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Ahmad, E., Coady, D. and Stern, Nicholas (1988) A complete set of shadow prices for Pakistan: illustrations for 1975-76. Pakistan Development Review, 27 (1). pp. 7-43. ISSN 0030-9729
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The Phillips Machine.
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The mirage of private unemployment insurance.
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Reform and the National Health Service.
Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 032).
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
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Besley, Timothy ORCID: 0000-0002-8923-6372
A simple model for merit good arguments.
Journal of Public Economics, 35 (3).
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Food subsidies and poverty alleviation.
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Breuilly, John (1988) Eduard Bernstein und Max Weber. In: Mommsen, Wolfgang J. and Schwentker, Wolfgang, (eds.) Max Weber und Seine Zeitgenossen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, Deutschland, pp. 476-489. ISBN 3525363060
Breuilly, John and Stachow, Helga (1988) Zustande und prozesse - ein projekt zur sozialgeschichte Hamburgs im 19. jahrhundert. In: Hamburger Zustände: Jahrbuch Zur Geschichte Der Region Hamburg. Junius Verlag, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 246-256. ISBN 9783885061625
Bridge, Michael G. (1988) Sale of goods. Butterworth, Toronto, Canada. ISBN 9780409816266
Calhoun, Craig (1988) Book review: the capitalist revolution: fifty propositions about prosperity, equality, and liberty. by Peter Berger. American Journal of Sociology, 94 (3). pp. 666-669. ISSN 0002-9602
Calhoun, Craig (1988) Book review: the limits of concept formation in natural science: a logical introduction to the historical sciences by Heinrich Rickert; Guy Oakes. Contemporary Sociology, 17 (2). pp. 232-233. ISSN 0094-3061
Calhoun, Craig (1988) Book review: working-class formation: nineteenth-century patterns in Western Europe and the United States. by Ira Katznelson; Aristide R. Zolberg. American Journal of Sociology, 93 (5). pp. 1264-1267. ISSN 0002-9602
Calhoun, Craig (1988) Commentary: social theory and the law: systems theory, normative justification and postmodernism. Northwestern University Law Review, 83 (1-2). pp. 1701-1763. ISSN 0029-3571
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Calhoun, Craig (1988) The radicalism of tradition and the question of class struggle. In: Taylor, Michael, (ed.) Rationality and Revolution. Studies in Marxism and social theory. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 129-178. ISBN 9780521344197
Calhoun, Craig (1988) The radicalism of tradition: community strength or venerable disguise and borrowed language? In: Taylor, Michael, (ed.) Rationality and Revolution. Studies in Marxism and social theory. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 129-175. ISBN 9780521344197
Calhoun, Craig (1988) The 'retardation' of French economic development and social radicalism during the second republic: new lessons from the old comparison with Britain. In: Burke, Edmund, (ed.) Global Crises and Social Movements: Artisans, Peasants, Populists and the World Economy. Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 40-71. ISBN 9780813306094
Calhoun, Craig and Copp, Martha (1988) Computerization in legal work: how much does new technology change professional practice? In: Simpson, Richard L. and Harper Simpson, Ida, (eds.) High Tech Work. Research in the sociology of work (v. 4). Emerald Group Publishing, London, UK, pp. 233-259. ISBN 9780892327560
Calhoun, Craig and Copp, Martha (1988) Computerization in legal work: how much does new technology change professional practice? Research in the Sociology of Work, 4. pp. 233-259. ISSN 0277-2833
Calhoun, Craig and Hiller, Henryk (1988) Coping with insidious injuries: the case of Johns-Manville Corporation and asbestos exposure. Social Problems, 35 (2). pp. 162-181. ISSN 0037-7791
Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
Actitus politiques dels joves italians. Algunes hipòtesis sobre les arrels de la violencia poltica i les seves consequencies (1977-1987).
Estudi General, 7.
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ISSN 0211-6030
Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
L'intergrazione degli immigrati a Barcellona.
Studi Emigrazione, 89.
pp. 67-82.
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Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
La sociologia anglosaxona devant el fenomen etnonacionalitari.
Revista Europa de Les Nacions, 3.
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Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
Qüestions regionals i qüestions nacionals a Itàlia: interpretacions.
Revista de Catalunya, 21.
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ISSN 0213-5876
Corbridge, Stuart (1988) The ideology of tribal economy and society: politics in the Jharkhand, 1950-1980. Modern Asian Studies, 22 (1). pp. 1-42. ISSN 0026-749X
Cowell, Frank ORCID: 0000-0002-3778-2152
Inequality decomposition: three bad measures.
Bulletin of Economic Research, 40 (4).
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Unwillingness to pay : tax evasion and public good provision.
Journal of Public Economics, 36 (3).
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Davis, Gwynn and Roberts, Marian (1988) Access to agreement: a consumer study of mediation in family disputes. Open University, Berkshire, UK. ISBN 9780335098309
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de Meza, David ORCID: 0000-0002-5638-8310
Package size and the suppression of variety.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 6 (3).
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de Meza, David ORCID: 0000-0002-5638-8310
The efficacy of effluent charges.
Canadian Journal of Economics, 21 (1).
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de Meza, David ORCID: 0000-0002-5638-8310 and Webb, David C.
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Credit market efficiency and tax policy in the presence of screening costs.
Journal of Public Economics, 36 (1).
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ISSN 0047-2727
Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593
The role of coops in employment creation.
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Employee share ownership, profit-sharing and participation: An introduction.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 6 (1).
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Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593 and Holmes, P
Planning for modernisation in France since 1981.
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France and Modernisation.
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Income sharing, employee ownership and worker democracy: theory and evidence.
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 59 (1).
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Estrin, Saul ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-8593, Svejnar, J and Moore, R
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Quarterly Journal of Economics, 103 (3).
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Privatisation and the nationalised industries: seminar held on 15th December 1987 at the ST/ICERD Centre, London School of Economics.
STICERD Occasional Paper no. 13.
London School of Economics and Political Science, London.
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Should the Post Office's statutory monopoly be lifted?
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Hakim, Catherine (1988) Self-employment in Britain: recent trends and current issues. Work, Employment and Society, 2 (4). pp. 421-450. ISSN 0950-0170
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Halliday, Fred (1988) Book review: Marshall Shulman (ed.), East-West tensions in the third world. Political Studies, 36 (2). pp. 351-352. ISSN 0032-3217
Halliday, Fred (1988) Book review: Nikki Keddia and Eric Hoogland, "the Iranian revolution and the Islamic republic". Iranian Studies, 21 (3/4). pp. 148-150. ISSN 0021-0862
Halliday, Fred (1988) Hidden from international relations: women and the international arena. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 17 (3). pp. 419-428. ISSN 0305-8298
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Halliday, Fred (1988) Iran-Iraq: the uncertainties of peace. World Today (Oct 1988). Website.
Halliday, Fred (1988) The Iranian revolution: uneven development and religious populism. In: Halliday, Fred and Alavi, Hamza, (eds.) State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 31-63. ISBN 0853457352
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Halliday, Fred (1988) North Yemen. In: Mostyn, Trevor, (ed.) The Cambridge Encylopedia of the Middle East and North Africa. Cambridge University Press.
Halliday, Fred (1988) The Reagan administration and the Middle East: consolidation or incompetence? In: Morley, Morris H., (ed.) Crisis and Confrontation: Ronald Reagan's Foreign Policy. Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 219-234. ISBN 0847674320
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Halliday, Fred (1988) States, discourses, classes: a rejoinder to Suganami, Forbes and Palan. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 17 (1). pp. 77-80. ISSN 0305-8298
Halliday, Fred (1988) Three concepts of internationalism. International Affairs, 64 (2). pp. 187-198. ISSN 0020-5850
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Halliday, Fred (1988) The impact of Soviet policy in the Middle East. In: Shearman, Peter and Williams, Phil, (eds.) The Superpowers, Central America and the Middle East. Brassey’s Defence Publishers, London, UK, pp. 155-170. ISBN 0080358144
Halliday, Fred (1988) The legacy of 1968. Interlink (Apr 1988). Website.
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Halliday, Fred and Molyneux, Maxine (1988) Olof Palme and the legacy of Bandung: a balance sheet. In: Buenor Hadjor, Kofi, (ed.) New Perspectives in North-South Dialogue: Essays in Honour of Olof Palme. I.B. Tauris Publishers, pp. 157-166. ISBN 978-1850431053
Haskel, J and Jackman, Richard (1988) Long-term unemployment in Britain and the effects of the Community Programme. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 50 (4). pp. 379-408. ISSN 0305-9049
Hills, John (1988) Affordable rents for NIHHA tenants. In: Talking Back. New Islington and Hackney Housing Association, London, UK.
Hills, John (1988) Comment on United Kingdom by I.C.R Byatt. In: Pechman, Joseph A., (ed.) World Tax Reform: a Progress Report. Brookings dialogues on public policy. Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., USA. ISBN 0815769997
Hills, John (1988) Hitting the target. Roof. ISSN 0307-6911
Hills, John (1988) Ten ways to shake the tax world. New Statesman. ISSN 1364-7431
Hills, John (1988) Twenty-first century housing subsidies: durable rent-fixing and subsidy arrangements for social housing. Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers (WSP 033). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London, UK.
Jackman, Richard (1988) Local government finance and macroeconomic policy. In: Bailey, S J and Paddison, R, (eds.) The Reform of Local Government Finance in Britain. Routledge, London. ISBN 0-415005302
Jackman, Richard (1988) Profit-sharing in a unionised economy with imperfect competition. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 6 (1). pp. 47-57. ISSN 0167-7187
Jackman, Richard and Kan, B (1988) Structural unemployment : a reply. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 50 (1). pp. 83-87. ISSN 0305-9049
James, Deborah ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-197X
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Kane, Elimane and Marsden, David (1988) The future of trade unionism in industrialised market economies: synthesis report. Labour and Society, 13 (2). pp. 109-124. ISSN 0378-5408
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Applying harmonic balance to almost-periodic circuits.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 36 (2).
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Lacey, Nicola ORCID: 0009-0006-6488-0918
State punishment: political principles and community values.
International library of philosophy.
Routledge, London, UK.
ISBN 9780415001717
Lansing, Paul and Kuruvilla, Sarosh (1988) Business divestment in South Africa: in who's best interest? Journal of Business Ethics, 7 (8). pp. 561-574. ISSN 0167-4544
Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
Defending the NHS.
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Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118
The privatisation of welfare.
In: Mulreany, Michael and St John Devlin, Liam, (eds.)
Public Expenditure and the Private Sector.
Institute of Public Administration (Ireland), Dublin, Republic of Ireland, pp. 75-92.
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Le Grand, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-7864-0118 and Winter, David
Bureaucracies and distribution.
In: Millard, Frances, (ed.)
Social Welfare and the Market.
STICERD Occasional Paper (15).
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, London, UK, pp. 103-137.
ISBN 0853281157
Leape, Jonathan ORCID: 0009-0003-5731-836X and Atkinson, Anthony B.
The economic analysis of tax reform: introduction.
European Economic Review, 32 (2-3).
pp. 319-324.
ISSN 0014-2921
Livingstone, Sonia ORCID: 0000-0002-3248-9862
Why people watch soap opera: an analysis of the explanations of British viewers.
European Journal of Communication, 3 (1).
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Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
Inefficiency and inequality in a model of occupational choice with private information.
Journal of Public Economics, 37 (2).
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ISSN 0047-2727
Manning, Alan ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-3580
A model of the labour market with some Marxian and Keynesian features.
European Economic Review, 32 (9).
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Mansell, Robin ORCID: 0000-0003-3950-3468
New telecommunication services: videotex development strategies.
OECD/ICCP Report No. 16.
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Markusen, JR and Venables, Tony (1988) Trade policy with increasing returns and imperfect competition : contradictory results from competing assumptions. Journal of International Economics, 24 (03-Apr). pp. 299-316. ISSN 0022-1996
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Ethics and resource allocation: an economist's view.
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Professional Judgement: a Reader in Clinical Decision Making.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
ISBN 0521346967
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841
Report to the World Health Organisation working group on hospital technology.
World Health Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark.
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Dingwall, Robert, Fenn, Paul and Hughes, David
Value for money: international comparisons and the NHS. Evidence presented to the UK Parliamentary select committee on social services for their fifth report (Session 1987-88).
The future of the National Health Service (HC 613).
House of Commons, London, UK.
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Henderson, John and Mooney, Gavin
The economics of health care: an introductory text.
Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, UK.
ISBN 071021300X
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841, Hughes, David and McKenzie, Lynda
Medical decision making: a bibliography.
Centre for Socio-Legal studies, Oxford, UK.
McGuire, Alistair ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-9841 and Mooney, Gavin
Economics and ethics in health care.
In: McGuire, Alistair and Mooney, Gavin, (eds.)
Medical Ethics and Economics in Health Care.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
ISBN 0192616722
Moenaddin, R and Tong, Howell (1988) On multi-step non-linear least-squares predication. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D: The Statistician, 37 (2). pp. 101-110. ISSN 1467-9884
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Morgan, Mary S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3471-2180
Finding a satisfactory empirical model.
In: Marchi, Neil de, (ed.)
The Popperian Legacy in Economics: Papers Presented at a Symposium in Amsterdam, December 1985.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 199-211.
ISBN 0521355761
Musgrave, Simon and Stern, Nicholas (1988) Alcohol: demand and taxation under monopoly and oligopoly in South India in the 1970s. Journal of Development Economics, 28 (1). pp. 1-41. ISSN 0304-3878
Newburn, Tim ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-1703
The use and enforcement of compensation orders in magistrates' courts.
Research Study (102).
HMSO Books, London, UK.
ISBN 9780113408962
O'Brien, Patrick (1988) The costs and benefits of British imperialism 1846–1914. Past and Present, 120 (1). pp. 163-200. ISSN 0031-2746
O'Brien, Patrick (1988) The economic effects of the American civil war. Studies in economic and social history. Humanities Press International, Atlantic Highland. ISBN 0333388186
O'Brien, Patrick (1988) The political economy of British taxation, 1660-1815. Economic History Review. pp. 1-32. ISSN 0013-0117
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