solidarity. Rethinking globalizations (25). Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 16-30. ISBN 9780415580830
Hyman, Richard (2010) Despite common press perceptions, the number of strikes in the UK is far below the European average. British Politics and Policy at LSE (25 Nov 2010). Website.
Hyman, Richard (2010) British industrial relations: the European dimension. In: Colling, Trevor and Terry, Mike, (eds.) Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, pp. 54-80. ISBN 9781444308853
Hyman, Richard (2010) Ein Blick auf das deutsche Tarifvertragssystem aus europäischer Sicht. In: Bispinck, Reinhard and Schulten, Thorsten, (eds.) Zukunft Der Tarifautonomie: 60 Jahre Tarifvertragsgesetz: Bilanz und Ausblick. VSA verlag, Hamburg, Germany. ISBN 9783899653755
Hyman, Richard (2010) Oblicza starej i nowej solidarności: dylematy ruchu związkowego. Dialog: Pismo Sialogu Społecznego, 27 (4). ISSN 1734-9117
Hyman, Richard (2010) Social dialogue and industrial relations during the economic crisis: innovative practices or business as usual? DIALOGUE working paper (11). International Labour Organization, Geneza, Switzerland. ISBN 9789221233282
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Syndicats, politique et partis: une nouvelle configuration est-elle possible? La Revue de L’ires, 65. pp. 17-40. ISSN 1145-1378
Hyman, Richard (2010) Trade unions and Europe: are the members out of step? Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 65 (1). pp. 3-29. ISSN 0034-379X
Hyman, Richard (2010) Trade unions and globalisation: in search of strategy and solidarity. In: Koniordos, Sokratis and Fotopoulos, Nicos, (eds.) Poverty, Inequality and Education in the Context of Globalisation. KANEP/GSEE, Athens, Greece, pp. 29-54.
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Trade unions and the crisis: a lost opportunity? Socio-Economic Review, 8 (2). pp. 364-372. ISSN 1475-1461
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Trade unions, politics and parties: is a new configuration possible? Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 16 (3). pp. 315-331. ISSN 1024-2589
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Works councils: the European model of industrial democracy. In: Wilkinson, Adrian, Gollan, Paul J., Marchington, Mick and Lewin, David, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Participation in Organizations. Oxford handbooks in business and management. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 286-314. ISBN 9780199207268
Hyman, Richard and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Związki zawodowe a kryzys: stracona szansa? Dialog: Pismo Sialogu Społecznego, 27 (4). ISSN 1734-9117
Hyman, Richard (2009) Trade unions and “Europe”: are the members out of step? LSE ‘Europe in Question’ Discussion Paper Series (14). London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Hyman, Richard (2009) La lutte continue. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations Conference, 2009-05-28 - 2009-05-29, London, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)
Hyman, Richard (2009) Trade unions and globalization: in search of a new solidarity. Union Magazine.
Hyman, Richard (2009) How can we study industrial relations comparatively? In: Blanpain, Roger, (ed.) The Modernization of Labour Law and Industrial Relations in a Comparative Perspective. Bulletin of comparative labour relations (70). Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, pp. 3-24. ISBN 9789041128652
Hyman, Richard (2009) Why industrial relations? In: Darlington, Ralph, (ed.) What's the Point of Industrial Relations?: in Defence of Critical Social Science. British Universities Industrial Relations Association, Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780954796112
Hyman, Richard (2009) Zukunft der europäischen Gewerkschaften in der Krise. Lunapark21: Zeitschrift Zur Kritik Der Globalen öKonomie, 8. ISSN 1866-3788
Hyman, Richard (2008) Britain and the European social model: capitalism against capitalism? IES Working Paper (19). Institute for Employment Studies, Brighton, UK. ISBN 9781851844067
Hyman, Richard (2008) Gewerkschaftliche Strategien und Solidaritätspolitik unter globalen Konkurrenzbedingungen. In: Protokoll der Internationalen Fachtagung des Hattinger Kreises: Gewerkschaftliche Solidaritätspolitik unter den Bedingungen globaler Konkurrenz, 2008-06-12 - 2008-06-13, DGB Bildungszentrum Hattingen, Germany, DEU. (Submitted)
Jackson, Gregory, Sako, Mari, Lane, Christel and Hyman, Richard (2008) Dialogue on comparative institutional analysis and international business. In: Strange, Roger and Jackson, Gregory, (eds.) Corporate Governance and International Business: Strategy, Performance and Institutional Change. Academy of International Business (UKI) Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 151-167. ISBN 9780230203396
Hyman, Richard (2008) Quale metodo comparato per lo studio delle relazioni industriali? Diritto Delle Relazioni Industriali, 3 (xviii). ISSN 1121-8762
Clarke, Linda, Donnelly, Eddy, Hyman, Richard, Kelly, John, McKay, Sonia and Moore, Sian (2008) What's the point of industrial relations? In: British Universities Industrial Relations Association Conference, 2008-06-26 - 2008-06-28, Bristol, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)
Hyman, Richard (2008) The state in industrial relations. In: Blyton, P., Bacon, N., Fiorito, J. and Heery, E., (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Industrial Relations. SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781412911542
Hyman, Richard (2007) An Anglo-European perspective on industrial relations research. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 13 (3-4). pp. 29-41. ISSN 1400-9692
Hyman, Richard (2007) How can trade unions act strategically? Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 13 (2). pp. 193-210. ISSN 1024-2589
Hyman, Richard (2007) Il futuro del principio “il lavoro non è un merce” tra mercato e stato sociale. Diritto Delle Relazioni Industriali, 4 (xvii). ISSN 1121-8762
Hyman, Richard (2007) In che modo i sindacati possono agire strategicamente? Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale, 8 (3). ISSN 0391-6944
Hyman, Richard (2007) Labour, markets and the future of "decommodification". In: Jepsen, Maria, Jacobi, Otto, Keller, Berndt and Weiss, Manfred, (eds.) Social Embedding and the Integration of Markets: an Opportunity for Transnational Trade Union Action or an Impossible Task? Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Dusseldorf, Germany. ISBN 9783865930750
Hyman, Richard (2006) Strukturierung des transnationalen Raumes: Kann Europa dem multinationalen Kapital die Stirn bieten? In: Brinkmann, Ulrich, Krenn, Karoline and Schief, Sebastian, (eds.) ENDspiel des Kooperativen Kapitalismus? Institutioneller Wandel Unter Den Bedingungen des Marktzentrierten Paradigmas. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 121-135. ISBN 9783531153254
Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, Richard (2006) Embedded collectivism?: workplace representation in France and Germany. Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (5). pp. 473-491. ISSN 0019-8692
Baccaro, Lucio, Hyman, Richard and Piore, M. J. (2006) Book review: Ruth Milkman L.A. story: immigrant workers and the future of the U.S. labor movement. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2006. Socio-Economic Review, 5 (2). pp. 369-385. ISSN 1475-1461
Hyman, Richard (2006) Flexible rigidities: a model for social Europe? In: Alonso, Luis Enrique and Martínez Lucio, Miguel, (eds.) Employment Relations in a Changing Society: Assessing the Post-Fordist Paradigm. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 215-222. ISBN 9780333970379
Hyman, Richard (2006) Ideas and organisation: will the three models of trade unions combine in the future? In: van Os van den Abeelen, Roos and Schils, Trudie, (eds.) The New Trade Union: Another 100 Years? AIAS, Amsterdam, Holland.
Hyman, Richard (2006) Marxist thought and the analysis of work. In: Korcynski, Marek, Hodson, Randy and Edwards, Paul K., (eds.) Social Theory at Work. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 26-55. ISBN 9780199285983
Hyman, Richard (2006) Structuring the transnational space: can Europe resist multinational capital? In: Ferner, Anthony and Quintanilla, Javier, (eds.) Multinationals, Institutions and the Construction of Transnational Practices: Convergence and Diversity in the Global Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 239-255. ISBN 1403947716
Hyman, Richard (2006) The strange death of collective laissez-faire. Labor History, 47 (2). pp. 240-246. ISSN 0023-656X
Hyman, Richard and Leisink, Peter (2005) Introduction: the dual evolution of Europeanization and varieties of governance. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (3). pp. 277-286. ISSN 0959-6801
Hyman, Richard (2005) Striking a balance?: means, ends and ambiguities. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 17 (2). 127 -130. ISSN 1573-3378
Hyman, Richard (2005) Trade unions and the politics of the European social model. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (1). pp. 9-40. ISSN 1461-7099
Hyman, Richard (2005) De vakbeweging en haar toekomstkansen. In: Boot, Hans, (ed.) Om De Vereniging Van De Arbeid. Solidariteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 123-131. ISBN 9072854039
Hyman, Richard (2005) Democrazia e solidarieta. Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale, 6 (1). pp. 29-34. ISSN 0391-6944
Hyman, Richard (2005) Editorial: European journal of industrial relations 11 (3). European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (3). p. 275. ISSN 0959-6801
Hyman, Richard (2005) Europeizacao ou erosao das relacoes laborais? In: Estanque, Elísio, Mello e Silva, Leonardo, Véras, Roberto, Ferreira, António and Costa, Hermes Augusto, (eds.) Mudanças No Trabalho e Ação Sindical: Brasil e Portugal No Contexto Da Transnacionalização. Cortez Editora, Sao Paulo, Brazil. ISBN 9788524911613
Hyman, Richard (2005) Negative integration and the dilemmas for European labour. In: Hein, Eckhard, Niechoj, Torsten, Schulten, Thorsten and Truger, Achim, (eds.) Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in Europe and the Role of the Trade Unions. European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, Belgium. ISBN 9782930352701
Hyman, Richard (2005) Shifting dynamics in international trade unionism: agitation, organisation, bureaucracy, diplomacy. Labor History, 46 (2). pp. 137-154. ISSN 0023-656X
Hyman, Richard, Devolder, C., Causarano, P., Kohl, H. and Berggren, L. (2005) Syndicalisme à l'entreprise, des avancées à l'ambiguïté. In: Pigenet, Michel, Pasture, Patrick and Robert, Jean-Louis, (eds.) L'apogée des Syndicalismes En Europe Occidentale 1960-1985. Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, France, pp. 109-137. ISBN 9782859445270
Hyman, Richard (2005) Words and things: the problem of particularistic universalism. In: Barbier, Jean-Claude and Letablier, Marie-Thérèse, (eds.) Comparaisons Internationales des Politiques Sociales, Enjeux Epistemologiques et Methodologiques. Verlag Peter Lang, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 191-208. ISBN 9789052013480
Hyman, Richard (2004) Whose (social) partnership? In: Stuart, Mark and Lucio, Miguel M, (eds.) Partnership and Modernisation in Employment Relations. Routledge Research in Employment Relations (9). Routledge, London, pp. 251-265. ISBN 0415304318
Hyman, Richard (2004) Union renewal: a view from Europe. Labor History, 45 (3). pp. 333-382. ISSN 0023-656X
Hyman, Richard (2004) Agitation, organisation, byråkrati, diplomati: Motsägelsefulla strategier i den internationella arbetarrörelsen. Arbetarhistoria, 109-10 (1-2). pp. 16-27. ISSN 0281-7446
Hyman, Richard (2004) Allan Flanders. In: New Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 994-995.
Hyman, Richard (2004) Ekseuropaïsmós í diávrosi ton ergasiakón schéseon. In: Moschonas, A. and Koniordos, S. M., (eds.) Europaïki Oloklirosi Kai Ergasiakes Scheseis. Gutenberg, Athens, Greece, pp. 29-53.
Hyman, Richard (2004) Europeizacao ou erosao das relacoes laborais? In: Estanque, Elísio, Mello e Silva, Leonardo, Véras, Roberto, Ferreira, António and Costa, Hermes Augusto, (eds.) Relações Laborais e Sindicalismo em Mudança: Portugal, Brasil e O Contexto Transnacional. Quartetto, Coimbra, Portugal. ISBN 9789895580408
Hyman, Richard (2004) Europäische integration und arbeitsbeziehungen: strategische dilemmata für die gewerkschaften. In: Hein, E., Niechoj, T., Schulten, T. and Truger, A., (eds.) Europas Wirtschaft Gestalten: MakroöKonomische Koordinierung und Die Rolle Der Gewerkschaften. VSA verlag, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 216-239. ISBN 9783899650747
Hyman, Richard (2004) Is industrial relations theory always ethnocentric? In: Kaufman, Bruce E., (ed.) Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship. Industrial Relations Research Association. Cornell University Press, Madison, pp. 265-292. ISBN 9780913447888
Hyman, Richard (2004) Solidarity for ever? In: Lind, Jens, Knudsen, H. and Jørgensen, H., (eds.) Labour and Employment Regulation in Europe. College of Europe Pubns, Brussels, pp. 35-45. ISBN 9789052012469
Hyman, Richard (2004) An emerging agenda for trade unions? In: Munck, Ronaldo, (ed.) Labour and Globalisation: Results and Prospects. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 19-33. ISBN 9780853238270
Hyman, Richard (2004) The future of trade unions. In: Verma, Anil and Kochan, Thomas A, (eds.) Unions in the 21st Century: an International Perspective. Unions in the twenty-first century edition. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 17-29. ISBN 140393505X
Hyman, Richard, Berkowitz, Peter, Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca, Pigenet, Michael and Schneider, Michael (2004) The structure and organisation of British, French and German trade unions before the first world war. In: Robert, Jean L, Prost, Antoine and Wrigley, Chris, (eds.) The Emergence of European Trade Unionism. Studies in Labour History. Ashgate Dartmouth, Aldershot, pp. 233-250. ISBN 1840146583
Hyman, Richard (2003) Industrial relations. In: Kuper, Adam and Kuper, Jessica, (eds.) The Social Science Encyclopaedia. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 411-432. ISBN 9780415476355
Hyman, Richard (2003) Varieties of capitalism, national industrial relations systems and transnational challenges. In: Harzing, Anne-Wil and Van Ruysseveldt, Joris, (eds.) International Human Resource Management. SAGE Publications, pp. 411-432. ISBN 9780761940401
Hyman, Richard (2003) The historical evolution of British industrial relations. In: Edwards, Paul, (ed.) Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 37-57. ISBN 9781405142021
Hyman, Richard (2002) The international labour movement on the threshold of two centuries: agitation, organisation, bureaucracy, diplomacy. In: The International Labour Movement on the Thresholds of Two Centuries, 2002-10-24 - 2002-10-25, Stockholm, Sweden, SWE. (Submitted)
Hyman, Richard (2002) Where does solidarity end? Eurozine, 17th (Sept). ISSN 1684-4637
Hyman, Richard (2002) Den Arbeitskampf zu globalisieren, ist hart. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, NULL (25 Jun). NULL.
Hyman, Richard (2002) European labour markets or European labour markets?: challenges for European labour. In: Ottosson, Jan and Magnusson, Lars, (eds.) Europe: One Labour Market? Travail & Société - Work & Society (30). Verlag Peter Lang. ISBN 9789052019499
Hyman, Richard (2002) Europeização ou erosão das relações laborais? Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 62. ISSN 0254-1106
Hyman, Richard, Edwards, Paul, Hall, Mark, Marginson, Paul, Sisson, Keith, Waddington, Jeremy and Winchester, David (2002) Gran Bretaña: ¿Del colectivismo parcial al neoliberalismo y hacia dónde? In: Ferner, Anthony and Hyman, Richard, (eds.) La Transformacion De Las Relaciones Laborales En Europa. Spain. Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Madrid, Spain.
Hyman, Richard (2002) Grenzen der Solidarität? Transit: Europäische Revue, 24 (Winter). ISSN 0938-2062
Ferner, Anthony and Hyman, Richard (2002) Introducción: ¿Hacia unas relaciones laborales Europeas? In: Ferner, Anthony and Hyman, Richard, (eds.) La Transformacion De Las Relaciones Laborales En Europa. Spain. Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Madrid, Spain.
Hyman, Richard (2002) The future of unions. Just Labour, 1 (Winter). pp. 7-15. ISSN 1705-1436
Hyman, Richard (2001) The Europeanisation – or the erosion – of industrial relations? Industrial Relations Journal, 32 (4). pp. 280-294. ISSN 0019-8692
Hyman, Richard (2001) European integration and industrial relations: a case of variable geometry? Antipode, 33 (3). pp. 468-483. ISSN 0066-4812
Hyman, Richard (2001) Trade union research and cross-national comparison. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 7 (2). pp. 203-232. ISSN 1461-7129
Hyman, Richard (2001) Flexible rigidities: a model for social Europe? In: IREC 2001 Conference: Globalisation, Competition and Governance of Employment and Working Conditions in Europe: Structures, Actors and Strategies, 2001-04-26, Madrid, Spain, ESP. (Submitted)
Hyman, Richard (2001) A small crisis in Germany? Work and Occupations, 28 (2). pp. 176-182. ISSN 0730-8884
Hyman, Richard (2001) European integration and industrial relations: a case of variable geometry? In: Waterman, Peter and Wills, Jane, (eds.) Place, Space and the New Labour Internationalisms. Antipode book series. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, pp. 164-179. ISBN 9780631229834
Hyman, Richard and Prieto Rodríguez, Carlos (2001) Introducción. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 19. pp. 9-16. ISSN 1131-8635
Hyman, Richard (2001) La rigidez flexible: ¿un modelo para una Europa social? Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 19. pp. 17-29. ISSN 1131-8635
Hyman, Richard (2001) Some problems of partnership and dilemmas of dialogue. In: Kjaergaard, Carsten and Westphalen, Sven-Age, (eds.) From Collective Bargaining to Social Partnerships: New Roles of the Social Partners in Europe. Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 39-60. ISBN 8797864322
Hyman, Richard (2001) Trade unions and European integration. In: Cornfield, Daniel B., Campbell, Karen E. and McCammon, Holly J., (eds.) Working in Restructured Workplaces: Challenges and New Directions for the Sociology of Work. SAGE Publications, California, USA, pp. 381-396. ISBN 9780761907824
Hyman, Richard (2001) Understanding European trade unionism: between market, class and society. SAGE Publications, London. ISBN 9780761952213
Hyman, Richard (2001) A la rècherche de la mobilisation pèrdue. In: Pouchet, Amélie, (ed.) Sociologies du Travail: Quarante Ans Après. Acteurs, sociétés, techniques. Elsevier (Firm), Paris, France, pp. 35-51. ISBN 9782842992750
Hyman, Richard (2001) The methods of international trade unionism. In: De Wilde, Bart, (ed.) The Past and Future of International Trade Unionism. Archief en Museum van de Socialistische Arbeidersbeweging (Ghent, Belgium), Ghent, Belgium.
Hyman, Richard (2001) The rise and decline of collective bargaining as a mechanism of employment regulation in Britain. In: Alaluf, Mateo and Prieto, Carlos, (eds.) Collective Bargaining and the Social Construction of Employment. European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 187-204.
Hyman, Richard (2000) Las relaciones industriales europeas: ¿de la regulación a la desregulación y a la re-regulación? Gaceta Sindical (Apr 2000). Website.
Hyman, Richard (2000) European industrial relations: from regulation to deregulation to re-regulation? The end of an old regime and the struggle for a new order. In: Falbr, Richard, Falkner, Gerder, Gabaglio, Emilio and Verzetnitsch, Fritz, (eds.) Europa 2000+: Auf Dem Wege Zu Einem Europäischen Sozialmodell. Zukunfts- und Kulturwerkstätte, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 9783901485138
Hyman, Richard (2000) Syndicats européens et intégration transnationale. In: Fouquet, Annie, Rehfeldt, Udo and Le Roux, Serge, (eds.) Le Syndicalisme Dans la Mondialisation. Editions de l'Atelier, Paris, France. ISBN 2708234919
Hyman, Richard (1997) The future of employee representation. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 35 (3). pp. 309-336. ISSN 0007-1080
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