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Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2025) Bail-in's unfulfilled promise. European Business Organization Law Review. ISSN 1566-7529
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2024) Economic and financial sanctions in international law: nature, sources, and reviewability. In: Zilioli, Chiara, Bismuth, Régis and Thévenoz, Luc, (eds.) International Sanctions: Monetary and Financial Law Perspectives. Brill Nijhoff (Firm), Leiden, 13 - 47. ISBN 9789004705692
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2016) Bank resolution financing in the banking union. In: Binder, Jens-Hinrich and Singh, Dalvinder, (eds.) Bank Resolution: The European Regime. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198754411
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2015) Bank stakeholders’ mandatory contribution to resolution financing: principle and ambiguities of bail-in. In: ECB Legal Conference 2015: From Monetary Union to Banking Union, on the Way to Capital Markets Union, New Opportunities for European Integration. European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, pp. 225-248. ISBN 9789289919531
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2015) The banking union and its implications for private law: a comment. EUI Working Paper RSCAS (74). European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2015) The banking union and its implications for private law: a comment. European Business Organization Law Review, 16 (3). pp. 383-400. ISSN 1566-7529
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2015) Bank resolution financing in the banking union. LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Paper Series, 6. London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2015) Financial stability and integration in the banking union. In: Allen, Franklin, Carletti, Elena and Gray, Joanna, (eds.) The New Financial Architecture in the Eurozone. European University Institute, Florence, Italy, pp. 55-88. ISBN 9789290842972
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2015) A heavily regulated industry: the varied objectives of financial regulation. eucrim: The European Criminal Law Accociations’ Forum, 4. pp. 138-145. ISSN 1862-6947
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2014) Special resolution regimes for banking institutions: objectives and limitations. In: Ringe, Wolf-Georg and Huber, Peter M., (eds.) Legal Challenges in the Global Financial Crisis: Bail-outs, the Euro and Regulation. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law. Hart Publishing, London, UK, pp. 209-235. ISBN 9781849464390
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (2013) Special resolution regimes for banking institutions: objectives and limitations. LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers (21/2013). London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Chalmers, Damian, Hadjiemmanuil, Christos, Monti, Giorgio and Tomkins, Adam (2006) European Union law: text and materials. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521820417
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos and Andenas, M. (1999) Banking supervision and European monetary union. Journal of International Banking Law, 1 (2). ISSN 0267-937X
Hadjiemmanuil, Christos (1999) The choice of institutions for monetary stability in an emerging economy: independent central bank or currency board? Pravo I Privreda, 36 (1-2). pp. 25-44. ISSN 0354-3501