Kitchen, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-8784-9012
Behind Donald Trump’s questioning of America’s foreign policy consensus is a revitalized debate about US leadership in the world.
USApp– American Politics and Policy Blog
(08 Apr 2016).
As the 2016 Republican primary campaign has unfolded, Donald Trump’s foreign policy positions, which question US alliances and commitments overseas, have been met with concern and disbelief by many foreign policy commentators. Nicholas Kitchen writes that these reactions should be seen in the context of a US foreign policy establishment which sees the US still playing the role of actively promoting liberal values such as democracy and free trade across the world. He argues that Trump’s questioning of traditional US foreign policy may reflect an American public which has become tired of supporting US liberal hegemony, opening up the space for wider (and better informed) discussion about America’s role and international leadership.
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