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Willner, Paul, Hartman, Todd K. and Bentall, Richard (2022) New research shows freedom of movement is not toxic to Leavers, who are almost as positive about it as Remainers. British Politics and Policy at LSE (05 Sep 2022). Blog Entry.
Bentall, Richard, Willner, Paul and Hartman, Todd K. (2022) A party that backed deal with Europe could win support from both Leavers and Remainers. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) blog (31 Mar 2022). Blog Entry.
Bentall, Richard, Willner, Paul and Hartman, Todd K. (2022) A party which supported a new deal with Europe would likely benefit at the ballot box by support from both Leavers and Remainers. British Politics and Policy at LSE (30 Mar 2022). Blog Entry.