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European elections 2019: what will happen in England’s south east?

(2019) European elections 2019: what will happen in England’s south east? Democratic Audit Blog (22 May 2019). Blog Entry.

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This is the UK’s biggest European regional constituency, returning ten MEPs. So it is the area where the most proportional results are feasible, and where smaller parties (those that can reach 6–8% support) have the best chance of gaining a seat. Traditionally a Conservative stronghold in all other elections, UKIP nonetheless came first here in 2014. That inheritance has now passed to the Brexit Party, which fields Nigel Farage as their top candidate and is now certain to win four seats here, and probably a fifth. Since Conservative support has apparently slumped, the Liberal Democrats are sure of winning a seat and should get two if current polls are right. The Tories, Greens and Labour should all get one seat each, and with small increments in support each (plus Change UK) might vie with the Brexit Party for the last of the region’s seats. With voters able to cast only a single vote for a party list in the election, which takes place on Thursday, 23 May, the Democratic Audit team reviews likely outcomes for the parties and the main potentially electable candidates.

Item Type: Online resource (Blog Entry)
Official URL:
Additional Information: © 2019 The Author(s)
Divisions: LSE
Subjects: J Political Science > JN Political institutions (Europe) > JN101 Great Britain
Date Deposited: 23 May 2022 14:03
Last Modified: 16 May 2024 09:58

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