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Graeber, David (2021) All economies are ultimately human economies. Journal of World-Systems Research, 27 (1). 317 - 323. ISSN 1076-156X
Wengrow, David and Graeber, David (2018) “Many seasons ago”: slavery and its rejection among foragers on the Pacific coast of North America. American Anthropologist, 120 (2). pp. 237-249. ISSN 0002-7294
Graeber, David (2018) ‘I had to guard an empty room’: the rise of the pointless job. Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077
Graeber, David (2017) A response to Anastasia Piliavsky’s the wrong kind of freedom? A review of David Graeber’s the utopia of rules: on technology, stupidity and the secret joys of bureaucracy. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. ISSN 0891-4486
Graeber, David (2016) Reflections on reflections. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 6 (2). pp. 5-9. ISSN 2049-1115
Wengrow, David and Graeber, David (2015) Farewell to the ‘childhood of man’: ritual, seasonality, and the origins of inequality. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 21 (3). 597 - 619. ISSN 1359-0987
Graeber, David (2015) Radical alterity is just another way of saying “reality”: a reply to Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 5 (2). pp. 1-41. ISSN 2049-1115
Graeber, David (2013) A few words on buncombe. The Baffler (23). p. 12. ISSN 1059-9789
Graeber, David (2013) Two notions of liberty revisited: or, how to disentangle liberty and slavery. Opendemocracy Forum.
Graeber, David (2013) The failure of gun legislation in the Senate tells us we need to fight for our democracy. Informed Comment.
Graeber, David (2013) There's no need for all this economic sadomasochism. Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077
Graeber, David (2013) Culture as creative refusal: heroic and anti-heroic politics. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 31 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0305-7674
Graeber, David (2013) On the phenomenon of bullshit jobs. Strike! Magazine, Summer (2013). pp. 10-11. ISSN 2051-6606
Graeber, David (2013) [Postscript] It is value that brings universes into being. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3 (2). pp. 219-243. ISSN 2049-1115
Graeber, David (2013) A practical utopian’s guide to the coming collapse. The Baffler (22). pp. 53-58. ISSN 1059-9789
Graeber, David (2012) On social currencies and human economies: some thoughts on the violence of equivalence. Social Anthropology, 20 (4). pp. 411-428. ISSN 1469-8676
Graeber, David (2012) Super position. The New Inquiry.
Graeber, David (2012) After the Jubilee. Tidal: Occupy Theory, Occupy Strategy (3). pp. 26-28.
Graeber, David (2012) On transparency, leadership, and participation. Tidal: Occupy Theory, Occupy Strategy (3). pp. 20-21.
Graeber, David (2012) Consideraciones sobre la violenta policía de la paz. Alas Barricades.
Graeber, David (2012) Dead zones of the imagination: on violence, bureaucracy, and interpretive labor. The 2006 Malinowski Memorial Lecture. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 2 (2). pp. 105-128. ISSN 2049-1115
Graeber, David (2012) Of flying cars and the declining rate of profit. The Baffler (19). pp. 66-84. ISSN 1059-9789
Graeber, David (2012) The sword, the sponge, and the paradox of performativity: some observations on fate, luck, financial chicanery, and the limits of human knowledge. Social Analysis, 56 (1). pp. 25-42. ISSN 0155-977X
Graeber, David (2011) Note worthy: what is the meaning of money? Guardian Review. p. 2. ISSN 0261-3077
Graeber, David (2011) Situating Occupy: lessons from the revolutionary past. Adbusters (99). ISSN 0847-9097
Graeber, David (2011) Occupy Wall Street's anarchist roots. Al Jazeera English.
Graeber, David (2011) Enacting the impossible: on consensus decision making. Occupied Wall Street Journal (3). p. 4.
Graeber, David, Bourdeau, Vincent, Haeringer, Nicolas and Zouggari, Najate (2011) À propos du respect des règles du jeu : le singulier succès d’#OccupyWallStreet. Mouvements. ISSN 1776-2995
Graeber, David (2011) Bursting capitalism's bubble. Adbusters (97). ISSN 0847-9097
Graeber, David (2011) Consumption. Current Anthropology, 52 (4). 489 - 511. ISSN 0011-3204
Graeber, David (2011) Awaiting the magical spark. Adbusters (96). ISSN 0847-9097
Graeber, David (2011) The debt is not nearly as scary as you think: government budgets are nothing like family budgets. New York Daily News.
Graeber, David (2011) Value, politics and democracy in the United States. Current Sociology, 59 (5). pp. 186-199. ISSN 0011-3921
Graeber, David (2011) The divine kingship of the Shilluk: on violence, utopia and the human condition, or, elements for an archaeology of sovereignty. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 1 (1). pp. 1-62. ISSN 2049-1115
Graeber, David (2010) To have is to owe. Triple Canopy (10).
Graeber, David (2010) Against kamikaze capitalism: oil, climate change and the French refinery blockades. Shift Magazine (10). ISSN 1188-973X
Graeber, David (2010) Les fondements moraux des relations économiques: une approche maussienne. Revue du MAUSS, 2 (36). pp. 51-70. ISSN 1247-4819
Graeber, David (2009) The long road to revolution. Adbusters (83). ISSN 0847-9097
Graeber, David (2009) Tactical briefing: the machinery of hopelessness. Adbusters (82). ISSN 0847-9097
Graeber, David (2009) Debt: the first five thousand years. Mute Magazine, 2 (12). ISSN 1356-7748
Graeber, David (2008) The shock of victory. Rolling Thunder (5). pp. 13-20.
Graeber, David (2007) Revolution in reverse: or, on the struggle between political ontologies of violence and political ontologies of the imagination. Radical Anthropology (1). pp. 4-14. ISSN 1756-090X
Graeber, David (2007) Army of altruists: on the alienated right to do good. Harper's. pp. 31-38. ISSN 0017-789X
Graeber, David (2006) Turning modes of production inside out: or, why capitalism is a transformation of slavery. Critique of Anthropology, 26 (1). pp. 61-85. ISSN 0308-275X
Graeber, David (2005) Fetishism and social creativity, or fetishes are gods in process of construction. Anthropological Theory, 5 (4). pp. 407-438. ISSN 1463-4996
Graeber, David (2005) La démocratie des interstices: que reste-t-il de l’idéal démocratique ? Revue du MAUSS, 2 (26). pp. 41-89. ISSN 1247-4819
Graeber, David and Jansbøl, Kåre (2005) Værdi og penge: interview med David Graeber af Kåre Jansbøl. Tidsskriftet Anthropologi, 49. pp. 7-18. ISSN 0906-3021
Graeber, David (2004) The US: an idea whose time has passed. The Indypendent (60). p. 2.
Graeber, David (2004) On the contested meaning of democracy. Momentum: Journal of Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Authoritarian Politics, Sum04 (1). pp. 29-35.
Grubacic, Andrej and Graeber, David (2004) Anarchism, or the revolutionary movement of the 21th century. Makeworlds: Crisis of Representation and Politics of Space. p. 2.
Graeber, David (2004) Catastrophe: magic and history in rural Madagascar. Campos - Revista de Antropologia Social, 5 (1). pp. 9-30. ISSN 1519-5538
Graeber, David (2004) La sociologie comme science et comme utopie. Revue du MAUSS, 2 (24). pp. 205-217. ISSN 1247-4819
Graeber, David (2003) Azione diretta negli Usa e crisi della coalizione del movimento di Seattle. Deriveapprodi (24).
Shukaitis, Stevphen, Aronowitz, Stanley, Casarini, Luca, Gabriel, Jeanette, Graeber, David, Hardt, Michelle and Lehman, Brooke (2003) Anti-capitalism and academics: organizing in, around, and despite the academy. Radical Society: Review of Culture and Politics, 30 (3-4). pp. 85-93. ISSN 1476-0851
Graeber, David (2002) Reinventing democracy. In These Times, 26 (8). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2002) The new anarchists. New Left Review (13). pp. 61-73. ISSN 0028-6060
Graeber, David (2001) Among the thugs: Genoa and the new language of protest. In These Times, 25 (20). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2001) Wall done. In These Times, 25 (12). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2001) [Book review]: Frank's wild years. In These Times, 25 (8). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2000) What did this man do to the Yanomami? In These Times, 24 (25). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2000) Give it away. In These Times, 24 (19). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2000) The riot that wasn't. In These Times, 24 (13). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2000) Anarchy in the USA. In These Times, 24 (3). ISSN 0160-5992
Graeber, David (2000) Are you an anarchist? The answer may surprise you. The Anarchist Library.
Graeber, David (2012) Afterward and prospects. In: Khatib, Kate, Killjoy, Margaret and McGuire, Mike, (eds.) We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy From Occupation to Liberation. AK Press, Oakland, California, USA ; Edinburgh, Scotland. ISBN 9781849351164
Graeber, David (2012) Revolution at the level of common sense. In: Campagna, Federico and Campiglio, Emanuele, (eds.) What We Are Fighting For: a Radical Collective Manifesto. Pluto Press, London, UK, pp. 165-175. ISBN 9780745332857
Graeber, David (2012) [Afterward] The apocalypse of objects: degradation, redemption, and transcendence in the world of consumer goods. In: Alexander, Catherine and Reno, Joshua, (eds.) Economies of Recycling: the Global Transformation of Materials, Values and Social Relations. Zed Books, London, UK, pp. 277-293. ISBN 9781780321943
Graeber, David (2011) The Greek debt crisis in almost unimaginably long-term historical perspective. In: Dalakoglou, Dimitris and Vradis, Antonis, (eds.) Revolt and Crisis in Greece: Between Present Yet to Pass and Future Still to Come. AK Press, Oakland, USA ; Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 229-244. ISBN 9780983059714
Graeber, David (2011) Debt, violence, and impersonal markets: Polanyian meditations. In: Hann, Chris and Hart, Keith, (eds.) Market and Society: the Great Transformation Today. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 106-132. ISBN 9780521295086
Graeber, David (2010) Exchange. In: Mitchell, W.J.T. and Hansen, Mark B.N., (eds.) Critical Terms in Media Studies. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA. ISBN 9780226532554
Graeber, David (2009) Neoliberalism: or the bureaucratization of the world. In: Gusterson, Hugh and Besteman, Catherine, (eds.) The Insecure American: How We Got Here and What We Should Do About It. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA, pp. 79-96. ISBN 9780520259713
Graeber, David (2005) The auto-ethnography that can never be and the activist ethnography that might be. In: Meneley, Anne and Young, Donna J., (eds.) Auto-Ethnographies: the Anthropology of Academic Practices. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada. ISBN 9781551116846
Graeber, David (2005) Azione diretta e anarchismo da Seattle in poi. In: Barchiesi, Franco, (ed.) Affinita Sovversive: I Movimenti Sociali Americani Nella Guerra Globale. DeriveApprodi (Firm), Rome, Italy, pp. 65-144. ISBN 8888738452
Graeber, David (2005) Value: anthropological theories of value. In: Carrier, James G., (ed.) Handbook of Economic Anthropology. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9781845429522
Graeber, David (2002) The globalization movement and the new new left. In: Aronowitz, Stanley and Gautney, Heather, (eds.) Implicating Empire: Globalization and Resistance in the 21st Century. Basic Books (Firm), New York, USA, pp. 325-388. ISBN 9780465004942
Graeber, David (2019) Bullshit jobs: the rise of pointless work, and what we can do about it. . Penguin Books, London, UK. ISBN 9780141983479
Graeber, David (2010) On the moral grounds of economic relations: a Maussian approach. Working Papers Series #6. Open Anthropology Cooperative Press.
Graeber, David (2011) Revolutions on the level of common sense. In: Radical Publishing: What Are We Struggling For?, 2011-03-18, London, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)
Graeber, David and van Harskamp, Nicoline (2010) Anarchism, direct action, and urban politics: a conversation with David Graeber, author of "Direct Action" and "Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology," moderated by Nicoline van Harskamp. In: Joe's Garage bestaat 5 jaar! in samenwerking met Onkruid festival, 2012-10-02, Amsterdam, Netherlands, NLD. (Submitted)
Graeber, David (2010) Organization and resistance in the empire of debt. In: Zrenjanin Antifascist Festival & 5th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, 2010-10-29 - 2010-10-31, Zrenjanin, Serbia, SRB. (Submitted)
Graeber, David (2010) Chréos kai krísi̱:̱ meriká polý makropróthesmes prooptikés = Debt and crisis: some very long-term perspectives. In: Chréos ta pró̱ta 5000 chrónia: Syzí̱ti̱si̱ me ton David Graeber = Debt the first 5000 years: Talk with David Graeber, 2010-06-05, Thessaloniki, Greece, GRC.
Graeber, David (2003) Direct action and direct democracy. In: 12th Annual Open Estonia Foundation Conference, 2003-04-25, Tallinn, Estonia, EST. (Submitted)
Sahlins, Marshall and Graeber, David (2017) On kings. HAU Books, Chicago, USA. ISBN 9780986132506
Graeber, David (2015) The Utopia of Rules - On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy. Arrowhead (Pittsfield, Mass.), Brooklyn, New York, USA. ISBN 9781612193748
Graeber, David and Corrêa, Heitor (2013) O anarquismo no século XXI e outros ensaios. Rizoma Editorial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ISBN 9788562628696
Graeber, David (2013) The democracy project: a history, a crisis, a movement. Penguin Random House, New York, USA. ISBN 9780812993561
Graeber, David and Prunetti, Alberto (2013) Oltre il poetere e la burocrazia: l'immaginazione contro la violenza, l'ignoranza e la stupidità. Elèuthera, Milan, Italy. ISBN 9788896904404
Graeber, David (2011) Debt: the first 5000 years. Arrowhead (Pittsfield, Mass.), Brooklyn, New York, USA. ISBN 9781933633862
Graeber, David (2009) Direct action: an ethnography. AK Press, Oakland, California, USA ; Edinburgh, Scotland. ISBN 9781904859796
Graeber, David and Iwasaburō, Kōso (2009) Shihonshugi no ato no sekai: new anachizimu no perspective. Ibunsha, Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 9784753102679
Graeber, David and Kourouklis, Spyros (2009) Kíni̱ma, vía, téchni̱ kai epanástasi̱. Stasei Ekpiptontes, Athens, Greece. ISBN 9789608970540
Graeber, David (2007) Constituent imagination: militant investigations, collective theorization. AK Press, Oakland, California, USA ; Edinburgh, Scotland. ISBN 9781904859352
Graeber, David (2007) Possibilities: essays on hierarchy, rebellion, and desire. AK Press, Oakland, California, USA ; Edinburgh, Scotland. ISBN 9781904859666
Graeber, David (2007) Lost people: magic and the legacy of slavery in Madagascar. Indiana University Press. ISBN 9780253219152
Graeber, David (2004) Fragments of an anarchist anthropology. Prickly Paradigm Press, Chicago, USA. ISBN 0972819649
Graeber, David (2001) Toward an anthropological theory of value: the false coin of our own dreams. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780312240455
Graeber, David (2013) Some remarks on consensus. Occupy Wall Street (20 Feb 2013). Website.
Graeber, David (2012) Can debt spark a revolution? Nation (24 Sep 2012). Website.
Graeber, David and Haeringer, Nicolas (2012) Grève de la dette : après le jubilé. Mediapart (13 Sep 2012). Website.
Kuo, Michelle and Graeber, David (2012) Another world: Michelle Kuo talks with David Graeber. Art Forum (Jun 2012). Website.
Graeber, David (2012) Occupy's liberation from liberalism: the real meaning of May Day. Guardian (07 May 2012). Website.
Graeber, David (2012) New police tactic in New York: sexual assault against peaceful protestors. Naked Capitalism Blog (05 May 2012). Website.
Graeber, David and Solnit, Rebecca (2012) Beholden: David Graeber in conversation with Rebecca Solnit, City Lights Bookstore, San Francisco, January 26, 2012. Guernica: a Magazine of Art and Politics (01 May 2012). Website.
Graeber, David (2012) Concerning the violent peace-police: an open letter to Chris Hedges. N+1 (09 Feb 2012). Website.
Graeber, David (2011) Occupy and anarchism's gift of democracy. Guardian (15 Nov 2011). Website.
Graeber, David (2011) On playing by the rules: the strange success of #OccupyWallStreet. Naked Capitalism Blog (19 Oct 2011). Website.
Graeber, David (2011) Occupy Wall Street rediscovers the radical imagination. Guardian (25 Sep 2011). Website.
Graeber, David (2011) On the invention of money: notes on sex, adventure, monomaniacal sociopathy, and the true function of economics. Naked Capitalism Blog (13 Sep 2011). Website.
Pilkington, Philip and Graeber, David (2011) What is debt? An interview with economic anthropologist David Graeber. Naked Capitalism Blog (26 Aug 2011). Website.
Graeber, David (2011) How debt has defined human history. Speakeasy (06 Aug 2011). Website.
Graeber, David (2011) Can we still write big question sorts of books? Savage Minds (31 Jul 2011). Website.
Graeber, David (2011) Taking a very long view on the debt crisis. Political Bookworm (21 Jul 2011). Website.
Graeber, David (2010) What is anarchism? One Thousand Little Hammers (Feb 2010). Website.
Graeber, David (2009) Debt: the first five thousand years. Eurozine (20 Aug 2009). Website.
Graeber, David and Gonçalves, Luiz Roberto Mendes (2005) O carnaval está em marcha. Folha de Sao Paulo (14 Aug 2005). Website.
Graeber, David (2004) Lying in wait. Nation (19 Apr 2004). Website.
Graeber, David (2003) A moment of peace: 10 million people gather worldwide to protest Bush’s plans for war. In These Times (18 Feb 2003). Website.
Graeber, David (2002) A democratic multitude. In These Times (22 Nov 2002). Website.
Graeber, David (2002) When police attack. In These Times (11 Oct 2002). Website.
Graeber, David (2013) Book discussion on 'The democracy project,' Apr 5, 2013. C-SPAN.
Graeber, David (2013) [Video lecture] On the possibility of political pleasure: David Graeber at TEDxWhitechapel, January 11, 2013. TEDTED Talks.