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Number of items: 143.


Adraoui, Mohamed-Ali ORCID: 0000-0003-0200-0971 (2015) Le chercheur, l'événement et les médias: du 11 septembre 2001 aux révolutions arabes. Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Mediterranee (138). pp. 167-188. ISSN 0997-1327

Ainley, Kirsten (2015) Evaluating the success of transitional justice in Sierra Leone and beyond. In: Ainley, Kirsten, Friedman, Rebekka and Mahony, Chris, (eds.) Evaluating Transitional Justice: Accountability and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 241-264. ISBN 9781137468215

Ainley, Kirsten (2015) The responsibility to protect and the International Criminal Court: counteracting the crisis. International Affairs, 91 (1). pp. 37-54. ISSN 0020-5850

Ainley, Kirsten, Friedman, Rebekka and Mahony, Chris (2015) Transitional justice in Sierra Leone: theory, history and evaluation. In: Ainley, Kirsten, Friedman, Rebekka and Mahony, Chris, (eds.) Evaluating Transitional Justice: Accountability and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781137468215

Ainley, Kirsten, Friedman, Rebekka and Mahony, Chris (2015) The potential and politics of transitional justice: interactions between the global and the local in evaluations of success. In: Ainley, Kirsten, Friedman, Rebekka and Mahony, Chris, (eds.) Evaluating Transitional Justice: Accountability and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 265-280. ISBN 9781137468215

Alden, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0001-7033-1655 and Schoeman, Maxi (2015) Reconstructing South African identity through global summitry. Global Summitry, 1 (2). pp. 187-204. ISSN 2058-7430

Andersen, Morten S. and Neumann, Iver B. (2015) The Danish empire and Norway’s place therein. Scandinavica - International Journal of Scandinavian Studies, 54 (1). pp. 10-29.


Baccini, Leonardo ORCID: 0000-0002-6027-9192 and Dür, Andreas (2015) Investment discrimination and the proliferation of preferential trade agreements. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 59 (4). pp. 617-644. ISSN 0022-0027

Baccini, Leonardo ORCID: 0000-0002-6027-9192, Dür, Andreas and Elsig, Manfred (2015) The politics of trade agreement design: revisiting the depth-flexibility nexus. International Studies Quarterly, 59 (4). 765 - 775. ISSN 0020-8833

Bayly, Martin J. ORCID: 0000-0002-5772-9770 (2015) Imperial ontological (in)security: ‘buffer states’, international relations and the case of Anglo-Afghan relations, 1808–1878. European Journal of International Relations, 21 (4). 816 - 840. ISSN 1354-0661

Bechtel, Michael and Sattler, Thomas (2015) What is litigation in the WTO worth? International Organization, 69 (2). 375 - 403. ISSN 0020-8183

Bechtel, Michael M. and Sattler, Thomas (2015) What is litigation in the world trade organization worth? International Organization, 69 (2). pp. 375-403. ISSN 0020-8183

Biswas, Rajiv (2015) Reshaping the financial architecture for development finance: the new development banks. Working Paper (2/2015). London School of Economics and Political Science, Global South Unit, London, UK.

Brenner, David (2015) Ashes of co-optation: from armed group fragmentation to the rebuilding of popular insurgency in Myanmar. Conflict, Security and Development, 15 (4). pp. 337-358. ISSN 1467-8802

Brenner, David (2015) Burmese bordertown blues 1. LSE Research Festival 2015, The London School of Economics and Political Science, GBR.

Brenner, David (2015) Burmese bordertown blues 2. LSE Research Festival 2015, The London School of Economics and Political Science, GBR.

Brenner, David (2015) Burmese bordertown blues 3. LSE Research Festival 2015, The London School of Economics and Political Science, GBR.

Brown, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-3478-7246 (2015) International society, global polity: an introduction to international political theory. SAGE Publications, London, UK. ISBN 9781446227831

Brown, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-3478-7246 (2015) On the disunity of mankind. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 44 (1). pp. 141-143. ISSN 0305-8298

Buzan, Barry (2015) The English School: a neglected approach to International Security Studies. Security Dialogue, 46 (2). pp. 126-143. ISSN 0967-0106

Buzan, Barry and Lawson, George (2015) The global transformation: history, modernity and the making of international relations. Cambridge studies in international relations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781107630802


Callahan, William ORCID: 0000-0001-6103-0586 (2015) Toilet adventures. LSE Research Festival 2015, The London School of Economics and Political Science.

Callahan, William A. ORCID: 0000-0001-6103-0586 (2015) History, tradition and the China dream: socialist modernization in the world of great harmony. Journal of Contemporary China, 24 (96). pp. 983-1001. ISSN 1067-0564

Callahan, William A. ORCID: 0000-0001-6103-0586 (2015) Identity and security in China: the negative soft power of the China dream. Politics, 35 (3-4). pp. 216-229. ISSN 0263-3957

Callahan, William A. ORCID: 0000-0001-6103-0586 (2015) Textualizing cultures: thinking beyond the MIT controversy. Positions, 23 (1). pp. 131-144. ISSN 1067-9847

Callahan, William A. ORCID: 0000-0001-6103-0586 (2015) The visual turn in IR: documentary filmmaking as a critical method. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 43 (3). pp. 891-910. ISSN 0305-8298

Chant, Sylvia ORCID: 0000-0002-0020-3751 (2015) All day every day. LSE Research Festival 2015, The London School of Economics and Political Science, GBR.

Chant, Sylvia ORCID: 0000-0002-0020-3751 (2015) Girl street vendors, Bakau. LSE Research Festival 2015, The London School of Economics and Political Science, GBR.

Chant, Sylvia ORCID: 0000-0002-0020-3751 (2015) The apprentice, Kanifing. LSE Research Festival 2015, The London School of Economics and Political Science, GBR.

Chelotti, Nicola (2015) A 'Diplomatic Republic of Europe'? Explaining role conceptions in EU foreign policy. Cooperation and Conflict, 50 (2). pp. 190-210. ISSN 0010-8367

Chelotti, Nicola (2015) On movies, matrices and scope: some remarks on PTJ's keynote. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 43 (3). pp. 980-983. ISSN 0305-8298

Chelotti, Nicola and Johansson-Nogué, Johansson-Nogué (2015) Stable unpredictability’? An assessment of the Italian-Libyan relations. In: Edwards, Geoffrey and Whitman, Richard, (eds.) Italy's Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century: A Contested Nature? Routledge advances in European politics. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 178-196. ISBN 9780415538343

Chwieroth, Jeffrey ORCID: 0000-0001-8965-0621 (2015) Managing and transforming policy stigmas in international finance: Emerging markets and controlling capital inflows after the crisis. Review of International Political Economy, 22 (1). pp. 44-76. ISSN 0969-2290

Chwieroth, Jeffrey ORCID: 0000-0001-8965-0621 (2015) Professional ties that bind: how normative orientations shape IMF conditionality. Review of International Political Economy, 22 (4). pp. 757-787. ISSN 0969-2290

Chwieroth, Jeffrey ORCID: 0000-0001-8965-0621 and Danielsson, Jon ORCID: 0009-0006-9844-7960 (2015) Averting financial crisis. Britain in 2015.

Chwieroth, Jeffrey ORCID: 0000-0001-8965-0621, Simpson, Cohen R. and Walter, Andrew (2015) Default and political survival in networked democracies since 1870. VoxEU.

Chwieroth, Jeffrey ORCID: 0000-0001-8965-0621 and Walter, Andrew (2015) Great expectations, veto players, and the changing politics of banking crises. Systemic Risk Centre Discussion Papers (28). Systemic Risk Centre, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Chwieroth, Jeffrey ORCID: 0000-0001-8965-0621, Walter, Andrew and Simpson, Cohen R. (2015) If Greece defaults, dominoes will not fall. The Conversation.

Coker, Christopher (2015) Future war. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781509502318

Coker, Christopher (2015) The improbable war: China, the United States and logic of great power conflict. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. ISBN 9780199396276

Cox, Michael (2015) Better times for Greeks? International Affairs at LSE (15 Jul 2015). Website.

Cox, Michael (2015) The Great Game. International Affairs at LSE (10 Jul 2015). Website.

Cox, Michael (2015) Scylla and Charybdis. International Affairs at LSE (09 Jul 2015). Website.


Dalacoura, Katerina ORCID: 0000-0001-5024-7528 (2015) Islamism, democracy and democratization and the 2011 Arab uprisings. Mediterranean Politics, 20 (3). 420 - 426. ISSN 1362-9395

Dalacoura, Katerina ORCID: 0000-0001-5024-7528 (2015) Muslim and modern: why Turkey's ‘turn to the east’ is no slight to the west. Juncture, 21 (4). pp. 324-327. ISSN 2050-5868

Dalacoura, Katerina ORCID: 0000-0001-5024-7528 and Seckinelgin, Hakan ORCID: 0000-0002-0286-8618 (2015) Introduction. In: Dalacoura, Katerina and Seckinelgin, Hakan, (eds.) The State of Democracy in Turkey: Institutions, Society and Foreign Relations. Collected papers (4). LSE Middle East Centre, London, UK, 5 - 7.

Datzberger, Simone (2015) Uganda: Digging for social justice in Karamoja. Africa at LSE (08 Jun 2015). Website.

De Franco, Chiara, Meyer, Christoph O. and Smith, Karen E. ORCID: 0000-0002-2651-7193 (2015) Living by example? the European Union and the implementation of the responsibility to protect (R2P). Journal of Common Market Studies, 53 (5). pp. 994-1009. ISSN 0021-9886

Dill, Janina (2015) The 21st-century belligerent’s trilemma. European Journal of International Law, 26 (1). pp. 83-108. ISSN 0938-5428

Dill, Janina (2015) Ending wars: the jus ad bellum principles suspended, repeated, or adjusted? Ethics, 125 (3). pp. 627-630. ISSN 0014-1704

Dill, Janina (2015) The Janus faced nature of international war and law. Inspires (24 Jun 2015). Website.

Dill, Janina (2015) Legitimate targets? Social construction, international law and US bombing. Cambridge Studies in International Relations. (133). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781107056756

Dill, Janina (2015) "Proportionate" collateral damage and why we should care about what civilians think. Just Security (27 Mar 2015). Website.

Dill, Janina (2015) The informal regulation of drones and the formal legal regulation of war. Ethics and International Affairs, 29 (1). pp. 51-58. ISSN 0892-6794

Dodge, Toby ORCID: 0000-0003-1262-4921 (2015) Enemy images, coercive socio-engineering and civil war in Iraq. In: Turner, Mandy and Kühn, Florian P., (eds.) The Politics of International Intervention: The Tyranny of Peace. Routledge, Oxford, UK, pp. 197-217. ISBN 9781138891272

de Felice, Damiano (2015) Challenges and opportunities in the production of business and human rights indicators to measure the corporate responsibility to respect. Human Rights Quarterly, 37 (2). pp. 511-555. ISSN 0275-0392

de Felice, Damiano (2015) Europeanisation should meet international constructivism: the Nordic Plus group and the internalisation of political conditionality by France and the United Kingdom. European Politics and Society, 17 (1). pp. 58-73. ISSN 2374-5118

de Felice, Damiano and Graf, Andreas (2015) The potential of National Action Plans to implement human rights norms: an early assessment with respect to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 7 (1). pp. 40-71. ISSN 1757-9619


Economides, Spyros and Ker-Lindsay, James (2015) 'Pre-accession Europeanization': the case of Serbia and Kosovo. Journal of Common Market Studies, 53 (5). pp. 1027-1044. ISSN 0021-9886

Escriba-Folch, Abel, Meseguer, Covadonga and Wright, Joseph (2015) Remittances and democratization. International Studies Quarterly, 59 (3). 571 - 586. ISSN 0020-8833


Falkner, Robert ORCID: 0000-0001-9990-6926 (2015) Book review: Greening the globe: world society and environmental change. American Journal of Sociology, 121 (3). pp. 976-978. ISSN 0002-9602

Falkner, Robert ORCID: 0000-0001-9990-6926 (2015) Business involvement in climate negotiations has come a long way. LSE Business Review (09 Dec 2015). Website.

Falkner, Robert ORCID: 0000-0001-9990-6926 (2015) International negotiations: towards minilateralism. Nature Climate Change, 5 (9). pp. 805-806. ISSN 1758-678X

Falkner, Robert ORCID: 0000-0001-9990-6926 (2015) A minilateral solution for global climate change? On bargaining efficiency, club benefits and international legitimacy. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy and Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment working papers (222, 197). Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy and Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London, UK.

Friedman, Rebekka and Jillions, Andrew (2015) The pitfalls and politics of holistic justice. Global Policy, 6 (2). pp. 141-150. ISSN 1758-5880


Garcia, L. Enrique (2015) Comparative advantages and challenges of regionaldevelopment banks: the CAF experience. Policy Brief (2/2015). London School of Economics and Political Science, Global South Unit, London, UK.

Gerges, Fawaz A. ORCID: 0009-0006-1952-0171 (2015) Contentious politics in the Middle East: popular resistance and marginalised activism beyond the Arab uprisings. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.

Gordon, Claire E and Lankina, Tomila V. ORCID: 0000-0002-8303-1747 (2015) The place of local and regional self-government in eastern partnership policy-making and delivery. EU Committee of the Regions (QG-01-15-507-EN-N). European Union. Publications Office, Brussels. ISBN 9789289508278

Guerra-Barón, Angélica and Mendez, Alvaro ORCID: 0000-0002-0919-5081 (2015) A comparative study of foreign economic policies: the CIVETS countries. Working Paper (3/2015). London School of Economics and Political Science, Global South Unit, London, UK.


Haacke, Jürgen ORCID: 0009-0006-3003-369X (2015) Myanmar and the United States: prospects for a limited security partnership. . The United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, Sydney.

Haacke, Jürgen ORCID: 0009-0006-3003-369X (2015) Myanmar and the United States: prospects for a limited security partnership. . The United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, Sydney.

Haacke, Jürgen ORCID: 0009-0006-3003-369X (2015) Myanmar’s big moment: the forthcoming elections are a critical step into a somewhat uncertain future. The Diplomat (29 Oct 2015). Website.

Haacke, Jürgen ORCID: 0009-0006-3003-369X (2015) The United States and Myanmar: from antagonists to security partners. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 34 (2). pp. 55-83. ISSN 1868-1034

Haacke, Jürgen ORCID: 0009-0006-3003-369X (2015) Why did Myanmar's opposition leader just visit China? The Diplomat (15 Jun 2015). Website.

Han, Lu and Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias ORCID: 0000-0003-4637-9477 (2015) Aid fragmentation or aid pluralism? The effect of multiple donors on child survival in developing countries, 1990-2010. World Development, 76. 344 - 358. ISSN 0305-750X

Haspeslagh, Sophie (2015) What next for the peace negotiation between the Colombian government and the FARC? Policy Brief (1/2015). London School of Economics and Political Science, Global South Unit, London, UK.

Hearson, Martin (2015) Tax treaties in sub-Saharan Africa: a critical review. . Tax Justice Network - Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN 9789966185440

Hughes, Christopher R. (2015) Prof. Hughes: "China dismisses most interventions as ways in which the US pursues its own interests, therefore, it opposes most actions". The Journal of Turkish Weekly (13 Apr 2015). Website.


International Relations blog, (2015) European foreign policy unit engaged in debate on Brexit. LSE International Relations Blog (07 Oct 2015). Website.

International Relations blog, (2015) The Global Transformation: history, modernity and the making of international relations – a public discussion. LSE International Relations Blog (16 Apr 2015). Website.

International Relations blog, (2015) Hezbollah, Islamist Politics, and International Society: NEW BOOK by IR Dept PhD alumnus Filippo Dionigi. LSE International Relations Blog (10 Feb 2015). Website.


Jillions, Andrew (2015) When a gamekeeper turns poacher: torture, diplomatic assurances and the politics of trust. International Affairs, 91 (3). pp. 489-504. ISSN 0020-5850

Junbo, Jian and Mendez, Alvaro ORCID: 0000-0002-0919-5081 (2015) Change and continuity in Chinese foreign policy:China’s engagement in the Libyan civil war as a case study. Working Paper (5/2015). London School of Economics and Political Science, Global South Unit, London, UK.


Kalhousova, Irena (2015) Workshop: Brexit and EU foreign policy: the view from other member states. LSE International Relations Blog (15 Mar 2015). Website.

Kefale, Asnake (2015) Regional organizations and security governance: a comparative assessment of IGAD and ASEAN. Working Paper (1/2015). London School of Economics and Political Science, Global South Unit, London, UK.

Knight, Malcolm D. (2015) Reforming the global architecture of financial regulation: the G20, the IMF and the FSB. Special Papers (No 6). Systemic Risk Centre, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Knight, Malcolm D. and Ortiz, Guillermo (2015) Multilateral surveillance: ensuring a focus on key risks to global stability. Special Papers (No 7). Systemic Risk Centre, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.


Lacatus, Cora, Schade, Daniel and Yao, Yuan (2015) Quo vadis IR: method, methodology and innovation. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 43 (3). pp. 767-778. ISSN 0305-8298

Lall, Ranjit ORCID: 0000-0003-1455-3506 (2015) Timing as a source of regulatory influence: a technical elite network analysis of global finance. Regulation and Governance, 9 (2). pp. 125-143. ISSN 1748-5983

Lankina, Tomila V. ORCID: 0000-0002-8303-1747 (2015) Russian citizens owe it to Boris Nemtsov to keep the hope of democracy in Russia alive. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (02 Mar 2015). Website.

Lankina, Tomila V. ORCID: 0000-0002-8303-1747 (2015) The dynamics of regional and national contentious politics in Russia: evidence from a new dataset. Problems of Post-Communism, 62 (1). pp. 26-44. ISSN 1075-8216

Lankina, Tomila V. ORCID: 0000-0002-8303-1747 and Niemczyk, Kinga (2015) Russia's foreign policy and soft power. In: Cadier, David and Light, Margot, (eds.) Russia's Foreign Policy:Ideas, Domestic Politics and External Relations. Palgrave Studies in International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9781137468871

Lankina, Tomila V. ORCID: 0000-0002-8303-1747 and Voznaya, Alisa (2015) New data on protest trends in Russia's regions. Europe-Asia Studies, 67 (2). pp. 327-342. ISSN 0966-8136

Lawson, George (2015) Revolution, non-violence, and the Arab Uprisings. Mobilization, 20 (4). pp. 453-470. ISSN 1086-671X

Lawson, George (2015) Revolutions and the international. Theory and Society, 44 (4). 299 - 319. ISSN 0304-2421


Marchi, Ludovica ORCID: 0000-0002-7371-6128 (2015) Avoiding plunging Italy. In: Marchi, Ludovica, Whitman, Richard and Edwards, Geoffrey, (eds.) Italy's Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century: A Contested Nature? Routledge, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 218-233. ISBN 9780415538343

Marchi, Ludovica ORCID: 0000-0002-7371-6128, Whitman, Richard and Edwards, Geoffrey (2015) Introduction. In: Marchi, Ludovica, Whitman, Richard and Edwards, Geoffrey, (eds.) Italy's Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century: A Contested Nature? Routledge, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9780415538343

Marchi, Ludovica ORCID: 0000-0002-7371-6128, Whitman, Richard and Edwards, Geoffrey (eds.) (2015) Italy's foreign policy in the Twenty-first Century: a contested nature? Routledge, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780415538343

McFate, Sean (2015) New book from IR Department alumnus Sean McFate. LSE International Relations Blog (17 Jun 2015). Website.

Meierhenrich, Jens ORCID: 0000-0002-2165-3268 (2015) The evolution of the office of the prosecutor at the international criminal court: insights from institutional theory. In: Minow, Martha, True-Frost, C. Cora and Whiting, Alex, (eds.) The First Global Prosecutor: Promise and Constraints. Law, Meaning, and Violence. University of Michigan. Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 97-127. ISBN 9780472072514

Mendez, Alvaro ORCID: 0000-0002-0919-5081 (2015) Discussions on the Global South. Concepts of the Global South – Voices from Around the World, 1/2015.

Merk, Jeroen (2015) Global outsourcing and socialisation of labour — the case of Nike. In: van der Pijl, K., (ed.) The International Political Economy of Production. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. ISBN 9781783470204

Millar, Katharine M. ORCID: 0000-0003-2511-5325 (2015) Death does not become her: an examination of the public construction of female American soldiers as liminal figures. Review of International Studies, 41 (4). pp. 757-779. ISSN 0260-2105

Morrison, James A. ORCID: 0000-0001-7188-4374 (2015) This means (bank) war! Corruption and credible commitments in the collapse of the second bank of the United States. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 37 (02). pp. 221-245. ISSN 1053-8372

Murray, Christopher J L, Barber, Ryan M, Foreman, Kyle J, Ozgoren, Ayse Abbasoglu, Abd-Allah, Foad, Abera, Semaw F, Aboyans, Victor, Abraham, Jerry P, Abubakar, Ibrahim, Abu-Raddad, Laith J, Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M, Achoki, Tom, Ackerman, Ilana N, Ademi, Zanfina, Adou, Arsène K, Adsuar, José C, Afshin, Ashkan, Agardh, Emilie E, Alam, Sayed Saidul, Alasfoor, Deena, Albittar, Mohammed I, Alegretti, Miguel A, Alemu, Zewdie A, Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael, Alhabib, Samia, Ali, Raghib, Alla, François, Allebeck, Peter, Almazroa, Mohammad A, Alsharif, Ubai, Alvarez, Elena, Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T, Ameh, Emmanuel A, Amini, Heresh, Ammar, Walid, Anderson, H Ross, Anderson, Benjamin O, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T, Anwari, Palwasha, Arnlöv, Johan, Arsenijevic, Valentina S Arsic, Artaman, Al, Asghar, Rana J, Assadi, Reza, Atkins, Lydia S, Avila, Marco A, Awuah, Baffour, Bachman, Victoria F, Badawi, Alaa, Bahit, Maria C, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Banerjee, Amitava, Barker-Collo, Suzanne L, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lars, Barrero, Lope H, Basu, Arindam, Basu, Sanjay, Basulaiman, Mohammed O, Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Bekele, Tolesa, Bell, Michelle L, Benjet, Corina, Bennett, Derrick A, Bensenor, Isabela M, Benzian, Habib, Bernabé, Eduardo, Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia, Beyene, Tariku J, Bhala, Neeraj, Bhalla, Ashish, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Boris, Biryukov, Stan, Blore, Jed D, Blosser, Christopher D, Blyth, Fiona M, Bohensky, Megan A, Bolliger, Ian W, Başara, Berrak Bora, Bornstein, Natan M, Bose, Dipan, Boufous, Soufiane, Bourne, Rupert R A, Boyers, Lindsay N, Brainin, Michael, Brayne, Carol E, Brazinova, Alexandra, Breitborde, Nicholas J K, Brenner, Hermann, Briggs, Adam D, Brooks, Peter M, Brown, Jonathan C, Brugha, Traolach S, Buchbinder, Rachelle, Buckle, Geoffrey C, Budke, Christine M, Bulchis, Anne, Bulloch, Andrew G, Campos-Nonato, Ismael R, Carabin, Hélène, Carapetis, Jonathan R, Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O, Caso, Valeria, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A, Castro, Ruben E, Catalá-López, Ferrán, Cavalleri, Fiorella, Çavlin, Alanur, Chadha, Vineet K, Chang, Jung-Chen, Charlson, Fiona J, Chen, Honglei, Chen, Wanqing, Chiang, Peggy P, Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel, Chowdhury, Rajiv, Christensen, Hanne, Christophi, Costas A, Cirillo, Massimo, Coates, Matthew M, Coffeng, Luc E, Coggeshall, Megan S, Colistro, Valentina, Colquhoun, Samantha M, Cooke, Graham S, Cooper, Cyrus, Cooper, Leslie T, Coppola, Luis M, Cortinovis, Monica, Criqui, Michael H, Crump, John A, Cuevas-Nasu, Lucia, Danawi, Hadi, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Dansereau, Emily, Dargan, Paul I, Davey, Gail, Davis, Adrian, Davitoiu, Dragos V, Dayama, Anand, De Leo, Diego, Degenhardt, Louisa, Del Pozo-Cruz, Borja, Dellavalle, Robert P, Deribe, Kebede, Derrett, Sarah, Jarlais, Don C Des, Dessalegn, Muluken, Dharmaratne, Samath D, Dherani, Mukesh K, Diaz-Torné, Cesar, Dicker, Daniel, Ding, Eric L, Dokova, Klara, Dorsey, E Ray, Driscoll, Tim R, Duan, Leilei, Duber, Herbert C, Ebel, Beth E, Edmond, Karen M, Elshrek, Yousef M, Endres, Matthias, Ermakov, Sergey P, Erskine, Holly E, Eshrati, Babak, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Faraon, Emerito Jose A, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fay, Derek F, Feigin, Valery L, Felson, David T, Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, Jefferson G, Ferrari, Alize J, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D, Fleming, Thomas D, Foigt, Nataliya, Forouzanfar, Mohammad H, Fowkes, F Gerry R, Paleo, Urbano Fra., Franklin, Richard C, Fürst, Thomas, Gabbe, Belinda, Gaffikin, Lynne, Gankpé, Fortuné G, Geleijnse, Johanna M, Gessner, Bradford D, Gething, Peter, Gibney, Katherine B, Giroud, Maurice, Giussani, Giorgia, Dantes, Hector Gomez, Gona, Philimon, González-Medina, Diego, Gosselin, Richard A, Gotay, Carolyn C, Goto, Atsushi, Gouda, Hebe N, Graetz, Nicholas, Gugnani, Harish C, Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gutiérrez, Reyna A, Haagsma, Juanita, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hagan, Holly, Halasa, Yara A, Hamadeh, Randah R, Hamavid, Hannah, Hammami, Mouhanad, Hancock, Jamie, Hankey, Graeme J, Hansen, Gillian M, Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L, Haro, Josep Maria, Havmoeller, Rasmus, Hay, Simon I, Hay, Roderick J, Heredia-Pi, Ileana B, Heuton, Kyle R, Heydarpour, Pouria, Higashi, Hideki, Hijar, Martha, Hoek, Hans W, Hoffman, Howard J, Hosgood, H Dean, Hossain, Mazeda ORCID: 0000-0002-1878-8145, Hotez, Peter J, Hoy, Damian G, Hsairi, Mohamed, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, Cheng, Huang, John J, Husseini, Abdullatif, Huynh, Chantal, Iannarone, Marissa L, Iburg, Kim M, Innos, Kaire, Inoue, Manami, Islami, Farhad, Jacobsen, Kathryn H, Jarvis, Deborah L, Jassal, Simerjot K, Jee, Sun Ha, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N, Jha, Vivekanand, Jiang, Guohong, Jiang, Ying, Jonas, Jost B, Juel, Knud, Kan, Haidong, Karch, André, Karema, Corine K, Karimkhani, Chante, Karthikeyan, Ganesan, Kassebaum, Nicholas J, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Kazanjan, Konstantin, Kemp, Andrew H, Kengne, Andre P, Keren, Andre, Khader, Yousef S, Khalifa, Shams Eldin A, Khan, Ejaz A, Khan, Gulfaraz, Khang, Young-Ho, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Sungroul, Kim, Yunjin, Kinfu, Yohannes, Kinge, Jonas M, Kivipelto, Miia, Knibbs, Luke D, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kosen, Soewarta, Krishnaswami, Sanjay, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Bicer, Burcu Kucuk, Kuipers, Ernst J, Kulkarni, Chanda, Kulkarni, Veena S, Kumar, G Anil, Kyu, Hmwe H, Lai, Taavi, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lallukka, Tea, Lam, Hilton, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C, Larsson, Anders, Lawrynowicz, Alicia E B, Leasher, Janet L, Leigh, James, Leung, Ricky, Levitz, Carly E, Li, Bin, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Lim, Stephen S, Lind, Maggie, Lipshultz, Steven E, Liu, Shiwei, Liu, Yang, Lloyd, Belinda K, Lofgren, Katherine T, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Looker, Katharine J, Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie, Lotufo, Paulo A, Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Robyn M, Lunevicius, Raimundas, Lyons, Ronan A, Ma, Stefan, Macintyre, Michael F, Mackay, Mark T, Majdan, Marek, Malekzadeh, Reza, Marcenes, Wagner, Margolis, David J, Margono, Christopher, Marzan, Melvin B, Masci, Joseph R, Mashal, Mohammad T, Matzopoulos, Richard, Mayosi, Bongani M, Mazorodze, Tasara T, Mcgill, Neil W, Mcgrath, John J, Mckee, Martin, Mclain, Abigail, Meaney, Peter A, Medina, Catalina, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Mekonnen, Wubegzier, Melaku, Yohannes A, Meltzer, Michele, Memish, Ziad A, Mensah, George A, Meretoja, Atte, Mhimbira, Francis A, Micha, Renata, Miller, Ted R, Mills, Edward J, Mitchell, Philip B, Mock, Charles N, Ibrahim, Norlinah Mohamed, Mohammad, Karzan A, Mokdad, Ali H, Mola, Glen L D, Monasta, Lorenzo, Hernandez, Julio C Montañez, Montico, Marcella, Montine, Thomas J, Mooney, Meghan D, Moore, Ami R, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moran, Andrew E, Mori, Rintaro, Moschandreas, Joanna, Moturi, Wilkister N, Moyer, Madeline L, Mozaffarian, Dariush, Msemburi, William T, Mueller, Ulrich O, Mukaigawara, Mitsuru, Mullany, Erin C, Murdoch, Michele E, Murray, Joseph, Murthy, Kinnari S, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Naidoo, Kovin S, Naldi, Luigi, Nand, Devina, Nangia, Vinay, Narayan, K M Venkat, Nejjari, Chakib, Neupane, Sudan P, Newton, Charles R, Ng, Marie, Ngalesoni, Frida N, Nguyen, Grant, Nisar, Muhammad I, Nolte, Sandra, Norheim, Ole F, Norman, Rosana E, Norrving, Bo, Nyakarahuka, Luke, Oh, In-Hwan, Ohkubo, Takayoshi, Ohno, Summer L, Olusanya, Bolajoko O, Opio, John Nelson, Ortblad, Katrina, Ortiz, Alberto, Pain, Amanda W, Pandian, Jeyaraj D, Panelo, Carlo Irwin A, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Park, Jae-Hyun, Patten, Scott B, Patton, George C, Paul, Vinod K, Pavlin, Boris I, Pearce, Neil, Pereira, David M, Perez-Padilla, Rogelio, Perez-Ruiz, Fernando, Perico, Norberto, Pervaiz, Aslam, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie B, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael R, Phillips, Bryan K, Phillips, David E, Piel, Frédéric B, Plass, Dietrich, Poenaru, Dan, Polinder, Suzanne, Pope, Daniel, Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G, Pourmalek, Farshad, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj, Prasad, Noela M, Pullan, Rachel L, Qato, Dima M, Quistberg, D Alex, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi, Kazem, Rahman, Sajjad U, Raju, Murugesan, Rana, Saleem M, Razavi, Homie, Reddy, K Srinath, Refaat, Amany, Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Resnikoff, Serge, Ribeiro, Antonio L, Richardson, Lee, Richardus, Jan Hendrik, Roberts, D Allen, Rojas-Rueda, David, Ronfani, Luca, Roth, Gregory A, Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Rothstein, David H, Rowley, Jane T, Roy, Nobhojit, Ruhago, George M, Saeedi, Mohammad Y, Saha, Sukanta, Sahraian, Mohammad Ali, Sampson, Uchechukwu K A, Sanabria, Juan R, Sandar, Logan, Santos, Itamar S, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Scarborough, Peter, Schneider, Ione J, Schöttker, Ben, Schumacher, Austin E, Schwebel, David C, Scott, James G, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G, Serina, Peter T, Servan-Mori, Edson E, Shackelford, Katya A, Shaheen, Amira, Shahraz, Saeid, Levy, Teresa Shamah, Shangguan, Siyi, She, Jun, Sheikhbahaei, Sara, Shi, Peilin, Shibuya, Kenji, Shinohara, Yukito, Shiri, Rahman, Shishani, Kawkab, Shiue, Ivy, Shrime, Mark G, Sigfusdottir, Inga D, Silberberg, Donald H, Simard, Edgar P, Sindi, Shireen, Singh, Abhishek, Singh, Jasvinder A, Singh, Lavanya, Skirbekk, Vegard, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Sliwa, Karen, Soneji, Samir, Søreide, Kjetil, Soshnikov, Sergey, Sposato, Luciano A, Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T, Stanaway, Jeffrey D, Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Stein, Dan J, Stein, Murray B, Steiner, Caitlyn, Steiner, Timothy J, Stevens, Antony, Stewart, Andrea, Stovner, Lars J, Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos, Sunguya, Bruno F, Swaminathan, Soumya, Swaroop, Mamta, Sykes, Bryan L, Tabb, Karen M, Takahashi, Ken, Tandon, Nikhil, Tanne, David, Tanner, Marcel, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taylor, Hugh R, Ao, Braden J Te, Tediosi, Fabrizio, Temesgen, Awoke M, Templin, Tara, Ten Have, Margreet, Tenkorang, Eric Y, Terkawi, Abdullah S, Thomson, Blake, Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L, Thrift, Amanda G, Thurston, George D, Tillmann, Taavi, Tonelli, Marcello, Topouzis, Fotis, Toyoshima, Hideaki, Traebert, Jefferson, Tran, Bach X, Trillini, Matias, Truelsen, Thomas, Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis, Tuzcu, Emin M, Uchendu, Uche S, Ukwaja, Kingsley N, Undurraga, Eduardo A, Uzun, Selen B, Van Brakel, Wim H, Van De Vijver, Steven, van Gool, Coen H, Van Os, Jim, Vasankari, Tommi J, Venketasubramanian, N, Violante, Francesco S, Vlassov, Vasiliy V, Vollset, Stein Emil, Wagner, Gregory R, Wagner, Joseph, Waller, Stephen G, Wan, Xia, Wang, Haidong, Wang, Jianli, Wang, Linhong, Warouw, Tati S, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G, Wenzhi, Wang, Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A, Wilkinson, James D, Williams, Thomas N, Wolfe, Charles D, Wolock, Timothy M, Woolf, Anthony D, Wulf, Sarah, Wurtz, Brittany, Xu, Gelin, Yan, Lijing L, Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Pengpeng, Yentür, Gökalp K, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Younis, Mustafa Z, Yu, Chuanhua, Zaki, Maysaa E, Zhao, Yong, Zheng, Yingfeng, Zonies, David, Zou, Xiaonong, Salomon, Joshua A, Lopez, Alan D and Vos, Theo 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