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Measuring ideas more effectively: an analysis of Bush and Kerry's national security speeches

Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl ORCID: 0000-0002-7820-6231 (2005) Measuring ideas more effectively: an analysis of Bush and Kerry's national security speeches. PS - Political Science and Politics, 38 (4). pp. 701-711. ISSN 1049-0965

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Identification Number: 10.1017/S1049096505050195


On Sunday, October 10th, 2004, the New York Times Magazine featured an article with the cover title, “Really, What Does He Think? John Kerry and the Post-9/11 World” (Bai 2004). On the cover of the magazine was a serious-looking photo of Senator Kerry, superimposed with keywords such as “Terrorism,” “Iraq,” “Al Qaeda,” “Multilateralism,” “Nuclear proliferation,” and so on. While the article itself was intriguing, even more intriguing was the magazine's attempt to capture Kerry's core ideas on American national security with the use of keyword graphics—namely, the keywords on the cover, placed in what appeared to be a random order around the photo of Kerry, and the underlining of “John Kerry,” “terrorism,” and “Americans” in the inside title. Catchy graphics, but hardly an accurate depiction of the keywords that might actually represent Kerry's thinking on American national security. And, for all the comparison made in the article itself with President Bush's stance on national security, where were the graphics for George W.? (They did not emerge in the next New York Times Magazine.) The magazine was, nonetheless, making an important point: that words (and the ideas they represent) are emotive—particularly in the highly charged climate of the 2004 presidential campaign.

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Divisions: Government
Subjects: J Political Science > JK Political institutions (United States)
J Political Science > JZ International relations
Date Deposited: 31 Oct 2006
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2024 22:58

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