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Items where Division is "Gender Studies" and Year is 2009

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Number of items: 35.


Burchell, Kevin, Franklin, Sarah and Holden, Kerry (2009) Public culture as professional science: final report of the ScoPE project (scientists on public engagement: from communication to deliberation?). . BIOS (Centre for the Study of Bioscience, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Society), London, UK.


Chant, Sylvia ORCID: 0000-0002-0020-3751 (2009) Gender and manufacturing employment. In: Women in Asia: Critical Concepts in Asian Studies, Volume 2, Redefining Working Women. Routledge, London, pp. 142-185. ISBN 9780415445252

Chant, Sylvia ORCID: 0000-0002-0020-3751 (2009) La ‘femenización de la pobreza’ en Costa Rica ¿un problema para las mujeres y los niños? Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, 33-34. pp. 205-260. ISSN 0377-7316

Chant, Sylvia ORCID: 0000-0002-0020-3751 (2009) Single motherhood and poverty: the case of the Netherlands. In: Single Motherhood and Poverty : the Case of the Netherlands. Amsterdam University Press, Netherlands, pp. 5-7. ISBN 9789052603254


Evans, Mary (2009) Can women be intellectuals? In: Fleck, Christian, Hess, Andreas and Lyon, Stina E., (eds.) Intellectuals and Their Publics. Ashgate Dartmouth, Farnham, UK, pp. 29-40. ISBN 9780754675402

Evans, Mary (2009) Fings ain't wot they used to be. Feminist Theory, 10 (2). pp. 245-252. ISSN 1464-7001

Evans, Mary (2009) The imagination of evil: detective fiction and the modern world. Continuum literary studies series. Continuum (Firm), London, UK. ISBN 9781847062062


Hemmings, Clare ORCID: 0000-0003-1253-4547 (2009) Against nostalgia in neo-liberal times: a response to Frank Webster. In: Anniversary conference, University of Tampere, Department of Social Sciences, 2009-09-11, University of Tampere, Finland, FIN.

Hemmings, Clare ORCID: 0000-0003-1253-4547 (2009) Contando estórias feministas. Revista Estudos Feministas, 17 (1). pp. 215-241. ISSN 0104-026X

Hemmings, Clare ORCID: 0000-0003-1253-4547 (2009) Generational dilemmas: a response to Iris van der Tuin's ‘"Jumping Generations": on second- and third-wave feminist epistemology’. Australian Feminist Studies, 24 (59). pp. 33-37. ISSN 0816-4649

Henry, Marsha, Higate, Paul and Sanghera, Gurchathen (2009) Positionality and power: the politics of peacekeeping research. International Peacekeeping, 16 (4). pp. 467-482. ISSN 1353-3312

Higate, Paul and Henry, Marsha (2009) Insecure spaces: peacekeeping, power and performance in Haiti, Kosovo and Liberia. Zed Books, London, UK. ISBN 9781842778869


Kabeer, Naila ORCID: 0000-0001-7769-9540 (2009) 2009 world survey on the role of women in development: women's control over economic resources and access to financial resources. . United Nations, New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9789211302752

Kabeer, Naila ORCID: 0000-0001-7769-9540 (2009) Gender and the MDGs: towards a transformative agenda. . Department for International Development, London, UK.

Kabeer, Naila ORCID: 0000-0001-7769-9540 (2009) Passion, pragmatism and the politics of advocacy: the Nordic experience through a 'gender and development' lens. In: Kabeer, Naila, Stark, Agneta and Magnus, Edda, (eds.) Global Perspectives on Gender Equality: Reversing the Gaze. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415963497

Kabeer, Naila ORCID: 0000-0001-7769-9540 (2009) Scoping study on social protection: evidence on impacts and future research directions. . Department for International Development.

Kabeer, Naila ORCID: 0000-0001-7769-9540 (2009) Women's economic empowerment: key issues and policy options. Sida Policy (SIDA51910en). Sweden. Styrelsen för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete, Stockholm.

Kabeer, Naila ORCID: 0000-0001-7769-9540, Haq Kabir, Ariful and Yasmin Huq, Tahera (2009) Quantifying the impact of social mobilisation: donors, civil society and the ‘road not taken’. IDS Working Paper (333). Institute of Development Studies (Brighton, England), Brighton, UK. ISBN 9781858647851

Kabeer, Naila ORCID: 0000-0001-7769-9540 and Kabir, Ariful Haq (2009) Citizenship narratives in the absence of good governance: voices of the working poor in Bangladesh. Working papers (331). Institute of Development Studies (Brighton, England), Brighton. ISBN 9781858647746


Madhok, Sumi ORCID: 0000-0002-3192-6098 (2009) Five notions of Haq: exploring vernacular rights cultures in Southern Asia. New working paper series (25). Gender Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.


Perrons, Diane (2009) Migration: cities, regions and uneven development. European Urban and Regional Studies, 16 (3). pp. 219-223. ISSN 1461-7145

Perrons, Diane (2009) Reflections on gender and pay inequalities in the contemporary service economy. In: Howcroft, Debra and Richardson, Helen, (eds.) Work and Life in the Global Economy: a Gendered Analysis of Service Work. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780230580848

Perrons, Diane (2009) Spatial and gender inequalities in the global economy: a transformative perspective. In: Cramme, Olaf and Diamond, Patrick, (eds.) Social Justice in the Global Age. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 195-218. ISBN 9780745644196

Perrons, Diane (2009) Women and gender equity in employment: patterns, progresses and challenges. Working papers (WP23). Institute for Employment Studies. ISBN 9781851844197

Perrons, Diane and Posocco, Silvia (2009) Globalising failures. Geoforum, 40 (2). pp. 131-135. ISSN 0016-7185 (Submitted)

Phillips, Anne (2009) Religion: ally, threat or just religion? In: Phillips, Anne and Casanova, José, (eds.) A Debate on the Public Role of Religion and Its Social and Gender Implications. Gender and development programme paper (5). United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 39-58.

Phillips, Anne and Casanova, Jose (2009) A debate on the public role of religion and its social and gender implications. Gender and development programme papers (PP-GD-5). United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Geneva, Switzerland.

Plomien, Ania ORCID: 0000-0001-5883-2297 (2009) Welfare state, gender, and reconciliation of work and family in Poland: policy developments and practice in a new EU member. Social Policy and Administration, 43 (2). pp. 136-151. ISSN 0144-5596

Plomien, Ania ORCID: 0000-0001-5883-2297, Perrons, Diane and Kilkey, Majella (2009) Gender orders in a divided Europe: understanding the migrant handyman phenomenon. In: Gendering East/West: a conference to celebrate 25 years of Women’s Studies, 2009-07-08 - 2009-07-10, York, United Kingdom, GBR.

Posocco, Silvia and Perrons, Diane (2009) Globalising failures: Geoforum special issue. Geoforum, 40 (2). pp. 127-284. ISSN 0016-7185


Sabsay, Leticia ORCID: 0000-0001-5567-0464 (2009) Las normas del deseo: imaginario sexual y comunicacion. Ediciones Cátedra, Madrid, Spain. ISBN 9788437625843

Sabsay, Leticia ORCID: 0000-0001-5567-0464 (2009) Por los rumbos de la economía visual: identidades, cuerpos y estéticas. In: Arfuch, Leonor and Devalle, Veronica, (eds.) Visualidades Sin Fin: Imagen y Diseño en la Sociedad Global. Comunicación y crítica cultural. Prometeo Libros, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 75 - 104. ISBN 9875743062

Sabsay, Leticia ORCID: 0000-0001-5567-0464 (2009) Tras la firma de Judith Butler: una introduccion posible a los ecos de su escritura. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 4 (3). 3 - 12. ISSN 1695-9752

Shahrokni, Nazanin ORCID: 0000-0002-3501-0677 (2009) All the President's women. MERIP Middle East Report, 253. pp. 1-6. ISSN 0899-2851


Wearing, Sadie ORCID: 0000-0002-8480-4895 (2009) Narratives of decline and degeneration?: representing the aging body. In: 2nd BSA Ageing Body and Society Study Group Annual Conference, 2009-07-20, London, United Kingdom, GBR. (Submitted)

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