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Bakker, Bert, Rooduijn, Matthijs and Schumacher, Gijs (2016) Donald Trump’s support comes from two distinct groups:authoritarians who oppose immigration and anti-establishmentvoters. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (02 Sep 2016). Website.
Bakker, Bert, Klemmensen, Robert, Nørgaard, Asbjørn Sonne and Schumacher, Gijs (2016) Staying loyal or leaving the party? How open and extrovert personality traits help explain vote switching. British Politics and Policy at LSE (23 May 2016). Website.
Bakker, Bert (2016) Are extroverts more Eurosceptic? How personalities shape attitudes toward the EU. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (20 Apr 2016). Website.