Robson, Ruthann
After the supreme court’s hobby lobby decision, congress should consider amending or even repealing the religious freedom restoration act.
LSE American Politics and Policy
(02 Jul 2014).
This week saw a sharply divided decision from the United States Supreme Court in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. In deciding that corporations are allowed to object to providing health insurance for employees that includes contraceptive coverage on religious grounds under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), the Court’s majority has sided with corporations and religious conservatives and against the federal government’s Obamacare and gender equality. Ruthann Robson argues the Congress has a number of options for changing the RFRA in the aftermath of the decision: it could amend the RFRA to define “person” as not including for profit corporations; change the level of scrutiny of the Act; or it could simply repeal it.
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