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Hills, John, ed. (1996) New inequalities: the changing distribution of income and wealth in the United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 0521553261
Amiel, Yoram and Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152
Distributional orderings and the transfer principle : a re-examination.
Distributional Analysis Research Programme; DARP 14 (14).
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Anderlini, Luca and Felli, Leonardo (1996) Costly contingent contracts. . Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Atkinson, Anthony B. (1996) Incomes and the welfare state: essays on Britain and Europe. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521557962
Atkinson, Anthony B. (1996) On targeting social security: theory and western experience with family benefits. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 099). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Atkinson, Anthony B., Gardiner, Karen, Lechêne, Valérie and Sutherland, Holly (1996) Comparing poverty in France and the United Kingdom. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 084). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Baltagi, Badi, Hidalgo, Javier and Li, Qi (1996) A nonparametric test for poolability using panel data. Journal of Econometrics, 75 (2). pp. 345-367. ISSN 0304-4076
Barr, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0002-5325-2055, Crawford, Iain and Falkingham, Jane
Student loans: where are we now? Repayment rates for student loans: some sensitivity tests.
Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 127).
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Bishop, V, Mody, A and Schankerman, Mark ORCID: 0009-0006-1071-7672
Exploiting new market opportunities in telecommunications.
In: Mody, Ashok, (ed.)
Infrastructure Delivery: Private Initiative and the Public Good.
EDI development studies.
World Bank, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 37-78.
ISBN 9780821335208
Bovell, Virginia, Cohen, Anna and Glennerster, Howard (1996) Alternatives to fundholding. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 123). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Buiter, Willem H., Lago, Richard and Stern, Nicholas (1996) Promoting an effective market economy in a changing world. . Centre for Economic Policy Research (Great Britain), London, UK.
Burchardt, Tania ORCID: 0000-0003-4822-4954 and Hills, John
Private welfare insurance and social security: pushing the boundaries.
Social Policy Research Findings.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York, UK.
ISBN 1899987320
Cantó-Sánchez, Olga (1996) Poverty dynamics in Spain: a study of transitions in the 1990s. DARP (15). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Cardosa, Ana Rute (1996) Workers or employers: who is shaping wage inequality in Portugal? DARP (22). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Cornelli, Francesca and Schankerman, Mark ORCID: 0009-0006-1071-7672
Optimal patent renewals.
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152
Estimation of inequality indices.
Distributional Analysis Research Programme; DARP 25 (25).
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152
Family instability, family incomes and inequality.
Distributional Analysis Research Programme; DARP 12 (12).
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152, Ferreira, Francisco H. G.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8926-0500 and Litchfield, Julie
Income distribution in Brazil 1981-1990: parametric and non-parametric approaches.
Distributional Analysis Research Programme; DARP 21 (21).
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152 and Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia
Robustness properties of inequality measures.
Econometrica, 64 (1).
pp. 77-101.
ISSN 0012-9682
Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152 and Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia
Welfare judgements in the presence of contaminated data.
Distributional Analysis Research Programme; DARP 13.
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London.
Evandrou, Maria and Falkingham, Jane (1996) Growing old in the 21st century: lessons from four cohorts in Britain 1974-93. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 128). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Evans, Martin (1996) Families on the dole in Britain, France and Germany. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 118). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Evans, Martin (1996) Giving credit where it's due? The success of family credit reassessed. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 121). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Evans, Martin (1996) Housing benefit problems and dilemmas: what can we learn from France and Germany? Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 119). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Evans, Martin (1996) Means-testing the unemployed in Britain, France and Germany. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 117). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Evans, Martin (1996) Not granted? An assessment of the change from single payments to the social fund. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 101). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Felli, Leonardo and Harris, Christopher (1996) Learning, wage dynamics, and firm-specific human capital. Journal of Political Economy, 104 (4). pp. 838-868. ISSN 0022-3808
Felli, Leonardo and Harris, Christopher (1996) A note on G. Bertola and L. Felli (1993) “Job matching and the distribution of surplus” Ricerche Economiche, 47, 65–92. Ricerche Economiche, 50 (3). pp. 317-319. ISSN 0035-5054
Felli, Leonardo and Hortala-Vallve, R. ORCID: 0000-0002-9677-497X
Preventing collusion through discretion.
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Felli, Leonardo and Villas-Boas, J.M. (1996) Friendships in vertical relations. . Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Ferreira, Francisco H. G. ORCID: 0000-0001-8926-0500 and Litchfield, Julie
Growing apart: inequality and poverty trends in Brazil in the 1980s.
DARP (23).
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Foldes, Lucien (1996) The optimal consumption function in a Brownian model of accumulation. Part a: the consumption function as solution of a boundary value problem. . Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Foldes, Lucien (1996) The optimal consumption function in a Brownian model of accumulation. Part b: existence of solutions of boundary value problems. . Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Gardiner, Karen (1996) A survey of income inequality over the last twenty years: how does the UK compare? Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 100). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Gil-Alana, L A and Robinson, Peter (1996) Testing of unit root and other nonstationary hypotheses in macroeconomic time series. Econometrics; EM/1996/317 (EM/1996/317). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Glennerster, Howard (1996) Caring for the very old: public and private solutions. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 126). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Glennerster, Howard (1996) Fixed budgets for fundholding general practitioners in the UK. In: Schwartz, Friedrich Wilhelm, Glennerster, Howard and Saltman, Richard, (eds.) Fixing Health Budgets: Experience in Europe and North America. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, pp. 213-228. ISBN 0471964972
Glennerster, Howard (1996) Keynote address: the big tradeoff revisited. In: Proceedings of the Industry Commission Conference on Equity, Efficiency and Welfare. Australia. Industry Commission, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-12. ISBN 0642254850
Hajivassiliou, Vassilis ORCID: 0009-0000-7041-0791 and Ioannides, Yannis
Duality and liquidity constraints under uncertainty.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 20 (6-7).
pp. 1177-1192.
ISSN 0165-1889
Hajivassiliou, Vassilis ORCID: 0009-0000-7041-0791, McFadden, Daniel and Ruud, Paul
Simulation of multivariate normal rectangle probabilities and their derivatives theoretical and computational results.
Journal of Econometrics, 72 (1-2).
pp. 85-134.
ISSN 0304-4076
Hidalgo, Javier (1996) Book review: H. Bierens, "topics in advanced econometrics". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 159 (1). pp. 181-182. ISSN 0964-1998
Hidalgo, Javier (1996) Spectral analysis for bivariate time series with long memory. Econometric Theory, 12 (05). pp. 773-792. ISSN 0266-4666
Hills, John (1996) Does Britain have a welfare generation? In: Walker, Alan, (ed.) The New Generational Contract: Intergenerational Relations, Old Age and Welfare. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 56-80. ISBN 9781857282122
Hills, John (1996) Income inequalities and welfare reforms. In: Meeting the Needs of the Future: the Housing Implications of Demographic, Economic and Social Trends. Housing Corporation, London, UK.
Hills, John (1996) Inequality: what does it mean for public policy? In: LSE Annual Review 1995. London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Hills, John (1996) Tax policy: are there still choices? In: Halpern, David, White, Stuart and Clifford, Chris, (eds.) Options for Britain: a Strategic Policy Review. Dartmouth Publishing Co Ltd, Aldershot, UK, pp. 71-98. ISBN 9781855218314
Joshi, Heather, Paci, Pierella and Waldfogel, Jane (1996) The wages of motherhood: better or worse? Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 122). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Equity, efficiency and rationing of health care.
In: Culyer, A. J. and Wagstaff, Adam, (eds.)
Reforming Health Care Systems: Experiments With the Nhs.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 150-164.
ISBN 1858983290
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Health rationing.
ISSN 0261-3077
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
New visions of welfare.
In: Sasson, Helen and Diamond, Derek, (eds.)
LSE on Social Science.
LSE Books, London, UK.
ISBN 0753007630
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Quasi markets: the answer to market failure in health care?
In: Day, Patricia, (ed.)
The State, Politics, and Health : Essays for Rudolf Klein.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, Mass., USA, pp. 33-46.
ISBN 1557868689
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Quasi-markets in welfare.
In: Trevillion, Steve and Beresford, Peter, (eds.)
Meeting the Challenge: Social Work Education and the Community Care Revolution.
National Institute for Social Work, London, UK, pp. 48-53.
ISBN 1899942033
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Thinking the unthinkable.
ISSN 1359-5024
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
The new economy of welfare: a research strategy.
In: Millar, Jane and Bradshaw, J., (eds.)
Social Welfare Systems: Towards a Research Agenda.
Bath social policy paper (24).
University of Bath. Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy, Bath, UK.
ISBN 9781857900248
Machin, Stephen ORCID: 0009-0004-8130-2701 and Waldfogel, Jane
The decline of the male breadwinner: changing shares of husbands' and wives' earnings in family income.
Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 103).
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Mele, Antonio and Fornari, Fabio (1996) Modeling the changing asymmetry of conditional variances. Economics Letters, 50 (2). pp. 197-203. ISSN 0165-1765
Prat, Andrea (1996) Shared knowledge vs diversified knowledge in teams. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 10 (2). pp. 181-195. ISSN 0889-1583
Prieto Alaiz, Mercedes and Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia (1996) Modelling income distribution in Spain: a robust parametric approach. DARP (20). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Propper, Carol and Wilson, Deborah (1996) Price and competition in the NHS internal market in GP fundholer procedures. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 120). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Raith, Michael A. (1996) Product differentiation, uncertainty and the stability of collusion. EI (16). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Robinson, Peter (1996) Rhetoric and reality: Britain's new vocational qualifications. Centre for Economic Performance special papers (CEPSP01). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Robinson, Peter M. and Velasco, Carlos (1996) Autocorrelation-robust inference. Econometrics; EM/1996/316 (EM/1996/316). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Ronchetti, Elvezio and Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia (1996) Robust estimation of income distribution models with grouped data. DARP (19). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Sarre, Sophie (1996) A place for fathers: fathers and social policy in the post-war period. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 125). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Schankerman, Mark ORCID: 0009-0006-1071-7672
Symmetric regulation for competitive telecommunications.
Information Economics and Policy, 8 (1).
pp. 3-23.
ISSN 0167-6245
Schluter, Christian (1996) Income distribution and inequality in Germany: evidence from panel data. DARP (16). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Schluter, Christian (1996) Income mobility in Germany: evidence from panel data. DARP (17). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Stern, Nicholas (1996) Growth theories, old and new: and the role of agriculture in economic development. FAO economic and social development paper. (136). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. ISBN 9251037833
Stern, Nicholas (1996) Tax reform and stabilisation in Sri Lanka. In: Blejer, Mario I. and Ter-Minassian, Teresa M., (eds.) Macroeconomic Dimensions of Public Finance: Essays in Honour of Vito Tanzi. Routledge studies in the modern world economy (5). Routledge, London, UK, pp. 413-439. ISBN 0415141117
Sutton, John (1996) Game theoretical models of market structure. Economics of Industry (EI 15). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Sutton, John (1996) Game-theoretic models of market structure. Economics of Industry; EI 15 (EI/15). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Sutton, John (1996) Gibrat's legacy. Economics of Industry; EI 14 (EI/14). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia (1996) Choosing between two income distribution models with contaminated data. DARP (18). Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK.
Waldfogel, Jane (1996) What do we expect lone mothers to do? Competing agendas for welfare reform in the United States. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 124). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.