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Law e-assessment pilot study

Chatzigavriil, Athina and Fernando, Tarini (2015) Law e-assessment pilot study. . The London School of Economics and Political Science, Learning Technology and Innovation, London, UK.

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This study evaluates the pilots of LL205 & LL4K9, both of which were timed, take-home formative mock exams at LSE led by Learning Technology and Innovation (LTI) and the Department of Law. Given the LL205 and LL4K9 pilots were designed to explore students’ perceptions with typing versus handwriting exams, this report considers the impact of the latter on the students and LSE academic and academic support staff whowere involved in the process. It also captures evidence about how best to facilitate the development of assessment and feedback with technology practices at LSE through collaboration between academic and academic support staff and students. Overall, the pilots were successful in allowing academic and academic support staff at LSE to uncover a broad range of student views and preferences pertaining to typed exams while further providing an opportunity to test the ExamSoft software. The findings reveal a general willingness on the part of students to engage with typed exams but highlight the importance of having adequate training and support to facilitate any shift toward e-assessment practice. The pilots further illustrate the coordination and communication required with and amongst various stakeholders at LSE to ensure security, regulations and facilities can support the implementation of e-assessment practice. This report details findings of the two pilots and includes a discussion on student views and the overall software experience. In summary: Students - Students welcome online exams but student feedback, technical advice, and pedagogical insight may point to providing students with an opportunity to choose between handwriting and typing exams. - The timed component of formative assessments is highly valued as an effective simulation of the final exam. The software’s provision of a timer is highly utilised feature. - Students value training (i.e. the opportunity to test the technology used). Therefore, it is necessary to make available a practice exam to those students who would like to experiment with the platform prior to any formal examination. - The adequate provision of technical support for students during assessment periods is a key concern for scaling-up e-assessment practice. This is of particular relevance in the case of assessments taking place out of office hours (e.g. over the weekend). - Coordination among all relevant stakeholders in e-assessment processes is crucial to ensuring students receive clear communications in a timely manner.

Item Type: Monograph (Report)
Official URL:
Additional Information: © 2015 The Authors
Divisions: LSE
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
Date Deposited: 05 Nov 2015 14:31
Last Modified: 12 Dec 2024 06:04

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