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Items where Author is "Levy, Roger"

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Number of items: 38.


Levy, Roger, Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947 and Gomez, Antonio-Martin Porras (2011) The reform of financial management in the European Commission: a public management policy cycle case study. Public Administration, 89 (4). pp. 1546-1567. ISSN 0033-3298

Levy, Roger (2010) New public management: end of an era? Public Policy and Administration, 25 (2). pp. 234-240. ISSN 0952-0767

Levy, Roger (2006) East meets West. Journal of European Integration, 28 (2). pp. 193-198. ISSN 0703-6337

Levy, Roger (2006) European Commission overload and the pathology of management reform: garbage cans, rationality and risk aversion. Public Administration, 84 (2). pp. 423-439. ISSN 0033-3298

Levy, Roger (2005) Book review: Public expenditure control in Europe: coordinating audit functions in the European Union. Public Policy and Administration, 20 (3). pp. 125-126. ISSN 0952-0767

Levy, Roger (2004) Between rhetoric and reality: implementing management reform in the European Commission. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 17 (2). pp. 166-177. ISSN 0951-3558

Levy, Roger and Stevens, Anne (2004) The reform of EU management: taking stock and looking forward. Public Policy and Administration, 19 (3). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0952-0767

Levy, Roger (2003) Book review: The administration of international organisations: top down and bottom up. Journal of Common Market Studies, 42 (1). pp. 226-227. ISSN 0021-9886

Levy, Roger (2003) Book review: The long search for a third way: the British Labour Party and the Italian Left since 1945. Italian Politics and Society, 58. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2291-143X

Levy, Roger (2003) Confused expectations: decentralising the management of EU programmes. Public Money and Management, 23 (2). pp. 83-92. ISSN 0954-0962

Levy, Roger (2003) Critical success factors in public management feform: the case of the European Commission. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69 (4). pp. 553-566. ISSN 0020-8523

Levy, Roger (2002) Modernising EU programme management. Public Policy and Administration, 17 (1). pp. 72-89. ISSN 0952-0767

Levy, Roger (2001) Eu programme management 1977-96: a performance indicators analysis. Public Administration and Development, 79 (2). pp. 423-444. ISSN 0271-2075

Book Section

Levy, Roger and Stevens, Anne (2006) Gender and management in the European Commission. In: McTavish, D. and Miller, K., (eds.) Women in Leadership and Management. New horizons in management. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 204-220. ISBN 9781845426460

Levy, Roger (2002) The EU budget. In: Gower, J., (ed.) The Eu Handbook. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago, USA, pp. 151-163.

Levy, Roger (2000) Managing the managers: the role of the Commission in implementation in Nugent. In: Nugent, Neill, (ed.) At the Heart of the Union: Studies of the European Commission. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 206-229. ISBN 9780333918302


Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947, Levy, Roger and Gomez, Antonio-Martin Porras (2010) Analyzing public management policy cycles in the European Commission: oversight of budget control and the integrated internal control framework. CARR discussion paper (65). ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London, UK. ISBN 978 0 85328 439 0

Levy, Roger (2004) Then there were 25: managing the enlarged European Union. . Precision Machined Products Association, Brecksville, Ohio.

Conference or Workshop Item

Levy, Roger, Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947 and Gomez, Antonio-Martin Porras (2009) Innovation in the European Commission: the integrated internal control framework. In: 5th ECPR General Conference, 2009-09-10 - 2009-09-12, Potsdam, Germany, DEU. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger, Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947 and Gomez, Antonio-Martin Porras (2009) Leading reform: the case of internal financial control in the European Commission. In: 13th IRSPM conference, 2009-04-06 - 2009-04-08, Copenhagen, Denmark, DNK. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger, Barzelay, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-3803-8947 and Gomez, Antonio-Martin Porras (2008) The integrated internal control framework. In: EGPA conference, 2008-09-01, Rotterdam, Netherlands, NLD. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger and Stevens, A. (2006) The modernisation of the European Commission: promoting equal opportunities for women in the Commission services. In: UACES 36th Annual Conference and 11th Research Conference ”Exchanging Ideas on Europe”, 2006-08-31 - 2006-09-02, Limerick, Ireland, IRL. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2006) Management renewal in the European Commission and the new public management: an empirical and theoretical assessment. In: Renouveau et démocratie, European Commission, 2006-04-03, Brussels, Belgium, BEL. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2006) Between rhetoric and reality: the Kinnock reforms of the European Commission services. In: Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies Professional Seminar, 2006-02-07, Luxembourg, LUX. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2004) Measuring management reform: the Case Kinnock reforms of the European Commission. In: EGPA Annual Conference, 2004-09-01 - 2004-09-04, Ljubljana, Slovenia, SVN. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2003) From optimism to indifference? The half life of devolved government in Scotland. In: Atlantic Provinces Political Studies conference, 2003-09-26 - 2003-09-28, Newfoundland, Canada, CAN. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2003) Managerial reform and senior officials: the European Commission in comparative perspective. In: UACES 33th Annual Conference and 8th Research Conference, 2003-09-02 - 2003-09-04, Newcastle, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2002) Management reform and the decentralisation of EU programme management. In: European Group of Public Administration, Annual conference, 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-07, Potsdam, Netherlands, NLD. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2002) Decentralisation and the modernisation of EU Programme management. In: ECSAC conference, 2002-05-30 - 2002-06-01, Toronto, Canada, CAN. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2002) Modernisation, decentralisation and governance: a public management perspective. In: Political Studies Association, 2002-04-04 - 2002-04-06, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2002) Modernising and decentralizing EU programme management: implications for higher officials in the European Commission. In: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 2002-06-14 - 2002-06-16, Paris, France, FRA. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2001) Modernising EU Programme Management. In: 31st Annual Conference of the Public Administration Committee, 2001-09-03 - 2001-09-05, Sunningdale, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2001) This time we really mean it: reforming EU programme management. In: UACES 31st Annual Conference and 6th Research Conference, 2001-09-03 - 2001-09-05, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2001) Multi-level governance: interdisciplinary perspectives. In: Multi-levelGovernance and the Modernisation of EU Programme Management, 2001-06-28 - 2001-06-30, Sheffield, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2000) The management of the CAP: how bad is it? In: UACES Research Conference, 2000-04-06 - 2000-04-08, Budapest, Hungary, HUN. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2000) The theory and practice of EU programme management. In: 4th International Symposium on Public Management, 2000-04-01, Rotterdam, Netherlands, NLD. (Submitted)

Levy, Roger (2000) The quality of EU programme management, 1977-96: an empirical analysis. In: ECSA -C conference, 2000-07-01, Quebec City, Canada, CAN. (Submitted)


Levy, Roger (2000) Implementing European Union public policy. New horizons in public policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. ISBN 9781858988801

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