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Alistarh, Dan, Gelashvili, Rati and Vojnovic, Milan ORCID: 0000-0003-1382-022X
Fast and exact majority in population protocols.
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing - PODC '15.
ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 47-56.
ISBN 9781450336178
Alistarh, Dan, Iglesias, Jennifer and Vojnovic, Milan ORCID: 0000-0003-1382-022X
Streaming min-max hypergraph partitioning.
In: Cortes, C., Lawrence, N.D., Lee, D.D., Sugiyama, M. and Garnett, R., (eds.)
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28.
Curran Associates, Inc., pp. 1900-1908.
Alistarh, Dan, Sauerwald, Thomas and Vojnovic, Milan ORCID: 0000-0003-1382-022X
Lock-free algorithms under stochastic schedulers.
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing - PODC '15.
ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 251-260.
ISBN 9781450336178
Atkinson, Anthony C. and Bogacka, Barbara (2015) A conversation with Professor Tadeusz Caliński. Statistical Science, 30 (3). pp. 423-442. ISSN 0883-4237
Atkinson, Anthony C., Cerioli, Andrea, Morelli, Gianluca and Riani, Marco (2015) Finding the number of disparate clusters with background contamination. In: Lausen, Berthold, Krolak-Schwerdt, Sabine and Böhmer, Matthias, (eds.) Data Science, Learning by Latent Structures, and Knowledge Discovery. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 29-42. ISBN 9783662449820
Barigozzi, Matteo and Hallin, Mark (2015) Generalized dynamic factor models and volatilities: recovering the market volatility shocks. Econometrics Journal, 19 (1). C33-C60. ISSN 1368-4221
Baurdoux, Erik J. ORCID: 0000-0002-5407-0683, Chen, Nan, Surya, Budhi and Yamazak, Kazutoshi
Optimal double stopping of a Brownian bridge.
Advances in Applied Probability, 47 (4).
pp. 1212-1234.
ISSN 0001-8678
Baurdoux, Erik J. ORCID: 0000-0002-5407-0683 and Yamazaki, Kazutoshi
Optimality of doubly reflected Lévy processes in singular control.
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 125 (7).
pp. 2727-2751.
ISSN 0304-4149
Bergsma, Wicher ORCID: 0000-0002-2422-2359 and van der Ark, Andries
Categorical marginal models: quite extensive package for the estimation of marginal models for categorical data.
Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Beskos, A., Dureau, J. and Kalogeropoulos, K. ORCID: 0000-0002-0330-9105
Bayesian inference for partially observed stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion.
Biometrika, 102 (4).
pp. 809-827.
ISSN 0006-3444
Bukodi, Erzsébet, Goldthorpe, John H., Waller, Lorraine and Kuha, Jouni ORCID: 0000-0002-1156-8465
The mobility problem in Britain: new findings from the analysis of birth cohort data.
British Journal of Sociology, 66 (1).
pp. 93-117.
ISSN 0007-1315
Chang, Jinyuan, Guo, Bin and Yao, Qiwei ORCID: 0000-0003-2065-8486
High dimensional stochastic regression with latent factors, endogeneity and nonlinearity.
Journal of Econometrics, 189 (2).
pp. 297-312.
ISSN 0304-4076
Chen, Yining ORCID: 0000-0003-1697-1920
Semiparametric time series models with log-concave innovations: maximum likelihood estimation and its consistency.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 42 (1).
pp. 1-31.
ISSN 0303-6898
Chen, Yunxiao ORCID: 0000-0002-7215-2324, Liu, Jingchen, Xu, Gongjun and Ying, Zhiliang
Statistical analysis of Q-matrix based diagnostic classification models.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110 (510).
850 - 866.
ISSN 0162-1459
Cho, Haeran and Fryzlewicz, Piotr ORCID: 0000-0002-9676-902X
Multiple-change-point detection for high dimensional time series via sparsified binary segmentation.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology, 77 (2).
475 - 507.
ISSN 1369-7412
Dassios, Angelos ORCID: 0000-0002-3968-2366, Jang, Jiwook and Zhao, Hongbiao
A risk model with renewal shot-noise Cox process.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 65.
pp. 55-65.
ISSN 0167-6687
French, Robert and Steele, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0001-6417-7444
Trajectories of functional disability for the elderly in Britain.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 6 (3).
ISSN 1757-9597
Frigg, Roman ORCID: 0000-0003-0812-0907, Smith, Leonard A. and Stainforth, David A.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6476-733X
An assessment of the foundational assumptions inhigh-resolution climate projections: the case of UKCP09.
Synthese, 192 (12).
pp. 3979-4008.
ISSN 1573-0964
Geneletti, Sara ORCID: 0000-0001-6456-7258, O'Keeffe, Aidan G., Sharples, Linda D., Richardson, Sylvia and Baio, Gianluca
Bayesian regression discontinuity designs: incorporating clinical knowledge in the causal analysis of primary care data.
Statistics in Medicine, 34 (15).
2334 - 2352.
ISSN 0277-6715
Goldstein, Harvey, Lynn, Peter, Muniz-Terrera, Graciela, Hardy, Rebecca, O’Muircheartaigh, Colm, Skinner, Chris J. and Lehtonen, Risto (2015) Population sampling in longitudinal surveys. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 6 (4). pp. 447-475. ISSN 1757-9597
Gong, Jinguo, Li, Yadong, Peng, Liang and Yao, Qiwei ORCID: 0000-0003-2065-8486
Estimation of extreme quantiles for functions of dependent random variables.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology, 77 (5).
pp. 1001-1024.
ISSN 1369-7412
Habibnia, Ali (2015) Nonlinear forecasting with many predictors by neural network factor models. In: LSE Research Festival 2015, 2015-05-21, London, United Kingdom, GBR.
Hafez, Mai Sherif, Moustaki, Irini ORCID: 0000-0001-8371-1251 and Kuha, Jouni
ORCID: 0000-0002-1156-8465
Analysis of multivariate longitudinal data subject to nonrandom dropout.
Structural Equation Modeling, 22 (2).
pp. 193-201.
ISSN 1070-5511
Hazeleger, W., van den Hurk, B.J.J.M., Min, E., van Oldenborgh, G.J., Petersen, A.C., Stainforth, David A. ORCID: 0000-0001-6476-733X, Vasileiadou, E. and Smith, L. A.
Tales of future weather.
Nature Climate Change, 5 (2).
pp. 107-113.
ISSN 1758-678X
Helske, Satu, Steele, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0001-6417-7444, Kokko, Katja, Räikkönen, Eija and Eerola, Mervi
Partnership formation and dissolution over the life course: applying sequence analysis and event history analysis in the study of recurrent events.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 6 (1).
pp. 1-25.
ISSN 1757-9597
Huang, Z., Radunovic, B., Vojnovic, Milan ORCID: 0000-0003-1382-022X and Zhang, Q.
Communication complexity of approximate matching in distributed graphs.
32nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 04 Mar 2015.
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Garching, Germany, pp. 460-473.
ISBN 9783939897781
Jackson, Jonathan ORCID: 0000-0003-2426-2219, Bradford, Ben
ORCID: 0000-0001-5480-5638, Kuha, Jouni
ORCID: 0000-0002-1156-8465 and Hough, Mike
Empirical legitimacy as two connected psychological states.
In: Mesko, G. and Tankebe, J., (eds.)
Trust and Legitimacy in Criminal Justice - European Perspectives.
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, London, UK, pp. 137-160.
ISBN 978-3-319-09812-8
Jackson, Jonathan ORCID: 0000-0003-2426-2219 and Kuha, Jouni
ORCID: 0000-0002-1156-8465
How theory guides measurement: examples from the study of public attitudes toward crime and policing.
In: Bynum, T.S. and Huebner, B.M., (eds.)
Handbook on Measurement Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice.
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
Kardaras, Constantinos ORCID: 0000-0001-6903-4506
Maximality and numéraires in convex sets of nonnegative random variables.
Journal of Functional Analysis, 268 (11).
pp. 3219-3231.
ISSN 0022-1236
Kardaras, Constantinos ORCID: 0000-0001-6903-4506
On the stochastic behaviour of optional processes up to random times.
Annals of Applied Probability, 25 (2).
pp. 429-464.
ISSN 1050-5164
Kardaras, Constantinos ORCID: 0000-0001-6903-4506
Valuation and parities for exchange options.
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 6 (1).
pp. 140-157.
ISSN 1945-497X
Kardaras, Constantinos ORCID: 0000-0001-6903-4506, Kreher, Dörte and Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Strict local martingales and bubbles.
Annals of Applied Probability, 25 (4).
pp. 1827-1867.
ISSN 1050-5164
Kotecha, Meena ORCID: 0000-0001-9211-5988
Addressing anxiety in the teaching room: techniques to enhance maths and stats education.
Kotecha, Meena ORCID: 0000-0001-9211-5988
Addressing anxiety in the teaching room:innovative techniques to enhancemathematics and statistics education.
Impact of Social Sciences Blog
(30 Oct 2015).
Kotecha, Meena ORCID: 0000-0001-9211-5988
Addressing mathematics & statistics anxiety.
In: IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths: Enhancing Learning and Teaching for All Learners, 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-12, Glasgow, United Kingdom, GBR.
Kotecha, Meena ORCID: 0000-0001-9211-5988
Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths conference.
Mathematics Today
(Aug 2015).
Kuha, Jouni ORCID: 0000-0002-1156-8465 and Moustaki, Irini
ORCID: 0000-0001-8371-1251
Non-equivalence of measurement in latent variable modeling of multigroup data: a sensitivity analysis.
Psychological Methods, 20 (4).
pp. 523-536.
ISSN 1082-989X
Lam, Clifford ORCID: 0000-0001-8972-9129 and Souza, Pedro C.L.
Detection and estimation of block structure in spatial weight matrix.
Econometric Reviews.
ISSN 0747-4938
Li, Cheng and Xing, Hao (2015) Asymptotic Glosten-Milgrom equilibrium. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 6 (1). pp. 242-280. ISSN 1945-497X
Perlman, Michal, Lyons-Amos, Mark, Leckie, George, Steele, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0001-6417-7444 and Jenkins, Jennifer
Capturing the temporal sequence of interaction in young siblings.
PLOS ONE, 10 (5).
ISSN 1932-6203
Radchenko, Peter, Qiao, Xinghao ORCID: 0000-0002-6546-6595 and James, Gareth M.
Index models for sparsely sampled functional data.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110 (510).
824 - 836.
ISSN 0162-1459
Robertson, Scott and Xing, Hao (2015) Large time behavior of solutions to semi-linear equations with quadratic growth in the gradient. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53 (1). pp. 185-212. ISSN 0363-0129
Sayers, Adrian, Ben-Shlomo, Yoav, Blom, Ashley W. and Steele, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0001-6417-7444
Probabilistic record linkage.
International Journal of Epidemiology.
ISSN 0300-5771
Sgouropoulos, Nikolaos, Yao, Qiwei ORCID: 0000-0003-2065-8486 and Yastremiz, Claudia
Matching a distribution by matching quantiles estimation.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110 (510).
742 - 759.
ISSN 0162-1459
Skinner, C. J. (2015) Cross-classified sampling: some estimation theory. Statistics and Probability Letters, 104. pp. 163-168. ISSN 0167-7152
Smith, Leonard A., Du, Hailiang, Suckling, Emma B. and Niehörster, Falk (2015) Probabilistic skill in ensemble seasonal forecasts. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141 (689). pp. 1085-1100. ISSN 0035-9009
Smith, Leonard A., Suckling, Emma B., Thompson, Erica L., Maynard, Trevor and Du, Hailiang (2015) Towards improving the framework for probabilistic forecast evaluation. Climatic Change, 132 (1). pp. 31-45. ISSN 0165-0009
Tzougas, George, Vrontos, Spyridon D. and Frangos, Nickolaos E. (2015) Risk classification for claim counts and losses using regression models for location, scale and shape. Variance, 9 (1). pp. 140-157. ISSN 1940-6444
Valenzuela, Marcela, Zer, Ilknur, Fryzlewicz, Piotr ORCID: 0000-0002-9676-902X and Rheinlander, Thorsten
Relative liquidity and future volatility.
Journal of Financial Markets, 24.
pp. 25-48.
ISSN 1386-4181
Wall, Melanie M, Park, Jung Yeon and Moustaki, Irini ORCID: 0000-0001-8371-1251
IRT modeling in the presence of zero-inflation with application to psychiatric disorderseverity.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 39 (8).
pp. 583-597.
ISSN 0146-6216
Zong, Bo, Gkantsidis, Christos and Vojnovic, Milan ORCID: 0000-0003-1382-022X
Herding "small" streaming queries.
Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems.
ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 46-57.
ISBN 9781450332866
Çetin, Umut ORCID: 0000-0001-8905-853X
On certain integral functionals of squared Bessel processes.
Stochastics: an International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, 87 (6).
pp. 1033-1060.
ISSN 1744-2508