Colorni, Alberto, Ferretti, Valentina
ORCID: 0000-0002-6656-0049, Luè, Alessandro, Oppio, Alessandra, Paruscio, Valerio and Tomasini, Luca
Rethinking feasibility analysis for urban development: a multidimensional decision support tool.
In: Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Misra, S., Borruso, G., Torre, C. M., Rocha, A. M. A. C., Taniar, D., Apduhan, B. O., Stankova, E. and Cuzzocrea, A., (eds.)
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017.
Lecture notes in computer science.
Springer International (Firm), Cham, Switzerland, pp. 624-638.
ISBN 9783319623979
Large-scale urban development projects featured over the past thirty years have shown some critical issues related to the implementation phase. Con-sequently, the current practice seems oriented toward minimal and wide-spread interventions meant as urban catalyst. This planning practice might solve the problem of limited reliability of large developments’ feasibility studies, but it rises an evaluation demand related to the selection of coali-tion of projects within a multidimensional and multi-stakeholders deci-sion-making context. This study aims to propose a framework for the generation of coalitions of elementary actions in the context of urban regeneration processes and for their evaluation using a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis approach. The proposed evaluation framework supports decision makers in exploring dif-ferent combinations of actions in the context of urban interventions taking into account synergies, i.e. positive or negative effects on the overall per-formance of an alternative linked to the joint realization of specific pairs of actions. The proposed evaluation framework has been tested on a pilot case study dealing with urban regeneration processes in the city of Milan (Italy).
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