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Harlow, Carol (2022) The European Union and law in context: the context. European Law Open, 1 (1). 209 - 215. ISSN 2752-6135
Harlow, Carol (2016) Editorial: transparency, accountability and the privileges of power. European Law Journal, 22 (3). pp. 273-278. ISSN 1351-5993
Harlow, Carol (2015) At risk: national administrative procedure within the European Union. Italian Journal of Public Law, 1. pp. 60-93. ISSN 2239-8279
Harlow, Carol (2011) Book review: judicial transformations: the rights revolution in the courts of Europe - by Mitchel de S.-O.-l'E. Lasser. Modern Law Review, 74 (3). pp. 482-487. ISSN 0026-7961
Harlow, Carol (2011) The concepts and methods of reasoning of the new public law: a new legislation? European Review of Public Law. pp. 1-50. ISSN 1105-1590
Harlow, Carol (2010) Rationalising administrative compensation. Public Law. pp. 321-339. ISSN 0033-3565
Harlow, Carol and Rawlings, Richard (2010) National administrative procedures in a European perspective: pathways to a slow convergence. Italian Journal of Public Law, 2. pp. 215-258. ISSN 2239-8279
Harlow, Carol (2002) Public law and popular justice. Modern Law Review, 65 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0026-7961
Harlow, Carol (2000) La Huronne au Palais-Royal or a naïve perspective on administrative law. Journal of Law and Society, 27 (2). pp. 322-327. ISSN 0263-323X
Harlow, Carol (2000) Export, import: the ebb and flow of English public law. Public Law, Summer. pp. 240-253. ISSN 0033-3565
Harlow, Carol (1999) Accountability, new public management, and the problems of the Child Support Agency. Journal of Law and Society, 26 (2). pp. 150-174. ISSN 0263-323X
Harlow, Carol (1999) Teaching the political context of EC law. European Law Journal, 5 (2). pp. 127-134. ISSN 1351-5993
Harlow, Carol (1999) Next steps agencies and problems of accountability. Rivista Trimestrale di diritto Pubblico (4). pp. 1085-1097. ISSN 0557-1464
Harlow, Carol (2011) Three phases in the evolution of EU administrative law. In: Craig, Paul and Grainne, de Burca, (eds.) The Evolution of Eu Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 439-464. ISBN 9780199592968
Harlow, Carol (2011) Accountability as a value in global governance and for global administrative law. In: Gordon, Anthony, Jean-Bernard, Auby, Morison, John and Zwart, Tom, (eds.) Values in Global Administrative Law. Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 167-185. ISBN 9781849460095
Harlow, Carol (2011) The influence of Léon Duguit on Anglo-American legal thought. In: Melleray, Fabrice, (ed.) Autour De Léon Duguit. Mélanges (57). Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 227-254. ISBN 9782802729891
Harlow, Carol (2009) The 'Hidden Paw' of the state and the publicisation of private law. In: Dyzenhaus, David, Hunt, Murray and Huscroft, Grant, (eds.) A Simple Common Lawyer: Essays in Honour of Michael Taggart. Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 75-97. ISBN 9781841139234
Harlow, Carol (2009) Transparency in the European Union: weighing the public and private interest. In: Wouters, Jan, Verhey, Luc and Kiiver, Philipp, (eds.) European Constitutionalism Beyond Lisbon. Intersentia (Firm), Mortsel, Belgium, pp. 209-238. ISBN 9789050958882
Harlow, Carol (2008) A punitive role for tort law? In: Harlow, Carol, Pearson, Linda and Taggart, Michael, (eds.) Administrative Law in a Changing State: Essays in Honour of Mark Aronson. Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 247-271. ISBN 9781841137872
Harlow, Carol (2000) A common European law of remedies. In: Kilpatrick, Claire, Novitz, Tonia and Skidmore, Paul, (eds.) The Future of Remedies in Europe. Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 69-86. ISBN 9781841130828
Harlow, Carol (2000) Judicial review and its constitutionial functions. In: Forsyth, Christopher, (ed.) Effective Judicial Review: a Cornerstone of Good Governance. Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 227-254. ISBN 9781841131054
Harlow, Carol (2000) Disposing of dicey: from legal autonomy to constitutional discourse? In: Political Ideas and Political Action. Political studies special issues. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford. ISBN 9780631221425
Harlow, Carol (1999) Access to justice as a human right: the European convention and the EU. In: The European Union and Human Rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 187-214. ISBN 9780198298069
Harlow, Carol (2010) The concepts and methods of reasoning of the new public law: legitimacy. LSE law, society and economy working papers (19-2010). Department of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Harlow, Carol and Rawlings, Richard (2009) Law and administration. Law in context. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521197076