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Iwowo, Vanessa (2016) Leadership development: one size does not fit all. Management with Impact (25 Apr 2016). Website.
Grilling, Gearty and Iwowo, Vanessa (2015) This week`s Gearty Grilling: Vanessa Iwowo on African leadership. London School of Economics and Political Science.
Iwowo, Vanessa (2015) Leadership development: one size does not fit all growing leaders in Africa and across the world. European Business Review. ISSN 0955-534X
Iwowo, Vanessa (2015) Leadership in Africa: rethinking development. Personnel Review, 44 (3). pp. 408-429. ISSN 0048-3486
Iwowo, Vanessa (2014) Post-colonial theory. In: Coghlan, David and Brydon-Miller, Mary, (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Action Research. Sage Publications, London. ISBN 9781849200271
Iwowo, Vanessa (2013) Boko Haram and Mend could play a role in determining Nigeria’s next president. Africa at LSE (23 Sep 2013). Website.
Iwowo, Vanessa (2013) AOM Africa and images of African identity. Academy of Management Newsletter, 44 (1).
Iwowo, Vanessa (2011) The internationalization of leadership development. In: Turnbull, Sharon, Case, Peter, Edwards, Gareth and Schedlitzki, Doris, (eds.) Worldly Leadership: Alternative Wisdoms for a Complex World. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstokel, UK, pp. 52-68. ISBN 9780230284708
Iwowo, Vanessa (2010) De-familiarising the ordinary: leadership development as human resource management intervention in Africa. In: International conference on HRM and the management of organizations in Africa, 2010-01-01, Nottingham, United Kingdom, GBR.
Iwowo, Vanessa (2008) Evaluating leadership development in young volunteering women. In: Critical Labour Studies PGR conference, 2008-01-01, Exeter, United Kingdom, GBR.
Iwowo, Vanessa (2008) Leadership development in emerging economies: the Nigerian example. In: Leadership and management studies in Sub-Sahara Africa, 2008-07-07 - 2008-07-09, Accra, Ghana, GHA.
Iwowo, Vanessa (2007) Exploring the dynamics of work group cohesion - a study of teams in Nigeria and the UK. . Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, UK.