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Pottage, Alain (2019) Holocene jurisprudence. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 10 (2). 153 - 175. ISSN 1759-7188
Bellido, Jose and Pottage, Alain (2019) Lexical properties: trademarks, dictionaries, and the sense of the generic. History of Science, 57 (1). 119 - 139. ISSN 0073-2753
Pottage, Alain (2017) Dignity again. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. ISSN 1472-6483
Keenan, Bernard and Pottage, Alain (2017) Ethics in rehearsal. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 23 (S1). pp. 153-165. ISSN 1359-0987
Pottage, Alain, Rabinow, Paul and Bennett, Gaymon (2014) Book review: from theory to inquiry? Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20 (2). pp. 362-366. ISSN 1359-0987
Pottage, Alain (2014) Law after anthropology: object and technique in Roman law. Theory, Culture & Society, 31 (2-3). pp. 147-166. ISSN 0263-2764
Pottage, Alain (2013) No (more) logo: plain packaging and communicative agency. U.C. Davis Law Review, 47 (2). pp. 515-546. ISSN 1943-1732
Gaskell, George, Stares, Sally ORCID: 0000-0003-4697-0347 and Pottage, Alain
How Europe's ethical divide looms over biotech law and patents.
Nature Biotechnology, 30 (5).
pp. 392-394.
ISSN 1087-0156
Pottage, Alain and Marris, Claire (2012) The cut that makes a part. Biosocieties, 7 (2). pp. 103-114. ISSN 1745-8552
Pottage, Alain (2012) The materiality of what? Journal of Law and Society, 39 (1). pp. 167-183. ISSN 0263-323X
Pottage, Alain (2011) Book review: Foucault's law by Ben Golder and Peter Fitzpatrick. Modern Law Review, 74 (1). pp. 159-168. ISSN 0026-7961
Pottage, Alain (2011) Forensic machinery. Cabinet, 43 (Fall). pp. 75-80. ISSN 1531-1430
Pottage, Alain (2011) Law machines: scale models, forensic materiality and the making of modern patent law. Social Studies of Science, 41 (5). pp. 621-643. ISSN 0306-3127
Pottage, Alain (2008) Book review: fabled animals. Biosocieties, 3. pp. 452-455. ISSN 1745-8552
Pottage, Alain and Sherman, Brad (2007) Organisms and manufactures: on the history of plant inventions. Melbourne University Law Review, 31 (2). pp. 539-568. ISSN 0025-8938
Pottage, Alain (2007) The socio-legal implications of the new biotechnologies. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 3. pp. 321-344. ISSN 1550-3585
Pottage, Alain (2006) Materialities in life and law: informatic technologies and industrial property. Paragrana, 15 (1). pp. 82-101. ISSN 0938-0116
Pottage, Alain (2006) Too much ownership: bioprospecting in the age of synthetic biology. Biosocieties, 1. pp. 137-158. ISSN 1745-8552
Pottage, Alain (2004) An ethology of judgement? Zeitschrift Für Rechtsoziologie, 25 (2). pp. 255-267. ISSN 0174-0202
Pottage, Alain (2004) Who owns academic knowledge? Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 24 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0305-7674
Pottage, Alain (2001) Persons and things. An ethnographic analogy. Economy and Society, 30 (1). pp. 112-138. ISSN 0308-5147
Pottage, Alain (2018) Literary materiality. In: Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. Taylor and Francis, pp. 409-430. ISBN 9781138956469
Pottage, Alain (2017) Our geological contemporary. In: Desautels-Stein, Justin and Tomlins, Christopher, (eds.) Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 177-196. ISBN 9781316584361
Pottage, Alain (2017) Lego Juris A/S v OHIM (2010). In: Bellido, Jose, (ed.) Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property Law. Landmark cases. Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, 345 - 372. ISBN 9781509904662
Pottage, Alain and Sherman, Brad (2013) On the prehistory of intellectual property. In: Howe, Helena and Griffiths, Jonathan, (eds.) Concepts of Property in Intellectual Property. Cambridge intellectual property and information law. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 11-28. ISBN 9781107041820
Pottage, Alain (2013) Ius resistendi: resistance as reflexivity. In: Bauer, Martin W., Harré, Rom and Jenson, Carl, (eds.) Resistance and the Practice of Rationality. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 262-281. ISBN 9781443846264
Pottage, Alain (2011) Biotechnology as environmental regulation. In: Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas, (ed.) Law and Ecology: New Environmental Foundations. Law, justice and ecology. Routledge, Oxford, UK, pp. 105-125. ISBN 9780415587136
Pottage, Alain and Sherman, Brad (2011) Kinds, clones, and manufactures. In: Biagioli, Mario, Jaszi, Peter and Woodmansee, Martha, (eds.) Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA, pp. 269-283. ISBN 9780226907086
Pottage, Alain (2009) Protocell patents: property between modularity and emergence. In: Bedau, Mark A. and Parke, Emily C., (eds.) The Ethics of Protocells: Moral and Social Implications of Creating Life in the Laboratory. MIT Press, Boston, USA. ISBN 9780262012621
Pottage, Alain (2009) Fiction science and proprietary effect. In: Gaudilliere, J-P. and Kevles, D., (eds.) Living Properties. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany, pp. 225-239.
Pottage, Alain (2007) Conflicts of laws: comparing autochthonous legal cultures. In: Stetter, Stephan, (ed.) Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies. Routledge, U.K.. ISBN 9780415416740
Pottage, Alain (2004) Fabricating persons and things. In: Pottage, Alain and Mundy, Martha, (eds.) Law, Anthropology, and the Constitution of the Social Making Persons and Things. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521831784
Pottage, Alain (2004) Our original inheritance. In: Pottage, Alain and Mundy, Martha, (eds.) Law, Anthropology and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 249-285. ISBN 9780521539456
Pottage, Alain (2004) Recursos genéticos através do divisor molecular: o futuro das tecnologias de proteçao de genes. In: Varella, Marcelo Dias and Platiau, Ana Flávia Barros, (eds.) Diversidade Biológica e Conhecimentos Tradicionais. Del Rey, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. ISBN 9788573087482
Pottage, Alain (2010) Figures of invention: a history of modern patent law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199595631
Pottage, Alain (2012) Book review: Marilyn Strathern: “a truly inspirational and trailblazing anthropologist”. LSE Review of Books (26 Apr 2012). Website.