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Teodorovicz, Thomaz, Sadun, Raffaella, Kun, Andrew L. and Shaer, Orit (2022) Working harder and longer: how managers use their time when working from home. LSE COVID-19 Blog (29 Apr 2022). Blog Entry.
Teodorovicz, Thomaz, Sadun, Raffaella, Kun, Andrew L. and Shaer, Orit (2022) How does working from home during Covid-19 affect what managers do? Evidence from time-use studies. CEP Discussion Papers (1844). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.
Teodorovicz, Thomaz, Kun, Andrew L., Sadun, Raffaella and Shaer, Orit (2022) Multitasking while driving: a time use study of commuting knowledge workers to access current and future uses. CEP Discussion Papers (1841). London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic Performance, London, UK.