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Astuti, Rita ORCID: 0000-0002-8399-0753 and Harris, Paul L.
Understanding mortality and the life of the ancestors in rural Madagascar.
Cognitive Science, 32 (4).
pp. 713-740.
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Axelby, Richard (2008) Calcutta botanic garden and the colonial re-ordering of the Indian environment. Archives of Natural History, 35 (1). pp. 150-163. ISSN 0260-9541
Banerjee, Mukulika ORCID: 0009-0002-0309-2214
Democracy, sacred and everyday: an ethnographic case from India.
In: Paley, Julia, (ed.)
Democracy: Anthropological Approaches.
Advanced seminar.
School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM, USA, pp. 63-96.
ISBN 9781934691076
Barros, Alonso (2008) Agua subterránea: autonomía, discrminación y justicia ambiental en el Salar de Atacama. In: Bello M., Álvaro and Aylwin O., José, (eds.) Globalización, Derechos Humanos y Pueblos Indígenas. Observatorio de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, Temuco, Chile. ISBN 9789568775001
Barros, Alonso (2008) De las castas y la pobreza indígena en Chile. Anales del Instituto de Chile (27). pp. 213-262. ISSN 0716-6117
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Logics of interdisciplinarity.
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pp. 20-49.
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Bear, Laura, Carolin, Clare, Pollock, Griselda, Sidén, Ann Sofi and Haynes, Cathy (2008) The politics of display: Ann-Sofisidén's warte MAl!, art history and social documentary. In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.) Exhibition Experiments. New interventions in art history. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA, USA, pp. 154-174. ISBN 9781405130769
Blanes, Ruy Llera (2008) O Atlântico cristão: apontamentos encontros religiosos em Lisboa. In: Cabral, Manuel Villaverde, Wall, Karin, Aboim, Sofia and Da Silva, Filipe Carreira, (eds.) Itinerários: a Investigação Nos 25 Anos Do Ics. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, Libsoa, Portugal. ISBN 9789726712244
Blanes, Ruy Llera (2008) Os aleluias: ciganos evangélicos e música. Imprensa de Ciêncas Sociais, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 9789726712251
Blanes, Ruy Llera (2008) Satan, agent musical: le pouvoir ambivalent de la musique chez les Tsiganes évangéliques de la péninsule Ibérique. Terrain: Revue d'ethnologie de L'europe, 50. pp. 82-99. ISSN 0760-5668
Blanes, Ruy Llera (2008) Um cemitério chamado Europa: cristianismo, consciência global e identidades migratórias. In: Carmo, Renato do, Melo, Daniel and Blanes, Ruy Llera, (eds.) A Globalização No Divã. Tinta de China, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 9789728955540
Blanes, Ruy Llera and Sarró, Ramon (2008) European Christianities at the turn of the millennium: an introduction. Etnográfica, 12 (2). pp. 371-376. ISSN 0873-6561
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Bloch, Maurice (2008) Truth and sight: generalizing without universalizing. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (s1). s22-s32. ISSN 1359-0987
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Brandtstädter, Susanne and Santos, Gonçalo D. (2008) Introduction: Chinese kinship metamorphoses. In: Brandtstädter, Susanne and Santos, Gonçalo D., (eds.) Chinese Kinship: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Routledge Contemporary China series. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9780415456975
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Bénéï, Véronique (2008) Schooling passions: nation, history, and language in contemporary western India. Stanford University Press, Stanford. ISBN 9780804759052
Carmo, Renato do, Melo, Daniel and Blanes, Ruy Llera (2008) Prefácio: a globalização vista pelo seu redor. In: Carmo, Renato do, Melo, Daniel and Blanes, Ruy Llera, (eds.) A Globalização No Divã. Tinta de China, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 9789728955540
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Engelke, Matthew (2008) The objects of evidence. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14. S1-S21. ISSN 1467-9655
Fay, Derrick and James, Deborah ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-197X
The anthropology of land restitution: an introduction.
In: Fay, Derrick and James, Deborah, (eds.)
The Rights and Wrongs of Land Restitution: ‘Restoring What Was Ours’.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 1-24.
ISBN 9780415461085
Feuchtwang, Stephan (2008) Centres and margins: the organisation of extravagance as self-government in China. In: Pine, Frances and Pina-Cabral, João de, (eds.) On the Margins of Religion. Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK, pp. 135-153. ISBN 9781845454098
Feuchtwang, Stephan (2008) Disruption, commemoration and family repair. In: Brandtstädter, Susanne and Santos, Gonçalo D., (eds.) Chinese Kinship: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Routledge Contemporary China Series. Routledge, London, pp. 223-245. ISBN 9780415456975
Feuchtwang, Stephan (2008) History and the transmission of shared loss: the great leap famine in china and the Luku incident in Taiwan. In: Sautedé, Eric, (ed.) History and Memory: Present Reflections on the Past to Build Our Future. Macau Ricci Institute Studies (5). Macau Ricci Institute, Macao, China, pp. 163-189. ISBN 9789993794707
Feuchtwang, Stephan (2008) Suggestions for a redefinition of charisma. Nova Religio, 12 (2). pp. 90-105. ISSN 1092-6690
Fuller, C. J. and Narasimhan, Haripriya (2008) Companionate marriage in India: the changing marriage system in a middle-class Brahman subcaste. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (4). pp. 736-754. ISSN 1359-0987
Fuller, C. J. and Narasimhan, Haripriya (2008) From landlords to software engineers: migration and urbanization among Tamil Brahmans. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 50 (1). pp. 170-196. ISSN 0010-4175
Gardner, Katy ORCID: 0000-0002-5608-7585
Keeping connected: security, place, and social capital in a 'Londoni' village in Sylhet.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (3).
pp. 124-149.
ISSN 1359-0987
Gardner, Katy ORCID: 0000-0002-5608-7585
Some 'migration moments'...
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Harris, Olivia (2008) Alterities: kinship and gender. In: Poole, Deborah, (ed.) A Companion to Latin American Anthropology. Blackwell companions to anthropology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Malden, Mass., pp. 276-302. ISBN 9780631234685
High, Mette (2008) Wealth and envy in the Mongolian gold mines. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 27 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0305-7674
Jalais, Annu (2008) Unmasking the cosmopolitan tiger. Nature and Culture, 3 (1). pp. 25-40. ISSN 1558-5468
Knight, Nicola and Astuti, Rita ORCID: 0000-0002-8399-0753
Some problems with property ascription.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (s1).
ISSN 1359-0987
Kuper, Adam (2008) [Book review]: A philosopher among the Crow. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (2). pp. 426-430. ISSN 1359-0987
Kuper, Adam (2008) Changing the subject: about cousin marriage, among other things (Huxley Lecture, Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 Dec 2007). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (4). pp. 717-735. ISSN 1359-0987
Kwon, Heonik (2008) Co so cach mang and the social network of war. In: Bradley, Mark Philip and Young, Marilyn B., (eds.) Making Sense of the Vietnam Wars: Local, National, and Transnational Perspectives. Reinterpreting history. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. ISBN 9780195315134
Kwon, Heonik (2008) Excavating the history of collaboration. Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. ISSN 1557-4660
Kwon, Heonik (2008) Ghosts of war in Vietnam. Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare. , 27 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521880619
Kwon, Heonik (2008) The Korean war mass graves. Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. ISSN 1557-4660
Kwon, Heonik (2008) The ghosts of the American war in Vietnam. Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. ISSN 1557-4660
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McBrien, Julie and Pelkmans, Mathijs ORCID: 0000-0001-5188-3470
Turning Marx on his head.
Critique of Anthropology, 28 (1).
pp. 87-103.
ISSN 0308-275X
McNeill, Fraser G. (2008) ‘We sing about what we cannot talk about’: music as anthropological evidence in Venda, South Africa. In: Chau, Liana, High, Casey and Lau, Timm, (eds.) How Do We Know? Evidence, Ethnography, and the Making of Anthropological Knowledge. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK, pp. 36-58. ISBN 9781847185815
McNeill, Fraser G. and James, Deborah ORCID: 0000-0002-4274-197X
Singing songs of AIDS in Venda, South Africa: performance, pollution and ethnomusicology in a ‘neo-liberal’ setting.
South African Music Studies, 28.
pp. 1-30.
ISSN 0258-509X
Parry, Jonathan (2008) Cosmopolitan values in a central Indian steel town. In: Werbner, Pnina, (ed.) Anthropology and the New Cosmopolitanism: Rooted, Feminist and Vernacular Perspectives. Association of Social Anthropologists Monographs. Berg (Firm), Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781847881977
Parry, Jonathan P. (2008) Foreword. In: Barrett, Ronald L., (ed.) Aghor Medicine: Pollution, Death, and Healing in Northern India. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, USA. ISBN 9780520252189
Pelkmans, Mathijs ORCID: 0000-0001-5188-3470
Book review: communities of the converted: Ukrainians and global evangelism - Catherine Wanner.
Slavic Review, 67 (4).
pp. 1018-1019.
ISSN 0037-6779
Pelkmans, Mathijs ORCID: 0000-0001-5188-3470
Book review: urban life in post-Soviet Asia.
Ab Imperio, 2008 (3).
pp. 453-457.
ISSN 2166-4072
Santos, Gonçalo D. (2008) On "same-year siblings" in rural South China. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (3). pp. 535-553. ISSN 1359-0987
Santos, Gonçalo D. (2008) The ‘stove-family’ and the process of kinship in rural South China. In: Brandtstädter, Susanne and Santos, Gonçalo D., (eds.) Chinese Kinship: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Routledge Contemporary China series. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 112-136. ISBN 9780415456975
Scott, Michael W. ORCID: 0000-0002-2301-6924
Proto-people and precedence: encompassing Euroamericans through narratives of 'first contact' in Solomon Islands.
In: Stewart, Pamela J. and Strathern, Andrew, (eds.)
Exchange and Sacrifice.
Carolina Academic Press, Durham, N. C., USA, pp. 141-176.
ISBN 9781594601798
Shah, Alpa ORCID: 0000-0003-1233-6516
Keeping the state away: democracy, politics and imaginations of the state in India’s Jharkhand.
In: Skoda, Uwe and Guzy, Lidia, (eds.)
Power Plays.
Indo-European Studies in Politics and Society.
Weissensee Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
ISBN 9783899981421
Stafford, Charles ORCID: 0000-0002-8024-5563
Actually existing Chinese matriarchy.
In: Brandtstädter, Susanne and Santos, Gonçalo D., (eds.)
Chinese Kinship: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives.
Routledge Contemporary China Series.
Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 137-153.
ISBN 9780415456975
Stafford, Charles ORCID: 0000-0002-8024-5563
Linguistic and cultural variables in the psychology of numeracy.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (s1).
pp. 128-141.
ISSN 1359-0987
Struempell, Christian and Parry, Jonathan (2008) On the desecration of Nehru’s ‘temples’: Bhilai and Rourkela compared. Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (19). pp. 47-57. ISSN 0012-9976
Valletti, Mónica Cornejo, Delgado, Manuela Cantón and Blanes, Ruy Llera (2008) Introducción: la religión en movimiento. In: Valle, Mónica Cornejo, Delgado, Manuela Cantón and Blanes, Ruy Llera, (eds.) Teorías y Prácticas Emergentes En la Antropología De la Religión: Actas Del Simposio. XI Congreso de Antropología: retos teóricos y nuevas prácticas. Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español (FAAEE), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, pp. 9-20. ISBN 9788469149621
Weszkalnys, Gisa ORCID: 0009-0006-4447-121X
Hope & oil: expectations in São Tomé e Príncipe.
Review of African Political Economy, 35 (117).
pp. 473-482.
ISSN 0305-6244
Weszkalnys, Gisa ORCID: 0009-0006-4447-121X
A robust square: planning, youth work, and the making of public space in post-unification Berlin.
City and Society, 20 (2).
pp. 251-274.
ISSN 0893-0465