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Balfour, Sebastian (1994) La dictadura, los trabajadores y la ciudad: el movimiento obrero en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona (1939-1988). Historia de cataluña moderna y contemporánea. Institución Alfonso el Magnánimo, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 9788478221219
Boone, Catherine ORCID: 0000-0001-5324-7814
Rentierism and local accumulation in Senegal.
In: Berman, Bruce J. and Leys, Colin, (eds.)
African Capitalists in African Development.
Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 163-188.
ISBN 9781555874177
Boone, Catherine ORCID: 0000-0001-5324-7814
States and ruling classes in sub-Saharan Africa: the enduring contradictions of power.
In: Migdal, Joel Samuel, Kohli, Atul and Shue, Vivienne, (eds.)
State Power and Social Forces: Domination and Transformation in the Third World.
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ISBN 9780521467346
Boone, Catherine ORCID: 0000-0001-5324-7814
Trade, taxes, and tribute: market liberalizations and the new importers in West Africa.
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Breuilly, John (1994) Avoiding postmodernism. Teaching History, 75. pp. 29-30. ISSN 0040-0610
Breuilly, John (1994) Culture, doctrine, politics: three ways of constructing nationalism. In: Beramendi, Justo G., Máiz, Ramón and Núñez, Xosé M., (eds.) Nationalism in europe Past and Present: Actas Do Congreso Internacional Os Nacionalismos en europa Pasado e Presente: Santiago D. Cursos y Congresos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, pp. 127-134. ISBN 8481211958
Breuilly, John (1994) Labour and liberalism in nineteenth-century Europe: essays in comparative history. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719044274
Breuilly, John (1994) Von den unterschichten zur arbeiterklasse: Deutschland 1800-1875. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 20 (2). pp. 251-273. ISSN 0340-613X
Breuilly, John (1994) The sources of nationalist ideology. In: Hutchinson, John and Smith, Anthony D., (eds.) Nationalism. Oxford readers. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 103-113. ISBN 9780192892607
Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
European nationalisms: is there a decline of the nation state?
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Nationalism in europe Past and Present: Actas Do Congreso Internacional Os Nacionalismos en europa Pasado e Presente, Santiage D.
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, pp. 363-376.
ISBN 9788481211955
Conversi, Daniele ORCID: 0000-0002-6618-2738
Violence as ethnic border: the unintended consequence of cultural assimilation in Croatian, Kurdish and Basque nationalism.
In: Beramendi, Justo G, Máiz Suárez, Ramón and Núñez Seixas, Xosé M, (eds.)
Nationalism in europe Past and Present: Actas Do Congreso Internacional Os Nacionalismos en europa Pasado e Presente, Santiage D.
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, pp. 167-198.
ISBN 9788481211955
Hughes, James ORCID: 0000-0002-8516-7402
The 'Americanization' of Russian politics: Russia's first television election, December 1993.
Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 10 (2).
pp. 125-150.
ISSN 1352-3279
Hughes, James ORCID: 0000-0002-8516-7402
Capturing the Russian peasantry: Stalinist grain procurement policy and the "Ural-Siberian method".
Slavic Review, 53 (1).
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ISSN 0037-6779
Hughes, James ORCID: 0000-0002-8516-7402
Regionalism in Russia: the rise and fall of Siberian agreement.
Europe-Asia Studies, 46 (7).
pp. 1133-1161.
ISSN 0966-8136
Hutchinson, John ORCID: 0000-0002-2088-8305
Modern nationalism.
Fontana movements and ideas.
Fontana, London, UK.
ISBN 9780586090565
Madeley, John (1994) Book review: religious policy in the Soviet Union. Political Studies, 42 (1). pp. 135-140. ISSN 0032-3217
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Phillips, Anne (1994) Comment: Whose community? Which individuals? In: Miliband, David, (ed.) Reinventing the Left. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 123-128. ISBN 074561390X
Phillips, Anne (1994) Dealing with difference: a politics of ideas or a politics of presence? Constellations, 1. pp. 88-91. ISSN 1351-0487
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Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ORCID: 0000-0002-8041-0856
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Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl ORCID: 0000-0002-7820-6231
Linking constituency interests to legislative voting behavior: the role of district economic and electoral composition in the repeal of the corn laws.
In: Phillips, John, (ed.)
Computing Parliamentary History: From George Iii to Victoria.
Parliamentary History.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 86-118.
ISBN 074860488x
Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl ORCID: 0000-0002-7820-6231
Literature review: the Uruguay round, the European Union and the regionalization of trade.
Newsletter of the American Political Science Association's Organized Section in Comparative Politics, 5 (1).
pp. 15-16.
Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl ORCID: 0000-0002-7820-6231, Bulmer, Martin and McKennell, Aubrey
Training in quantitative methods for postgraduate social scientists: the view from the others side of the fence.
In: Burgess, Robert. G., (ed.)
Postgraduate Education and Training in the Social Sciences: Processes and Prospects.
Higher education policy series (19).
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, UK, pp. 182-203.
ISBN 185302533x